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Chapter 242 Thanos is coming

Yang Bo patted the raccoon Rocket who came up to him. He smiled and took out the magical spring water from his backpack and said, Rocket, I have a treasure here that can save you from the pain of gender reassignment. Do you want a drink?

Rocket stared at the spring water that Yang Bo took out, rolled his eyes, and took it: I... I'll think about it!

As he spoke, he put the spring water directly into his backpack. Looking at Rocket's behavior, Yang Bo smiled and knew that Rocket wouldn't use it, but it didn't matter.

Someone will definitely pay the price of a mere two or three inches for this.

Rocket, a friendly reminder, this is for external use, not internal use!

He patted Rocket's little head. This time Rocket was unusually lifeless.

Everyone else in the room came to their senses in shock and looked at Yang Bo with complicated eyes, gaining a new understanding of his strength.

Hawkeye was the most excited. He walked up to Yang Bo and said, Can you resurrect Natasha?

Yang Bo looked at Hawkeye's red eyes full of hope, sighed and said, Sorry, it's not possible! If it's okay before Natasha's death, there's nothing I can do after she dies!

Maybe Orochimaru can, but I don’t know if the death of the dead in the Marvel world is the goddess of death. If so, if the other party summons the soul to follow again, then everyone will play GG amidst laughter and joy!

Unless I can trick her into my world.

Hawkeye's hope was shattered and his eyes lost their luster. He walked to the side window like a zombie, mourning the death of Natasha.

At this moment, a cell phone rang, and everyone's eyes were focused on Hawkeye.

Hawkeye took out his cell phone from his pocket, and when he saw his wife's caller ID on it, the sadness on his face quickly disappeared.

'Love disappears, doesn't it? ’

Yang Bo said: It seems that the snap of fingers worked, it's time to bring Thanos!

Everyone nodded seriously.

This battle is inevitable.

By the way, I've booked Thanos, but I still need a farmer to farm!

Tony: Yang! What do you want with that purple thing?

Purple stuff? ? ?

Yang Bo: ...

Very good, very powerful. When Thanos comes, you will have a duel with him!

Being a collectible is also the overlord of the universe. Although it's a bit extreme, I think I can handle it!

Everyone looked at each other when they heard Yang Bo's words. We are all fighting for Thanos. You actually want to hide Thanos!

The God of Thunder looked very excited and said, No! I'm going to chop off his head!

Yang Bo was a little helpless: After I subdue him, you can chop him as you please!

Thor: ...

Thinking of Tony's situation, I thought to myself: 'After you subdue him, I'm afraid I won't be able to kill him! ’

Soon Ant-Man brought Nebula over.

Nebula's expression did not fluctuate much. He looked at everyone and said directly: You will die, and everyone who resists my father will die!

Whether he dies or not is between us and Thanos, you just need to bring him here! Let her go! Yang Bo said to Nebula.

Nebula moved her wrist that had been restrained just now, glanced at everyone, and walked directly to the time traveling machine. Her fingers deformed directly and were inserted into the control computer.

When Yang Bo saw this scene, an idea popped into his mind.

‘Does this count as communication between robots? ’

The machine began to slowly start up, and the machine began to emerge with great power.

Soon a mini spaceship broke through the roof and flew outside.

Yang Bo looked at the hole in the ceiling and said with some embarrassment: I forgot!

Tony also looked at the ceiling and complained: Yang, have you forgotten something?

Yang Bo slapped his head and said: When you said this, I remembered one more thing. Thanos did not come down directly when he traveled through time. Instead, he used bombs to wash the ground first!


Yang Bo quickly built a small space with blocks: Come in quickly!!!

Everyone quickly hid in the space built by Yang Bo.

Yang Bo quickly sealed the entrance.

The space was pitch dark. Due to the rush of time, although there was a construction staff, the space was not very large. After everyone came in, it seemed a bit crowded.

Who touched my butt? Rogers' voice came.

The entire dark space immediately became quiet.

It's not me! Yang Bo was the first to speak. He was the furthest away from Rogers, followed by Tony who was standing next to him: It's not me either, I can't reach it!

Yang Bo took a small step back after hearing this: Tony, you mean you'll touch it as long as you can reach it, right?

No, no, no! Yang, I like women, and the whole world knows this!

Although you can't see Tony's expression, you can hear in his panicked voice that he is very excited!

Yang Bo took out a torch and stuck it on the wall, and the dark space suddenly became brighter.

Everyone finally saw clearly that the person behind Rogers was Thanos' adopted daughter Nebula.

Seeing everyone's gaze, Nebula's transformed metal cheeks couldn't help but be a little bit irresistible.

I didn't mean it just now! But it feels good!

Everyone focused their attention on Rogers' sexy butt behind him, and Rogers was so frightened that he quickly blocked his body with a shield.


There was a loud noise, and the whole earth trembled, but the people inside the square did not receive any harm.

Blocks with explosion-proof properties are really useful.

Although some are not soundproof.

Tony's poisonous tongue turned on him and said to Nebula: Your father is here, why did you run in too? You actually took advantage!

Nebula had nothing to say. She knew Thanos very well. Thanos would never give up his dream for her. This was also true. The continuous sound of gunfire outside proved this.

Yang Bo also chimed in and said: I personally support equality between men and women, captain, please touch me back!

Tony didn't mind the big deal either: That's right! Touch it back!

Rogers' head shook like a rattle: Forget it, forget it!

Yang Bo looked at Rogers angrily and sighed.

The sound of bombing outside also stopped at this time. Yang Bo took out a pickaxe and demolished a block to observe the situation outside.

The building that was there just now has disappeared, and there are some wreckage everywhere, as well as burning flames.

The huge space battleship in the sky slowly landed, and a beam of light shone directly on the spacecraft and hit the ground.

A purple bald man, wearing brand new armor and holding a huge double-edged sword, walked out of the pillar of light.

It is the Thanos that everyone dreams of.

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