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Chapter 235 Someone comes at the end

Yang Bo was playing with the Cosmic Cube and the Chitauri Scepter containing the Mind Stone.

Gemstones and Rubik's cubes are radiating fascinating colors.


Yang Bo experimented and found that this thing can only work in the Marvel world and has no use in other places.

The Infinity Stone functions like a key and does not match other worlds at all.

“But it’s good to be a collectible!”

Yang Bo raised his head and said to Frank: Frank, after you use it up, can you give it to me as a collection!

Frank nodded: Okay!

When he went to Sky Island before, he had seen Yang Bo's collection room, but at that time it only contained some monster heads and the trophies of the Twilight boss.

Frank felt it was too dangerous for these gems to fall into the hands of his enemies.

If possible, Frank hopes that Yang Bo can take away all six gems, and just wait until they are used to find the group leader.

Then everyone began to discuss where to open the portal.

Meanwhile on the streets of New York.

Several figures appeared here.

Several people were looking at the intact buildings around them with confused expressions.

Damn! Dr. Banner, did you set the wrong time?

The person who spoke was none other than Tony. It was just this Tony. He no longer had that high-spirited look, and he looked a little older. There seemed to be an uncontrollable sadness between his eyebrows.

Upon hearing Tony's inquiry, Banner in Hulk form quickly raised his arm to check the message.

The time is correct!

But looking at the still bustling city around him, Banner couldn't help but feel guilty.

Tony looked at the crowd surrounding him and said, Let's get out of here first!

The group of people nodded and left here.

Everyone came to a secluded park.

Ant-Man's expression was not good-looking: Pym particles are only enough for one person to travel through time again!

Captain America Steve said equally seriously: The Mind Stone only appears during this war. At other times, it is still in the hands of Thanos and cannot be obtained at all!

Tony used the device in his hand to connect to the network and check the information on it.

There's no news about Loki at all, damn! Wait...

Tony's expression changed.

Obadei is not dead!! Tony looked at the news of Obadiah being imprisoned in surprise.

Obadiah in this world had no chance to develop Iron Overlord, but Tony was still sent to prison after discovering the truth.

A lot of things have changed! It seems that we are not going back to the past! It is a brand new universe!

Tony had already speculated about this before, but this time he finally confirmed his thoughts.

What now? Dr. Banner asked.

Tony was lost in thought.

Inside Tony's villa, everyone was holding a lively banquet at the moment.

Jarvis's voice suddenly came out.

Mr. Stark, I have special news. I hope you will check it out!

After hearing this, Tony said directly: Well, open the message!

Suddenly a light screen appeared in front of Tony. It was the photo of Hulk and the others appearing on the streets of New York. It was photographed by the onlookers and transmitted to the Internet.

Captain America, Hulk Banner, and guys I don't know, and the handsome me! Tony looked at the projected photo and looked at the people on it with a smile.

Tony doesn't even know Ant-Man now.

Whose picture is this? Is it this strange guy? Tony didn't know the plot behind it, so he thought it was a prank by someone on the Internet.

Jarvis's voice came again.

Sir, there are no signs of manipulation on this photo, and through surveillance, this photo is real!

Tony was stunned: Jarvis, you mean, I took photos with these people, but I didn't know?

Yang Bo and all the group members looked at this scene with smiles, and no one said anything.

Even Frank was holding a glass of red wine and watching Tony and Jarvis talking.

Jarvis: Sir, this photo was taken half an hour ago!

The smile on Tony's face disappeared and he asked seriously: Jarvis, where are these people now?

Tony now wonders if someone is trying to impersonate him, or some strange magic or ninjutsu, but what worries him the most is cloning!

Thinking of the unreasonable biotechnology in Resident Evil in the world of kung fu, Tony's expression became more serious.

Jarvis then directly projected the location of the traveling foursome, which was in a park.

Tony looked at the people who looked exactly like him on the surveillance camera, thought for a moment, and then turned his head to look at everyone.

Guys, I...

Seeing everyone's smiling faces, Tony's face darkened.

He was smart enough to realize that even if this group of people was not responsible for this matter, they must have known something about it.

Tony looked directly at Yang Bo, who had the brightest smile.

What are you looking at me for? It wasn't me! Yang Bo looked at Tony's suspicious eyes and immediately knew what Tony was thinking.

Really, I am such a boring person!

After Yang Bo said these words, everyone in the room who was familiar with Yang Bo looked over and nodded.

Yang Bo: ...

He took out his small notebook and wrote down this matter directly.

When Tony heard that it was not Yang Bo's fault, he continued to ask: Yang, do you know what is going on?

Yang Bo put away the notebook and looked at Tony with a smile: I know, but I don't want to tell you!

For a moment, Tony's heart felt like it was being scratched by a cat.

Don't tell me, I'll go directly to them!

As he spoke, a set of steel armor grew directly on Tony, which was very similar to the nano-armor behind it. However, this armor was the product of a collection of technological and magical creatures. It had the function of self-healing like a living thing, and there were inscriptions engraved on the inside. The scar stretching spell is already filled with all kinds of weapons.

At this time Frank came out and said: I'll go with you!

Frank also put on the armor Tony specially made for him, but it was the previous model.

Frank, who knew the plot, certainly knew the origin of the other party, but when he saw that the group leader didn't tell him, he knew Yang Bo's bad taste, and he didn't tell Tony either.

It may be Yang Bo's infection, Frank also wants to see what Tony sees happening to Tony in the future.

It doesn't hurt after all.

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