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Chapter 221 Don’t be surprised if you give gifts to many people

The world of Kung Fu.

After waiting for a while, the coolie finished moving all the goods and walked to Yang Bo's side.

With a little smile on his face: Let's go!

Coolie Qiang's whole body looked like he had been fished out of water, and his sharp muscles were shining in the sun.

Yang Bo looked at Ku Liqiang's bronzed muscles and couldn't help but sigh: Kuli Qiang, your muscles are really stylish!

When Ku Liqiang heard Yang Bo's words, he took a step back naturally.

Yang Bo has a black line on his head, are you serious about this action?

I'm not some scheming 0!

Yang Bo walked with coolies to the city. It is now the 1940s in China, and everything is full of a sense of age.

Especially the high-cut cheongsam fluttering in the wind, Yang Bo couldn't take his eyes off it.

When Ku Liqiang saw Yang Bo's appearance, he could only shake his head.

Sir, where are we going to buy furniture?

Yang Bo finally pulled out his eyes after hearing what Ku Liqiang said. He turned around and said, Go to the bank to change some money first! I'm not familiar with this. Please take me to a more formal bank!

Coolie Qiang didn't ask any questions. Many people coming from the inland now don't have cash, but most of them have some hard currency.

The two walked out of the bank, and Yang Bo felt like he was being watched.

Coolie Qiang, the bank you mentioned is not that good either!

Yang Bo shook his head and had no choice. This era was so chaotic. Not to mention banks and even the police station were all undercover.

As a master among ordinary people, Coolie Qiang was naturally aware of the other party's existence, but he still acted like he didn't know anything.

Okay, if you have money, let's buy some furniture first! He ignored the gangster following him. If there was a chance, Yang Bo wouldn't mind making some extra money.

On the way to the furniture store, a striking figure caught Yang Bo's attention. It was the heroine in Kung Fu, the mute girl who could not speak.

Aqiang, let me treat you to ice cream! Seeing the girl pushing the ice cream cart, Yang Bo felt moved and wanted to get to know her.

Coolie Qiang kept silent and just followed Yang Bo, mainly with the 20 yuan in his pocket. He was so charming that he would do whatever the boss asked him to do!

20 yuan is a lot of money for today's coolie. He can only earn one or two yuan a day.

Yang Bo looked like a gangster and walked up to the mute woman and said with a smile: Boss, two ice creams!

After hearing Yang Bo's words, the mute raised his head slightly, looked at Yang Bo and then stopped the ice cream truck.

When Yang Bo saw the other party's appearance, a word suddenly emerged in his heart.


Bai Zhe had a faint smile on his face, and there was no impurity in his eyes, as if he could see through people's souls. His long black hair was simply tied behind his back.

He smiled and said, Does the girl have a boyfriend? See if I can do it!

Yang Bo just wanted to tease the other person. Maybe the other person was used to people like Yang Bo and ignored Yang Bo.

The mute girl pulled the car and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Yang Bo.

The mute frowned and looked at Yang Bo, and started to form seals with his hands very quickly.

Please stay out of the way! Get out of the way!

Yang Bo heard a sound like wind chimes and froze on the spot in a daze.

He murmured: You can translate in sign language, and you are so powerful in the chat group!

Taking advantage of Yang Bo's dazed moment, the mute girl pulled the car around Yang Bo and continued walking forward.

After Yang Bo came to his senses, the other party had already moved forward without looking back.

Forget it! Wait until next time! Yang Bo suppressed his thoughts and watched the mute girl leave.

Let's go, Aqiang... What do you mean by that look in your eyes? I'm a good person! There's a reason for this! Yang Bo was about to greet Coolie Qiang to go to the furniture store, but Coolie Qiang's eyes were full of contempt!

He didn't know why the gangster who was following him disappeared.

Sitting in the furniture store's truck, Yang Bo finally returned to the Pig Cage Walled City with the new furniture, and asked Coolie Qiang to greet the furniture store delivery boy to deliver the new furniture to his home.

After working for a long time, everything was finally fine.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Yang Bo sat up on the soft big bed.

who is it?

It's my charter wife!

After Yang Bo heard this, he stood up and opened the door. The person standing outside the door was the charterer.

The charterer was standing at the door with a cigarette in her mouth, looking into the house.

Please come in, charterer!

Yang Bo smiled and stepped aside to let the housekeeper in. This time he was a little hesitant to be the housekeeper, because the room was completely new now, and Yang Bo didn't have enough money to buy some good furniture.

The tenant woman flicked the cigarette out of her mouth, and the cigarette drew a perfect arc and fell downstairs in the air.

Ah... Charterwoman, the cigarette butt you threw burned me!

As soon as he heard the sound, Yang Bo recognized the sound of Jiang Bao.

The tenant woman yelled directly below: What do you call it? I'll cut your rent by 20 cents this month!!

Do you want to throw it away, housewife?


Suddenly there was no sound below.

Then the charterer walked into the house and Yang Bo closed the door.

Please sit down! Yang Bo politely asked the tenant to sit on the newly bought chair, took out a water glass and poured the tenant a cup of tea.

I don't know, what's wrong with the charterer?

The charterer said to Yang Bo with a serious face: Boy, we agreed in advance not to do any messy things here, do you understand?

Yang Bo nodded: I know, by the way! When I was buying furniture, I brought you some gifts specially for the housekeeper!

As he spoke, he took out two cigarettes from the drawer.

The charterer looked at the cigarettes Yang Bo took out and was stunned: This... you are too polite!

The charterer put a smile on her face and said, Well, I'll accept the gift first, by the way! You can just live here with peace of mind!

Yang Bo looked at the housewife and then took out a box of high-end cosmetics: Housewife, look, these cosmetics were given to me by a friend. Unfortunately, I don't have any female friends here, otherwise I would have to put them away. Housewife, you If you don’t mind it, take it and use it!”

Of course the charterer knew that this was just a step given to her by Yang Bo. She pretended to shirk it twice and accepted the cosmetics directly.

Don't worry, kid, you can do whatever you want! As long as it's not too much, I'll help you! By the way, you don't have a girlfriend yet, do you want me to introduce A-Zhen to you?

Yang Bo was confused and wanted to take back the gift he had given out.

Although I am an SP, I am also a picky eater!

However, the charterer's visit this time is definitely not that simple. It is very possible that she came to test him.

After sending away the happy charterer, Yang Bo fell into deep thought.

When the ending comes, the old beggar will naturally come out, but what to do in the meantime? Or let the Penguin and Scarecrow come over and form a gang?

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