
Yang Bo sat on the magic carpet, looked at the Eye of Shangri-La in his hand, and said to the people on the magic carpet:

To be honest, my deepest understanding of Shangri-La is barbecue!

In the small city where Yang Bo lived before, there was a barbecue with this name, and the business was very prosperous.

At this time, Ling, who was still studying, said: We're almost there, it's over there!

Yang Bo followed Ling's guidance and saw that it was still a vast expanse of white, but he still controlled the magic carpet and flew over.

At this time, the weather was not good. It was snowing heavily outside the magic carpet, and the gloomy sky made people's sight somewhat blocked.

It wasn't until Yang Bo almost fell to the ground that he saw a building not far away.

Yang Bo had a black line on his face: Really, if it weren't for a guide, how could I have found it in my lifetime?

Looking down from the sky, all the buildings are covered with snow and cannot be seen at all.

Yang Bo and his party landed in the courtyard of this building. There were not many buildings in this area, but it was much more difficult to build such a place on the snowy mountains than on the ordinary plains!

Yang Bo and his party walked directly into the building.

At this time, there were a lot of roars outside, and a group of tall snow monsters appeared in the yard.

Ling had an expression of surprise on her face and walked out to hug the other person.

Liu Yanyan had a look of fear on her face and took the opportunity to cling to Zhang Chulan.

Because of the translation mechanism of the chat group, Yang Bo and the others easily understood what these snow monsters were talking about.

The general idea is to ask Yang Bo who these people are and whether they need help. Maybe he is not very intelligent and only has some simple words.

Soon the group of snow monsters said goodbye to Ling and returned to the snowy mountains.

The snow came and went faster, and soon the sun appeared in the sky. Yang Bo took out the gem and flew to the top of the golden pagoda and put it on it. After continuous refraction, a beam of light shone on a mountain in the distance.

Okay! Found it! Yang Bo silently noted the location and put the gem back directly into the Eye of Shangri-La.

Collectibles +1

He turned back to the people below and said, Let's go!

Several people sat on the flying carpet and set off towards their destination.

Soon a cave on the cliff appeared in front of everyone, and Yang Bo flew directly into it.

A figure flew over directly, holding a long sword and about to stab Yang Bo.

Yang Bo didn't make any movement at all. He only saw the light blue protective shield rising directly, resisting the opponent's attack.

The person who came was Ziyuan, and there was a pop, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Ling also reacted at this time and shouted loudly: Mom, no!

Because of his immortality, Shion recovered from his injuries quickly.

After Ziyuan saw Ling, a surprised smile appeared on her face: Ling! Are you back?!

The two then hugged each other.

Yang Bo looked at Ziyuan's appearance and complained directly: It seems that the Dragon Emperor has never eaten good pork!

Ling, who are these people?

Ling shook her head. In fact, she didn't know who Yang Bo was. She only knew that the other party's power was beyond what she and her mother could compete with.

Ziyuan walked up to Yang Bo, looked at her carefully and said, Who are you? What are you doing here?

I want the Fountain of Youth!

Yang Bo said directly.

Ziyuan's face suddenly turned ugly: No!

Yang Bo looked at Ziyuan and sneered and said, Why?

Ziyuan was stunned and then said: If the Dragon Emperor is allowed to obtain the Fountain of Youth, then he will truly obtain immortality, and there will be no peace in the world!

Yang Bo looked at Ziyuan's awe-inspiring look, with a look of disdain on his face.

The Dragon Emperor is dead! If you don't believe it, you can ask your daughter, the Fountain of Youth is mine!

Yang Bo looked domineering and directly stated the ownership of the Fountain of Youth. When Ziyuan heard that the Dragon Emperor was dead, Ziyuan could not believe the news.

He turned back to look at Ling and asked hurriedly: Daughter, is the Dragon Emperor really dead?

Ling nodded, and then looked at Ying Zheng, who was standing in the crowd and looking around.

Ziyuan didn't care about her daughter's little actions, and her heart was directly filled with this sudden happy emotion.

Yang Bo looked at Ziyuan who was immersed in revenge, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. At this moment, he realized that Ziyuan was just an ordinary woman. Although she had lived for so long, she didn't feel as much as her daughter had experienced outside.

Ling! Take me to the Fountain of Youth!

When Ling heard Yang Bo calling her, she nodded and said, I'll take you there.

Yang Bo took another look at Ziyuan, shook his head and followed Ling, quickly arriving at the Fountain of Youth. The Fountain of Youth was now built like a bathing pool.

Do you want to take a bath? Yang Bo looked at the sparkling spring water inside and said to the people behind him.

While talking, he took out a bucket, filled it with a bucket of fountain of youth water, and put it into his backpack.

【Eternal Spring Water】

[It has the effect of treating injuries and keeping you young. 】

[PS: While the spring water is in effect, the practice efficiency will be greatly reduced! 】

Wait... Yang Bo quickly stopped Zhang Chulan after reading the introduction, but before he could finish his words, he only heard a pop and Zhang Chulan jumped directly into the pool.

...Don't...go in! Yang Bo's hand froze in the air.

At this time, Zhang Chulan was in the pool, sticking his head out and looking at Yang Bo doubtfully.

Yang Bo could only wave his hands helplessly and said: Let's go clubbing, come up and drink a bucket of milk later!

I have all the milk in my hand!

Ying Zheng stepped forward and asked, What's wrong with this spring water?

Yang Bo explained, and Ying Zheng nodded. Immortality is such a simple thing.

Ziyuan also came over at this time, and Yang Bo asked after seeing her: What are your plans next?

I want to find my husband! Now that the Dragon Emperor is dead, I want to tell General Guo Ming the news and all the wronged souls under the Great Wall!

It's time for me to leave with the general!

When Yang Bo heard Ziyuan's words, he was a little moved and nodded: Okay!

He turned around and handed the milk to Zhang Chulan who climbed up. He took out the industrial pump and placed it on the fountain of youth. Then he connected it to the thermal generator, and the sound of the machine suddenly started to run.

Zhang Chulan finished drinking the milk and looked at Yang Bo's behavior and nodded: The sixth one still has to look at the group leader!

Yang Bo watched Guo Ming and Ziyuan turn into fly ash together, and asked Ying Zheng with some emotion: Brother Ying, if Ziyuan doesn't come to Guo Ming, will you kill her?

Ying Zheng squinted at the place where Ziyuan disappeared and said decisively: Yes!

Then what would you do if you were the Dragon Emperor?

I'm not him! For a woman... Ying Zheng shook his head!

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