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Chapter 217 Himalayas

In the Western world, the Himalayas are always full of mystery. I don’t know how many movies and TV series have legends about the Himalayas.

It's too hard to find! Yang Bo was flying in the sky, looking at the snow-capped mountains below, and couldn't find where Ziyuan lived.

Alex, who was sitting on the magic carpet together, asked: What are you looking for?

A widow named Ziyuan! Do you know her? Yang Bo didn't even raise his head, but kept scanning the situation below.

Alex shook his head, feeling speechless and directly expressed that he didn't know him: I don't know him!

Yang Bo sighed: It seems we have to find the general first, otherwise it would be really hard to find him!

It's a pity that the general is not easy to find either.

Ling has not yet been educated well, so she will definitely not tell the location of Ziyuan easily. Now she can only find the gem in the hands of the general!

Thinking of this, Yang Bo directly controlled the magic carpet to land.

You stay here and don't move!

After giving instructions to Alex, Yang Bo stepped off the flying carpet and took out a shovel from his backpack. He wanted to dig a cave here and place a teleportation stone tablet so that he could come directly when the time came.

Alex watched Yang Bo take out the shovel and asked the black man directly.

You are a majestic Eastern wizard, shouldn't you just wave your hand and be done?

Then I saw that the shovel in Yang Bo's hand was almost like an afterimage, and a large amount of snow turned into snowballs and sank directly into Yang Bo's body.

Alex could only open his mouth and couldn't speak, but in an instant Yang Bo's figure disappeared on the snow. A square hole appeared on the snow, and only vague sounds came from inside.

Alex forgot Yang Bo's instructions at this moment and walked directly off the magic carpet. Suddenly, a strong cold wind blew by, making Alex shiver.


Only then did Alex realize that he had not felt any coldness at all on the magic carpet just now.

He tightened his clothes and looked towards the cave dug by Yang Bo. Then he stretched out his hand, grabbed the snow on the ground, and said with a puzzled look on his face: Yes, it's just ordinary snow. How could it be...

Because the temperature of Alex's palm was relatively high, Bai Xue quickly turned into cold water and flowed out from the seam of his hand.

No! It's too cold! Alex soon felt that he couldn't bear it anymore and hurriedly ran back to the magic carpet.

Yang Bo soon flew out of the snow cave.

Okay! I've passed... Before he finished speaking, he looked at Alex speechlessly and said.

Did you disobey and run out? Really! Okay, it will be a matter of time anyway?

Let's go!

Yang Bo directly controlled the magic carpet to fly over and entered the cave. At this time, there were several torches inserted in the cave. It was not dark at all, and the stone tablet in the middle also emitted a white light.

Yang Bo took Alex back to the Dragon Emperor's underground palace. At this time, the underground palace had been sealed again.

The workers above were also imprisoned in the underground palace and were cleaning the cultural relics below.

And it is Ying Zheng who oversees all this.

Ying Zheng watched Yang Bo come back, stepped forward and said, Group leader, how are you? Have you found the woman named Ziyuan?

Yang Bo shook his head helplessly and said: The Himalayas are too big, and there are more than one mountain. There is a vast expanse of white everywhere, making it difficult to find!

Ying Zheng also knew that it was not that simple to find an inconspicuous building in a huge snow-capped mountain.

It seems we can only wait for that general!

Ying Zheng actually had a good impression of that general. There was actually someone who could think of resurrecting the Dragon Emperor after a thousand years, which made Ying Zheng feel good about him.

Yang Bo nodded, looked at the busy figures around him and said to Ying Zheng with a smile: Brother Ying, how are you? How does it feel to dig your own grave?

To be honest, I don't feel anything at all. Compared with the tombs I built, the tombs in this world are too crude!

Ying Zheng did not associate this tomb with his tomb of King Qin at all. It was not on the same level at all.

And the construction of my Tomb of King Qin has stopped!

Every item that could be regarded as a treasure from this world has been cleared out.

Brother Ying, do you plan to take these things away?

Ying Zheng shook his head and said: These things are antiques here, but they have no meaning at all to me. Everything around me is an antique!

After a pause, Ying Zheng continued: Maybe a thousand years from now, I can still squat in the so-called museum in person... Hahaha!

I started laughing before I finished speaking!

This shocked Yang Bo. Damn it! Brother Ying is crazy?

Ying Zheng was actually joking, and he was still joking at himself, which caught Yang Bo off guard. In Yang Bo's eyes, Ying Zheng acted like a workaholic every day, either reviewing memorials or thinking about things with a straight face.

How could such a thing happen? It seems that Ying Zheng has finally become a little more relaxed these days.

By the way, group leader! The news here must be spread, otherwise the general will not show up at all!

Yeah! That's right, I already have a solution!

He grabbed Alex, who was still unresponsive during the teleportation, and said: Find a way to contact your family and ask them to send back all the cultural relics and antiques from China, and spread the news about the discovery of the Dragon Emperor's tomb!

Only then did Alex come back to his senses and said, What was that just now?

Then he was startled by his own voice.

Why did my voice change? What did you do? Alex's face was full of panic, and he kept touching his body.

Yang Bo snorted coldly and said: This is the consequence of disobedience. Who told you to get out of the magic carpet? Did you hear what I just said? If not, I don't mind giving you to them!

Pointing to a group of people who were still cleaning cultural relics in the corner of the underground palace, the smile on Yang Bo's face became brighter and brighter.

Alex was so frightened that he could only nod his head like a chicken eating rice.

I heard... heard... can I change back?

A pair of big watery eyes flickered at Yang Bo, showing a weak expression.

Of course you can, but just handing over the antiques in your home is not enough. I don't care if you steal or rob, find a way to get back the antiques from China.

Professional matters must be left to professionals. When Yang Bo thought of the large number of Chinese cultural relics, he felt a little uncomfortable, so he left this matter to Alex!

After explaining the good things and watching Alex leave here, Ying Zheng and Yang Bo could only wait boredly for the arrival of the general.

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