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Chapter 212 The Lord God is coming

After everyone boarded the magic carpet, Yang Bo controlled the magic carpet to soar into the sky.

Zhang San's eyes almost popped out of his head. Swordsman Yue Buqun is so strong, even if he has heavy weapons, Lord God, can you tell me what is going on with this magic carpet?

Isn't this a scam? Is this really something that a newcomer like me, who has experienced two worlds, can come into contact with?

For a time, all three of them cursed the Lord God.

Flying in the sky, Yang Bo felt refreshed and very comfortable.

Ever since Dongfang Bubai took off on the magic carpet, the look of surprise on her face has not disappeared. She kept looking at the magic carpet under her feet. At this time, she remembered Yue Buqun's unpredictable strength before. And today's flying methods.

Dongfang Bubai couldn't help but secretly think in his heart: Yue Buqun has really become an immortal?

Yang Bo had been looking at the situation under the magic carpet attentively, and soon a clearing attracted his attention, and he said to Yue Buqun: What do you think there?

Yue Buqun looked at the small green plain below, nodded and said, Okay, it's wide enough here!

Yang Bo controlled the magic carpet and slowly descended.

Time passed so quickly, Yang Bo and his party had been here for a day.

A group of people were roasting meat around the fire. Zhang San's face was not good-looking. He had heard about the team confrontation before, but he had never heard of a difference of more than one day.

Now that a day has passed, the opponent's team has not come yet. Yang Bo looked at the frowning Zhang San and smiled: Don't think about it. The soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth. It's because the barbecue is not delicious, or the Oriental girl is not good enough. ?”

At this moment, Dongfang Bubai has already reached the highest level of Sunflower Collection. He has reached the state of transformation of heaven and man, completely transformed into a female body, without any characteristics of a man.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly appeared in the open space not far away, as if he had always been there.

Yang Bo and Yue Buqun looked at each other and thought to themselves: Here we come!

The few people teleported over were not as fully armed as Zhang San and others. Only one of them had a samurai sword on his back.

The other party noticed a few people here who seemed to be on a spring outing, looked over, and was also stunned.

One of them said: Huh? This world is a modern city? Isn't it right? It was clearly introduced as an ancient martial arts?

The other party saw that Yang Bo and the others were wearing all kinds of clothes, ancient and modern, and he was very confused for a while.

Yang Bo waved and said, How many of you, come over for a drink? He raised the beer in his hand.

A few of them were also very talented and brave, so they walked directly towards Yang Bo and the others.

But when they approached Zhang about thirty meters away, their faces changed and they became wary. One of the guys dressed as a ronin drew his katana and said, Damn it! You guys are from the enemy team!

Two hostile traversers will be warned by the Lord God when they are close to ten meters.

Yang Bo looked like the other party was making a fuss and said, Okay, let's sit down and talk first!

The other party was not moved at all, and still looked at the few people very warily.

Yang Bo was a little helpless: Lao Yue, take them down first!

Yue Buqun put down the beer in his hand, stood up, and with one movement, all the alcohol in his body was expelled.

Walking towards a few people, the three people on the opposite side felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. In line with the principle of attacking later and suffering disaster, the ronin directly slashed at them with a knife.

The speed was so fast that afterimages had already appeared. Dongfang Bubai on the side also became more focused. This man's speed was actually much faster than hers.

One of the people behind him turned into a huge werewolf and quickly attacked Yue Buqun.

Yue Buqun directly clamped the opponent's katana with two fingers. Hearing a crash, the katana broke, and then the broken blade was thrown directly towards the werewolf who was rushing over.

The sharp broken blade directly penetrated the werewolf's body, knocking the werewolf back for a distance.

The Ronin warrior was shocked, and was kicked away by Yue Buqun, hitting the werewolf.

At this time, a voice came from behind Yue Buqun. It turned out to be the only woman in the trio. She arrived at Yang Bo's side invisibly at some point. She was holding a dagger in her hand and was holding Yang Bo hostage.

Seeing how easily two teammates were defeated, the hand holding the dagger couldn't help but tremble.

Don't move, or I'll kill him! the woman said sternly.

Before Yue Buqun could speak, Yang Bo spoke up first: Girl, hold it steady, you're going to shave off my beard if you keep shaking like this!

After hearing Yang Bo's words, the woman adjusted her mentality. After all, she was a person who had experienced several worlds. She raised the dagger in her hand and said sternly: Don't play tricks on me. If I shake my hand, You are dead!

When Yang Bo heard the words of the woman behind him, he became more mischievous and said directly: Huh! You actually want to use me to threaten my friends, you are wishful thinking!

As he spoke, he directly hit the opponent's dagger against his neck, and immediately the dagger was inserted into Yang Bo's neck.

For a moment, not only this woman was frightened, but everyone around her except Yue Buqun was also stunned.

Zhang San directly felt the malice of the world. He originally thought that it would not be easy to meet a fellow villager, and the fellow villager was also very strong. He was going to hug his thigh in the future, but then a person suddenly appeared and removed his thigh directly!

It’s really unbearable for uncle and aunt!

Take out the machine gun and prepare to give some peanuts to this woman!

At this time, a hand grabbed Zhang San's arm.

Damn it! Did you fake the corpse?

Zhang San exclaimed, and Yang Bo, who was lying on the ground, stretched out his hand and grabbed him, preventing him from pulling the trigger.

Yang Bo sat up with a smile on his face and said: Girl, your dagger is actually poisonous, not bad!

The woman was frightened by Yang Bo's image at this time. She saw that Yang Bo still had his dagger stuck in his neck. The entire dagger was inserted in, leaving only the outer handle.

The woman said in panic: Are you okay?

Yang Bo patted the open space next to him and said, Come here and sit by yourself!

The woman was frightened by Yang Bo at this moment, and walked forward tremblingly. She was not very strong, and she relied entirely on the care of her boyfriend to survive in so many worlds.

By the way, take the dagger away!

After hearing this, the woman looked at the dagger, then at Yang Bo and said, I don't want the dagger anymore, I'll give it to you!

Yang Bo: ...

There are also gifts like this!

At this time, Yang Bo said again: Do you want to fight the two people over there? If you don't want to fight, come here!

Seeing Yue Buqun's strength, the other two were also bachelors and sat directly by the bonfire.

At this time, a new message popped up in the chat group.

[Congratulations on completing the mission! 】

[The location of the main god’s space has been discovered! 】

At this time, a ray of light shot directly from Yang Bo and hit the six time travelers. Only a few people could see the shadow of a golden ball slowly appearing on their bodies.

The six beads sank directly into Yang Bo's body.

[Congratulations to the group owner for winning The Mummy 3 World! 】

[Congratulations to the group leader for winning the Kung Fu World! 】

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