Join the chat group with MC

Chapter 180 Superman vs. The Destroyer

Group leader Yang Bo: Been beaten?

Zhang Sanfeng: Been beaten?

Zhang Chulan: Been beaten?

Clark: Beat?

Frank: ...

Frank posted it directly in the group, with a few simple ellipses, but it perfectly expressed his mood.

Group leader Yang Bo: We'll be there soon!

Clark: I have the group leader's teleportation stone here. I'll go take a look too!

Zhang Sanfeng: Teleportation stone tablet? What is that?

Ying Zheng: Same question!

Group leader Yang Bo: Um, I forgot. Don't worry, I will place one for you when the time comes. You can teleport to other worlds through the stone tablet. Then you don't have to worry about being exploited for points by the chat group!

This is a chat group that can't speak. There is only one assistant. If he can speak, he must greet Yang Bo. Are you polite?

Zhang Sanfeng: In this case, I can't get through this time. Let's wait until the group leader's teleportation stone tablet is installed before going. I'll save whatever I can!

At first glance, Zhang Sanfeng is a person who lives his life, and frugality is a virtue.

Other group members also said that Clark and the group leader are enough!

Frank: Sorry to bother you, can you hurry up? I feel like I can't suppress the Destroyer!

Group leader Yang Bo: We'll be there soon!

Marvel world.

Frank's energy beam was already somewhat unable to suppress the Destroyer Armor.

The color of the magic runes on the opponent's body is getting brighter and brighter, and now he has slowly stood up on the ground.

The Destroyer's visor slowly opened, and energy began to gather toward the head, much faster than at the beginning!

A thick red energy beam spurted out directly, slowly advancing against Frank's energy beam.

And Iron Man Tony was directly knocked out by the Destroyer like a fly.

After Tony was attacked, the suitcase originally placed on the ground opened directly, and a mini figure came out, which was the mini Iron Man that had been driven out before.

The little Iron Man was very fast, flying directly in front of the Destroyer, stretched out his palm and shot out energy beams as thin as his fingers.

What is surprising is that Mini Iron Man's energy beam directly penetrated the Destroyer's magic barrier and hit the opponent.

There was no trace of where the Destroyer was hit, but a green blood bar appeared above his head! -





Frank knew what the amount of blood on the opponent's head meant, but he didn't expect there to be so much blood!

Even if the opponent stands and lets the Mini Iron Man fight for a long time, he still can't be killed!

The Destroyer stretched out his big hand and quickly slapped Mini Iron Man, but Mini Iron Man dodged directly and nimbly!

Frank: Group leader, if you come again, I feel like I'm going to get cold!

Group leader Yang Bo: Don't worry! I'm here! But the speed of the flying carpet is too slow, and Mexico is too far! Clark has already flown there!

Clark: Arrived!!!

Black shadows flew directly towards this side of the sky, and without any hesitation, they kicked directly towards the Destroyer!

Superman Flying Kick!!

The powerful kinetic energy brought huge impact. In the face of the absolute power, the magic defense on the Destroyer was like paper, and was crushed by Clark's kick!

The Destroyer was kicked into the ground, and a crater appeared on the ground that looked like it had been hit by a missile!

The armor on the Destroyer shattered into a huge hole, and Clark's body parts were still inserted into the Destroyer's body.

Huh? Can't you pull it out?

Superman looked at the Destroyer's body. It turned out that the opponent quickly recovered under the blessing of magical energy and trapped Superman's foot inside!

Clark looked at the Destroyer calmly and said like a domineering president: Let go!

The Destroyer didn't react, but directly opened his visor and shot out a beam of light. Clark's reaction speed was no joke, and he fired back the same heat vision.

Maybe it's because the worlds are different. The two energy beams passed directly through each other and did not collide.

The Destroyer's energy hit Clark directly, and Clark's expression changed.

Magic attack?

The black armor on Clark's body couldn't hold on any longer, and a circular crack was directly burned out!

The blue suit with the red S logo on the chest was exposed!

Clark then looked ferocious, with veins appearing on his face.


With a roar, the heat vision became thicker, and the movements of his hands did not stop, and he began to tear the armor with his hands!

The Destroyer was so hard that Clark had never seen it before. Every punch could only dent the Destroyer's shell, and it wouldn't take long for it to recover.

Clark has now transformed into a ruthless pile-driving machine, boom, boom, boom!

The current scene is that Clark is helpless against the Destroyer, and the Destroyer has nothing to do with Clark!

Frank was relieved to see such a scene. At this time, a new message popped up in the chat group, and he quickly opened it and took a look.

Group leader Yang Bo: Frank, didn't you say you were going to be cold just now? How are you now? Are you cold?

Frank: Clark has arrived and started fighting with the opponent, but it seems that no one can do anything to him!

Group leader Yang Bo: Well...if you can't beat Clark, I'll go back first. When I have the Sword of World Domination or the Bow of the Chopping Block, I'll come to save you with the Krypton Gold Lolita!

Frank: ...

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