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Chapter 177 Thor’s Hammer

Just when Yang Bo opened the lucky cube happily.

Marvel world.

Frank is taking Tony's private jet to Mexico, the country's front garden.

Because he got the news from Fury, the hammer has fallen from the sky.

Frank wiped the energy gun made by Tony. The energy gun at this time was different from the first, with a faint purple halo appearing on it.

This is the version after Frank got familiar with the weapon and spent points to let Yang Bo enchant it.

Thor, God of Thunder, Loki, God of Lies, Odin, King of Gods...

He turned his head and stared deeply at the scenery outside the plane, wondering what he was thinking!

A magnetic male voice came.

Frank! I heard it, who do you want to kill again? Why did I hear it this time, the god in Norse mythology?

Tony was sitting opposite Frank at the moment, holding a glass of red wine and enjoying the luxurious service of the flight attendant.

Beauty, use your left shoulder a little harder, right...

Frank turned his head and looked at Tony who was enjoying himself. He couldn't see the way he would sacrifice himself for everyone in the future.

Tony, what are you doing in Mexico?

Tony half-squinted his eyes and said, I also want to see the hammer that can't be picked up.

After a pause, he continued:

Also, Frank! Look around you. You are sitting on my plane. You don't want me to go and see the excitement!


Frank had nothing to say, and then frowned: How do you know there is a hammer in Mexico? I remember I didn't tell you... Oh! Tony, you invaded SHIELD's information database!

Tony said indifferently: A few days ago, that braised egg-headed guy invaded my Jarvis. Do you know that was Jarvis's first time!!

I don't know if it was Frank's misunderstanding, but he found that Tony was becoming more and more naughty.

Frank was speechless at the words.

Baby, you go and take a rest first. I have some private secrets to talk to the man in front of me!

All the flight attendants stood up, and Tony reached out and touched her long legs.

After everyone left, Tony said solemnly: Frank, I don't know your role in SHIELD. Do you know about the Insight Project?

Frank nodded, and used big data and the calculations of the Zola program to find out who would be harmful to Hydra in the future and who would pose a threat to Hydra, use satellites to lock them, and then use the weapon system in the sky to destroy them.

Tony, I don't belong to any organization, I only belong to myself, you can trust me!

Of course I trust you, otherwise I wouldn't tell you these things!

Tony looked like he had been greatly wronged, which made Frank couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Tony, except for a few people in SHIELD, no one else can be trusted, because today's SHIELD is worse than Snake Shield.

Frank explained to Tony the story of me being an undercover agent and accidentally becoming the boss.

Tony looked like he had been spoiled, such a slutty move was unheard of.

Frank, did I hear you right? I remember that the purpose of SHIELD was to fight Hydra, right? Now you tell me that SHIELD has become Snake Shield! This is not funny at all!

If Frank had been told this before he joined the chat group, he would not have believed it.

In the eyes of everyone who knows the existence of this organization, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a behemoth. It is not shown in the movie at all, and its power completely covers the whole world.

Except for that mysterious country in the east.

But I have also heard that there seems to be a Divine Spear Bureau over there.

Tony was speechless at this moment. No wonder even an idiotic proposal like the Insight Project could be passed. Except for the madman of Hydra, who would agree that there would be a sharp sword hanging over his head that could kill him at any time.

What are you going to do next, Frank? Do you have a plan?

Frank shook his head: No! Our world is far more dangerous than you think!

Like this hammer, is it a god's weapon?

After being exposed to too much news at once, Tony felt that the world had changed, and now even gods appeared!


Well! That's right, gods! They are aliens with stronger physiques and some special physiques, but in the eyes of people thousands of years ago, they are no different from gods! The one who fell this time is the son of Odin, Thor you!

Tony couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and Frank's words made him feel a crisis.

At this time, I have already drafted a proposal for anti-Thor Armor.

The plane soon landed at a civilian airport in Mexico, which is the closest place to its destination.

The two rented a jeep directly, and Frank sat directly in the driver's seat.

A rare faint smile appeared on his face.

Tony, come on up, this is your favorite happy Jeep!

Tony's face turned dark and then he said: Frank, this is not in line with your personality at all. Shouldn't you always be cold-faced, holding a gun and killing gangsters without saying a word?

He opened the passenger door and got in with a suitcase.

The two drove the car all the way towards their destination.

Does the God of Thunder look like the one on the mural?

Tony, sitting in the passenger seat wearing a pair of sunglasses, asked Frank.

Frank was observing the surroundings and heard Tony's words. He pointed at a person outside and said, It looks like that!

Brakes sounded.

Frank stopped directly in front of a muscular figure.

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