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Chapter 159 This will be torture

Wilderness, night.

Yangbo Bruce and Superman sat together and watched the battle on the field.

The battlefield was in chaos, and explosions were everywhere.

Bruce frowned and said, What is that monster? Can you actually let me join forces?

Superman also stared at the monster and said, That was the Day of Destruction! But don't worry, there won't be another one in the future!

Originally, there were only Batman, played by Clark, and Superman, played by Bruce. As soon as the Lucky Cube appeared, the two of them abandoned the one who originally opened the cube and fought with each other.

But Clark said at that time that a Batman could not defeat Superman at all, so he opened the Lucky Cube again.

With a roar, Doomsday appeared on the scene.

When Superman and Batman heard the sound, they immediately stopped fighting and surrounded Doomsday on alert.

I am your doom!

Doomsday roared, rushed directly towards Superman, and launched a punch-to-flesh attack. Although Superman was at a disadvantage, he could still fight with the opponent.

Batman on the side has completely become an audience member at this time.

Constantly summoning various weapons to attack the Doomsday.

Bruce looked at the scene on the battlefield and couldn't help but get a black line, and asked: Is this what will happen in the future?

Yang Bo looked like he was watching a movie. Hearing Bruce's words, he said: Yes, but this kind of thing should never happen!

He thought: I have already booked General Zod. Where is the body for Lex Luthor to study, and the spaceship is floating in space, where is the Doomsday!

The battle on the scene was in a state of anxiety. Superman was already on the verge of death, and the blood volume above his head was about to bottom out, but Doomsday still had one-third of his health volume.

Doomsday pressed Superman against the ground for a while. Batman on the side seemed to have triggered some conditions and rushed towards Doomsday with meteoric strides.

A spear appeared in his hand at some point.

The spearhead was emitting green light, and Doomsday's originally indestructible skin was easily penetrated by Batman's spear.

A negative BUFF appeared on Doomsday.


Taking this opportunity, Superman began to fight back, and soon Doomsday emptied his health and disappeared into smoke.

Then Superman and Batman fight again.

Clark frowned and said, I never thought Batman really had kryptonite!

Bruce: Is that the green stone on the spear? It can penetrate the monster's body easily!

Bruce began to think about whether he had collected green luminous stones, and asked Afu when he returned.

When Superman was dealing with Batman, he was obviously much more restrained than when he was dealing with Doomsday. He even used his heat vision once every half a day. Just now, it was like Doomsday's heat vision was free.

But even so, Batman still can't beat Superman.

Batman's blood volume quickly bottomed out. When the condition was triggered, Batman took out the green kryptonite, grabbed it in his hand and started to fight back against Superman.

Superman also gains a weakness buff.

Yang Bo shouted excitedly from the side: Fly up!! Stay away, direct the heat vision to wash the ground! Super breath spray him, Batman can't stand it! Oops! Superman is so inferior!

Clark and Bruce both turned their heads and looked at Yang Bo with question marks on their faces.

Yang Bo was very embarrassed by the looks of the two people, and said with a smile: No... I just think the plot killing is a bit too much!

The two people on the scene were already at the end of their strength. Yang Bo clapped his hands: You two, don't you want to grab the head? If you don't, I will do it!

Bruce and Clark looked at each other.

He began to attack himself on the field. Superman and Batman were kicked out and had no health. They had no chance to withstand the wave of attacks from the two.

Batman dropped out of the mini-Batman this time. As soon as he appeared, he rode his motorcycle towards Superman, walked up to Superman, shot out the grappling hook and climbed onto Clark's body.

Is this okay for you? Yang Bo looked at the mini clones on their shoulders and suddenly felt that he was a little redundant.

Clark, on the other hand, picked up Superman's dropped items and directly activated his heat vision to destroy the items in his hand.

But protected by the rules of Minecraft, the loot is in no way damaged.

When Clark saw this, he could only stop his heat vision. Batman walked up very curiously, saw Clark's movements and said, Clark, this is what I fired! Let me take a look!

Clark turned his head and handed the trophy in his hand to Bruce. Yang Bo also walked over and couldn't help laughing when he saw what Bruce had in his hand.

Haha!! Superman's red underwear! Wait and see, after wearing it, you will get a lasting +100%, physical recovery +100%, which lasts for one day, what a goddamn artifact!

This underwear should be renamed as Good News for Men!

Yang Bo stared at this 'artifact' in awe, and was about to open his mouth to borrow it, but Bruce seemed to sense Yang Bo's thoughts and stuffed it directly into the armor.

Yang Bo: ...

‘Forget it, it’s useless for me to ask for it. I’m only a person who can work for two hours at a time, so I’d better give it to Comrade Batman, who has a weak kidney! ’

Bruce mainly focused on 100% recovery of physical strength. After all, he was still a mortal body. With red underwear, it was perfect!

The group of people returned directly to the Batcave. It was already nighttime and it was Batman's time to go to work. The daytime could only be counted as overtime.

Yang Bo said: Bruce, let me tell you something. Do you know that you have worked hard in Gotham City for so long and you are still like this without any change?

Bruce frowned and said nothing.

The reason is that even if those evil people are sent to prison by you, they will still come out soon. The evil people have no remorse. Arkham, which is full of talents, is like their home. The prison guards are nice to talk to. All the inmates are talented people, and even good guys become villains after being locked up!

Bruce said: What do you want to do? You can't use private money!

Yang Bo looked greatly insulted: Bruce, I am helping you by sending these villains to a place far away from Gotham City. They can do whatever they want when they get there. If you are worried, you can always go and take a look. !I promise they won’t hurt anyone!”

Bruce pondered for a while and said, Are those villains your target?

Gan! I can't talk to smart people like you!

Clark complained in his mind: Your purpose just needs to be written down in black and white!

In two sentences, Yang Bo's goal was directly exposed, but it didn't matter. If Batman didn't care, Yang Bo planned to let Superman catch them one by one!

Bruce said: Can I go to the place you mentioned?

Of course there is no problem! Yang Bo found a wide place and directly put down the teleportation stone. For a moment, a powerful force directly pushed Clark and Bruce away, but this force was very gentle.

After setting the permissions, Yang Bo took Clark and Bruce directly to Minecraft!

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