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Chapter 156 Bruce Wayne

Yang Bo directly agreed. He really wanted to see this famous dark knight.

Although Yang Bo and Batman have different ideas, it does not prevent him from admiring this type of person.

No problem, I want to meet Batman too!

Clark set up the spacecraft and headed directly to Gotham City, a city with simple folk customs.

For a spacecraft capable of interstellar travel, traveling to Gotham City is just a blink of an eye.

Clark had already changed into his casual clothes at this time, and he and Yang Bo sneaked into Gotham City.

During the day, everything in Gotham City is calm and harmonious.

Yang Bo looked at the hurried crowd around him and sighed: Big cities are different! Sure enough, the prosperity of a city is inversely proportional to the clothes on a woman's body!

He watched intently as a blonde beauty twisted her sexy body and walked past him.

Clark glanced at Yang Bo with disdain, pointed at his eyes and said nothing, but Yang Bo understood his meaning perfectly.

Yang Bo said with a sour face: To be honest, Clark, this is the first time I envy your ability!

Da da da!

Fierce gunshots were heard at the end of the street, followed by the sound of police sirens.

Superman looked directly in the direction of the gunfire. A group of thugs ran out of the bank with bags and were now exchanging gunfire with the arriving police.

However, it was obvious that the prepared robbers dealt with the unprepared police. The weapons of the two were completely different, and the police were quickly suppressed.

Yang Bo also saw the situation over there and said with emotion: I don't know why I always feel that this is Gotham City!

Clark: ...

Seeing that the robbers were about to escape, Clark was about to rush forward to deal with the group, but was grabbed by Yang Bo.

Don't worry, don't forget that this is someone else's territory, look!

Yang Bo pursed his lips, and Clark looked in the direction of Yang Bo's lips. A figure fell from the sky and hit the robber directly.

There were four robbers in total, but they were all eliminated by Batman with three punches and two kicks.

Why do you feel like these robbers are just here to act?

Looking at the robbers who were easily solved by Batman, Yang Bo always felt as if he was acting. The other party's gun was not used at all, and there were bright grenades hanging on the robbers' bodies, like decorations.

After defeating the robber, Batman took out his hook gun and tried to run away, as if being chased by a dog.

At this time, Yang Bo shouted directly: Who threw the darts! So unethical!!

Batman also heard Yang Bo's shout and looked directly over. At this time, Clark understood and took out the dart he had just defeated Batman and waved in Batman's direction.

Batman's eyes are at least 5.0+.

At a glance, he saw the batarang in Clark's hand, but the strange thing was that he had no impression of these two people.

The Batman expert was bold and walked over directly and stood in front of the two of them: It looks a lot like my Batarang. Can I have a look?

Clark handed it over directly. After Batman took it, he frowned and began to observe. In fact, as soon as he took it, he felt that the batarang belonged to him.

But he really couldn't remember where he had seen these two people.

This is my batarang. Who are you? He put the batarang into his pocket and looked at the two of them with sharp eyes. His brain kept recalling information about these two people.

As long as it's yours, I was injured by this dart. You have to take me to the hospital! Yang Bo directly grabbed Batman's arm and refused to let go, as if if you don't pay, I will eat you.

Batman was suddenly caught and was shocked. He didn't expect this man to be so fast!

He quickly started to try hard to pull out his hand. At this time, Yang Bo seemed to be weightless and flew out directly along with Batman's hand withdrawal movement.

He drew a beautiful arc in the air, hit the wall with a bang, and then slowly slid down. Then Yang Bo reached out and pointed tremblingly at Batman, closed his eyes, and passed out.

Batman: ...

This time Batman experienced what it was like for a mute to eat Coptis chinensis.

Batman asked in a deep voice: What is your purpose??

Batman is not a fool. In fact, in the entire DC universe, Batman is responsible for intelligence. It is obvious that these two people are here to dance.

Clark showed a kind smile, but this expression was very similar to the smile Yang Bo had shown him before.

Batman, we are here because of your reputation! We came here specifically to visit you!

Batman said coldly: Okay, you have seen me, I'm leaving!

He was about to turn around and leave, but Superman went on to say: Batman avoids responsibility and does not hesitate to kill people in public! Is all this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morals? What do you think of tomorrow morning's news using this headline? ?”

Of course, this is not what Clark said, but what Yang Bo said directly to Clark in private.

Batman paused for a moment, then continued walking forward.

I don't care about fame!

Superman said in a voice only Batman could hear: Really? Bruce Wayne!

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