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Chapter 151 Lady Luck is Smiling

There was an obvious look of resistance on Hagrid's face. It seemed that the impact of the dementors on him was too great.

Yang Bo could only say seductively: Hagrid, anything can be found in this, including magical animals!

When Hagrid heard that there were magical animals, the expression on his face became tangled. After thinking about it, he said to Yang Bo: Come on!

Seeing Hagrid's generous sacrifice, Yang Bo felt a little funny, even though this crap could cause death.

What are you afraid of when there is a resurrection totem!

Yang Bo took out the lucky cube and put it on the ground again. Hagrid was much more careful than before, tapping the cube with all his body on guard.


A dark creature only one meter in size appeared on the ground.

Dragon? Yang Bo said hesitantly, looking at the dark scales and a pair of wings on the opponent's body.

Hagrid had already rushed forward regardless of the danger and directly picked up the mini black dragon on the ground.

He excitedly said to Yang Bo: Yang, I...I have always wanted a dragon of my own!

But... I have never seen or heard of a pure black dragon. Yang, look at how charming his eyes are!

Yang Bo looked at the purple eyes of the mini dragon and felt a familiar feeling. He stretched out his hand and wanted to hug the dragon.

The dragon opened its small mouth and spat out purple particles directly towards Yang Bo.

Yang Bo was shocked: Fuck! Ender Dragon??

No wonder the eyes look so familiar!

It seems that this ender dragon has recognized Hagrid as its master, just like the tamed wolf in Minecraft.

At this time, Yang Bo was envious and a little separated.

Hagrid held the mini ender dragon in one hand and said to Yang Bo: Yang, are there any more? Oh, I'm so excited. I mean, can I try again?

Yang Bo nodded, took out the cube and placed it on the ground, while Hagrid started tapping it with ease, a look of anticipation on his face.

At the moment when the lucky cube shattered, a green light hit Hagrid directly with lightning speed and the speed of stealing jingle bells.

And it’s accompanied by sound effects.

Hagrid's face suddenly turned deathly gray, and he lay down as if he were pushing a mountain of gold over a jade pillar.

Yang Bo looked at the rotating golden totem on Hagrid and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to my foresight, I was able to even cast a death curse!

At this moment Hermione also came over, looked at Hagrid lying on the ground in confusion and asked:

Brother, group leader! What happened to Hagrid? What was the broken golden man just now?

In the world of Pacific Rim, Hermione did not see the effect of the Totem of the Undying being triggered, so she did not know that Hagrid had died once.

Yang Bo smiled and said: It's okay! Hagrid just took a rest and woke up soon!

Before Hagrid woke up, Yang Bo said directly to Hermione: Hermione, I have a box here. As long as you open it, you can get anything. Of course, it's all random! Do you want to try it? ?”

Yang Bo was like Grandma Wolf, directly seducing Hermione.

Hermione was directly attracted by Yang Bo's words, and her curiosity exploded.

Then... let me try?

Anyway, the group leader brother can’t harm me, huh? What do you mean by giving me this totem of immortality?

Is the group leader brother really not in danger?

Yang Bo turned his head away from looking at Hermione's big, watery eyes and said, Don't worry, there is no danger. Even if there is danger, isn't there a totem of immortality?

Hermione did not resist the temptation, nodded, looked at the cube Yang Bo placed on the ground, and began to knock it.


After the cube was broken, a large number of fireworks effects appeared, followed by gold galleons everywhere!


Hermione looked at the golden Gallons scattered on the ground and felt that Yang Bo was right. There was no danger!

Yang Bo smiled slightly and said to Hermione: Put it away! With good luck, Hermione will do another one!


Ahem! I mean one more!

Yang Bo directly placed the cube on the ground, and Hermione started knocking again without thinking.

A bottle the size of mineral water appeared directly on the ground with a note on it.

【Tears of the Phoenix】

Hermione was even more excited than when she saw the golden galleons. This thing was rare and hard to come by. There was no way she would beat Principal Dumbledore's phoenix for no reason just for the phoenix tears.

Even after being beaten ten times, there wouldn’t be so many tears!

Brother, group leader! I want more!

This time, without waiting for Yang Bo to fool him, Hermione wanted to try again.

Yang Bo didn't say anything more and just put down the cube.

But this time, Hermione, who was full of hope, found nothing after opening the lucky cube.

Empty? Yang Bo did not expect that there were empty squares in other worlds.

After watching Hagrid and Hermione open the cube, Yang Bo was also a little eager to try it, and murmured: If I were to open it, would it be an item from my world? Or an item from the Harry Potter world?

Hermione, stay away! I'll try to fire one! Yang Bo pushed Hermione away directly, but did not pay any attention to Hagrid lying not far away.

After the lucky cube was opened, before Yang Bo had time to react, he felt like it was getting dark!

Am I?! Being eaten!!

The basilisk did not attack anyone else after eating Yang Bo. It seemed that the creatures that came out of the cube would only attack the person who opened the cube.

Hermione was stunned by the unexpected situation. A basilisk appeared on the ground and ate the group leader's brother in one bite.

Hermione was no longer an ordinary first-year student. She quickly took out her wand, resisted looking into the basilisk's eyes, and cast the spell directly on the basilisk!

The sweet sound echoed in the clearing.

Split into pieces!

The basilisk's scales have extremely high magic resistance, but Hermione's magic attacks are even more abnormal.

The scales on the basilisk's body exploded, but they recovered in an instant. Hermione looked at this scene in surprise.

However, a red blood bar appeared on the basilisk's head, and it had dropped by one level.

Hermione murmured: This is what the group leader brother often says, as long as you have a health bar, God will kill you for you to see?

After the basilisk was attacked, it swam towards Hermione.

Torn apart! Torn apart...

Hermione nimbly avoided the basilisk's attacks and continued to cast spells.

Hagrid was woken up by the roar of the basilisk and Hermione's curse, but when he opened his eyes, he saw Hermione fighting a basilisk.

Hermione's body seemed to be dancing, constantly dodging the basilisk's attacks, and would jump on the basilisk from time to time.


Hagrid accidentally saw the basilisk, and the totem on his body was triggered again, so he lay back down again.

Hermione was not distracted by other things, and focused on dealing with the basilisk. Soon the basilisk's health had bottomed out, and the last shot split into pieces and hit the basilisk.

The basilisk screamed and turned into smoke and disappeared, and Yang Bo's figure also appeared on the ground.

Yang Bo sat on the ground in shock. When he was in the basilisk's belly just now, he was thinking whether to use lava or directly use weapons, but unexpectedly he came out directly!

There are several things around Yang Bo.

[basilisk's fangs]

【basilisk's eyes】

[Basilisk scales × 10]

Yang Bo picked it up directly, handed it to Hermione and said, I didn't expect that Hermione is so powerful! This is your trophy!

Hermione ignored the trophies, but said with concern: Brother, group leader, are you okay? Didn't you say there's no danger?

Yang Bo scratched his head in embarrassment: I'm fine! This Lucky Cube's white face is not dangerous, but its dark face is!

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