Join the chat group with MC

Chapter 149 Lucky Cube

Yang Bo watched the countdown to the group mission return to zero, and Yang Bo was directly teleported back to the empty island.

Looking at the unchanging scenery on the empty island, Yang Bo still felt a little nostalgic. In fact, it only took one day, but he experienced a lot.

[Congratulations to the player for completing the survival mission and earning 50 points! 】

[The assimilation mission failed! 】

? ?

Assistant, please come out and explain why the assimilation mission failed. Didn't you say you don't need to choose a player?

[Selecting players and assimilating are two different things. This time your influence on the Pacific Rim world is too low, so the mission failed! 】

Yang Bo was speechless for a while. He didn't expect there to be such a restriction. He originally thought that he could assimilate to the world as long as he went over, but it seemed that his thought was too simple!

Back in the hut, Yang Bo placed the statue of Xiaoxue, and Xiaoxue's figure appeared directly in the house.

Xiaoxue, come and give me a massage! How about I give you a massage? Yang Bo said to Xiaoxue coquettishly.

No need to guess, it’s the familiar eye roll and the familiar snowball again.

Yang Bo opened the chat group despite the snowball. It had been a day to see if there were any good modules updated in it.

After opening the store, Yang Bo's eyes were directly attracted by a golden square with a red question mark on it.

[Magic Modified Lucky Block Module]

[Magically modified lucky cubes, when opened in different worlds, you will get different items or abilities, and will trigger different penalties! 】

[ps: I heard that people can be hired! 】

【Points 200】

Yang Bo's eyes shone brightly: Lucky cube is the eternal god! 200 points? Buy, buy, buy!

After purchasing the module, Yang Bo smiled like a thief who stole a chicken, and he directly opened the synthesis table to check it.

Xiaoxue on the side heard the laughter, felt goosebumps rising on her body, and hurriedly ran away.

The synthesis formula is very cheap, just eight gold and a launcher.

It's just that there is only one kind of square, the most common yellow one.

There are no other lucky cubes at all, but Yang Bo is not discouraged. There are ordinary lucky cubes, so is 7 hugs still far away?

Yang Bo took out the materials and directly synthesized several lucky cubes.

Then I wanted to use emeralds to increase my luck, but I found that there was no luck at all!

Just as I was about to put it on the ground, I suddenly realized that it was still in the house.

No! What if it's bad luck and the house is gone!!

Yang Bo directly took the construction staff and built it on the empty island into the distance. It was so far away that he couldn't see his own house clearly, and then Yang Bo stopped.

Putting down a lucky cube, Yang Bo carefully tapped the lucky cube.

Diamonds! Enchanted books! Animals!

In fact, the things that come out of ordinary lucky cubes no longer have much appeal to Yang Bo, but human nature is like this, and he is very curious about unknown things.


Yang Bo's eyes suddenly changed, and he was locked directly in the water. The top and bottom were made of obsidian, while only the middle part of the surrounding area was made of glass, and the other parts were also made of obsidian.

Fuck! (a plant)

Yang Bo broke the glass and crawled out in embarrassment.

It's a bad start!

Yang Bo, who did not believe in evil, took out another lucky cube and prepared to open it.

The last one was bad luck, so the probability of this one being good is very high!

Yang Bo couldn't wait to open the lucky cube directly.

At the moment when the block started, Yang Bo's feet were directly in the air and fell towards the bottom. By the time Yang Bo reacted, he had already fallen on the spider web.

Yang Bo looked down at the magma beneath his feet, like a prey caught by a spider, watching himself fall into the abyss bit by bit.

Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could I, a perennial European emperor, have the Doom Cube twice!

The ender pearl was directly teleported back to the platform, and Yang Bo, furious, continued to open the lucky block.

After the block was opened, a large amount of wool began to fall from the sky, and soon a colorful wool column appeared in front of you.

There was a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and a bolt of lightning struck directly on the diamond block on the top of the pillar.

Yang Bo finally recovered from being hit twice in a row.

I'm just telling you! You can't always be unlucky!

He happily dug out the wool. Looking at the wool, Yang Bo suddenly thought: By the way, the dusk sheep puzzle has not been completed yet. This time the wool is enough!

Collect the wool and diamond blocks.

Yang Bo had become accustomed to seeing the creeper riding on the bat, and looked at the creeper flying in the sky with an expressionless face.

After reaching the wool column, on average, two of the three blocks will be bad luck, and the pattern will be different every time!

Bang bang bang!

A good platform is now riddled with holes.

No, I can't let myself experience such happiness. Let me see which cutie in the chat group is more suitable!

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