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Chapter 145 I have a plan

Due to time constraints.

Yang Bo directly separated from the group members, took the navigation instrument given by Pentecost before, and set off towards the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

The speed of Nimbus 2001 does not feel very fast when on the road, especially on the sea. The speed is about 300 kilometers per hour, which seems a bit weak on the wide sea.

But this is what Yang Bo wants. He can fly while waiting for Clark to come back.

Xiaoxue had already returned to the statue to rest.

Yang Bo flew to his destination alone and bored.

There are still about ten hours before I go back. I always feel that the time to complete the task is too short!

Previously, in the world of Resident Evil, it was also 24 hours a day. Many things were sent back directly without even being done.

Yang Bo held on to the broom tightly to avoid being blown down by the sea breeze.

There was a look of nostalgia in his eyes, and he said to himself: I don't know what happened to Alice! There was no teleportation stone at that time, and there was no way to contact her!

Licking his lips, he remembered the soft touch.

By the way, this world should also give one person player rights, but to whom?

Yang Bo was not familiar with anyone in this world at all, so he was very confused.

Little Helper!

Yang Bo directly called the assistant in the chat group.

【I am here! 】

Yang Bo: ...

When did you become Xiao Ai?

Can you not give permission to the people and players in this world?

【Can! Everything is based on your operation. 】

That's fine, otherwise we have to consider who to give it to!

Soon a red figure fell from the sky and flew towards Yang Bo quickly.

The Solar Superman had already been charged and flew directly to Yang Bo's position.

Yang Bo looked at Superman floating in front of him in surprise and said, Clark, are you so fast?

Clark: Of course! As long as I'm exposed to sunlight, my power can be restored quickly!

Yang Bo chuckled and said, I'm asking if you're fast, not your strength!

Clark: ...

Above the sea, a stone sword was flying in the sky. The speed was completely beyond the speed of sound, but there were still people standing on it!

Yang Bo: Clark, hurry up!

Clark is pushing the stone sword behind the stone sword and flying towards the destination.

Soon the two arrived at the satellite positioning place. The sea here looked very calm. It was hard to imagine that there was a wormhole connecting to aliens under the sea.

In fact, Yang Bo was also very surprised. Logically speaking, the monster opened a wormhole in the sea. When the monster was transported, the huge pressure should be poured directly into the opponent's planet, but it seemed that no sea water entered.

Uh! Isn't it a joke to talk about science in a monster movie? Yang Bo thought in his mind.

Let's go! Come down with Clark! After drinking the underwater breathing potion, he greeted Clark, and the two of them entered the sea directly.

To be honest, this was Yang Bo's first time diving in the sea. There were all kinds of fish everywhere. Since he had never seen humans, he didn't look panicked.

It's really beautiful! Clark, don't you think so?

Clark also looked at the surrounding environment, feeling a little depressed: Yes, it's very beautiful! This is one of the reasons why I don't want Zod and the others to transform the earth!

Yang Bo swam over and patted Clark on the shoulder, comforting him: It's okay, as long as your tribe follows me, don't worry, I will definitely take care of him!

That's right! Accommodation and food included in single room! Just dig rocks to expand the island, breed animals, collect crops, sift minerals, and fish! Just act as a thug at critical moments. After all, I'm not a shady boss!

salary? I'm not the boss, so what kind of salary can I give you?

Yang Bo thought happily about the life that Zuo De and the others would have after they arrived, and felt a little touched by his kind behavior.

As the surrounding environment became darker and darker, Yang Bo took out the night vision potion and used it directly, and the surrounding environment suddenly became brighter.

He handed Superman a bottle, and Superman took it without even daring to open his mouth. Unlike Yang Bo, who could drink potion in the water, it was completely unreasonable.

Seeing this situation, Yang Bo also shook his head. There was no way he had prepared splash-type night vision potions. However, Superman's eyes were not vegetarian. Although they were not as effective as Yang Bo's night vision potions, everything around him was also See clearly.

Soon the two people reached the bottom of the seabed and reached the seabed.

Okay Clark! I take back what I said before. The fish in the depths of the sea are so ugly! Is it true that no one can see them, so they just grow randomly?

Clark could hear Yang Bo's words underwater, and nodded in agreement. He couldn't stand the strange creatures around him, and they looked more like monsters than monsters.

A cliff-like crack appeared in front of him. After getting closer, Yang Bo saw the glowing wormhole at the bottom at a glance.

There are several monsters around, guarding the wormhole.

He took out the wooden door and placed it on the bottom of the sea. The sea water was squeezed out by the wooden door into a small space, and there was no trace of sea water in it.

Yang Bo walked in directly and waved for Clark to come in too!

After Clark came in, Yang Bo felt that he had been careless. There were two big men standing in an area of ​​one square meter, and there was also one wearing a leather jacket, with his perfect figure fully exposed.

Young man! You have a good figure! Yang Bo smiled, but without stopping, he put down the workbench and made another wooden door.

If I hadn't forgotten to make two wooden doors, this situation wouldn't have happened.

Clark looked at the space squeezed out by the wooden door, stretched out his hand to touch the sea water outside, and said: Yang, I really can't think of any words to describe you! It's so amazing!

When Yang Bo heard Clark's words, he said directly: You are no better. In the eyes of others, you think you are so scientific!

Okay, now let's talk about the plan!

Clark said with a serious expression: What? We actually have a plan??

Yang Bo: ...

Clark then laughed and said: Yang, it's a joke! Keep going!

Yang Bo glared at Clark. He felt that Superman had become much more cheerful and bad-tempered than in the plot. He didn't know who he learned from.

The plan is to kill indiscriminately! You are responsible for the killing, and I will be responsible for the killing!

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