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Chapter 140 Death of Tony

The battle soon came to an end, and none of the six monsters ran away.

All were retained.

The one Superman dealt with showed some trauma, but the opponent was still dead because the points had been obtained.

Yang Bo wondered whether the monster's brain had been shocked into a tofu brain.

Soon, several people returned to the stone sword and controlled the stone sword to fly to the head of the storm red mecha, where the driver was located.

Yang Bo walked forward and knocked on the glass above.

Is anyone there? We're picking up guests!

However, due to the electromagnetic pulse, the armor was paralyzed at this moment and had not yet recovered from the influence of the pulse.

He stretched out his hand and waved at Dachao.

Clark, help me open it!

Clark nodded, flew over and stretched out his hand to directly grab the seam of the mecha. There was a heart-breaking sound, and the mecha's facial armor was ripped off by Superman.

The triplets driver inside was revealed, but at this moment the three of them were fixed on the console, and they couldn't get away without a signal.

The battle just now was completely seen by the three of them, and now they looked like they were seeing gods.

You...who are you? one of the triplets asked nervously.

Yang Bo said helplessly: This problem is difficult to explain, just know that we are here to help you!

There are ancient people, modern people, aliens and people from other worlds in this group of people. To be honest, the other party would not believe it.

Okay, I want to meet your commander, and why the number of monsters suddenly became so large? Isn't there only one at a time?

Yang Bo also raised his own questions. The number of wormhole teleportation monsters is limited in quantity and time, otherwise the earth would have fallen long ago.

The triplets were much calmer at this time. After hearing Yang Bo's words and seeing that several of them looked like humans, they felt much more relieved.

Although the person in front of me has abilities that cannot be explained by common sense, he still looks human after all, right?

We have no way to contact the command center for the time being. The communication system has been completely paralyzed. Before the monsters appeared, there were regular patterns. This time, the wormhole suddenly expanded. A large number of monsters rushed towards Hong Kong. The other party came with a purpose!

Yang Bo suddenly thought of the doctor in the movie who could synchronize with the monster's brain.

‘Is he the target of the monster? But what about the number of monsters? ’

The plot of today's movie has completely collapsed. Apart from letting Yang Bo know some basic information, it has no other function.

Let's go! Take us back to the command center! I want to see your commander!

At this time, the three of them were a little embarrassed and said sheepishly: Can you help us? We can't get down!

Without waiting for Yang Bo to speak, Superman flew over and directly removed the connecting devices on the three of them, like breaking biscuits.

The three of them showed expressions of shock and gratitude, and Superman also showed a charming smile.

Yang Bo nodded to Superman and thought with self-satisfaction: 'This Clark can do it! Be discerning! We must cultivate it vigorously in the future! ’

Soon Yang Bo led the three of them to stand on top of the stone sword. Seeing the three of them cautiously, he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

It's okay, just sit on it!

The three of them sat directly on the stone sword like good babies. With the guidance of the three of them, Yang Bo and his party soon arrived at the command center.

This was a huge building with a large number of people inside, but the moment the stone sword appeared, everyone looked up.

What is that?? It can actually fly in the sky. Is it some new type of aircraft?

It looks like a sword...could a sword-shaped aircraft fly fast?

There seems to be someone standing up there!!

Is there someone?? How is that possible? Damn it! There really is!

Yang Bo and a group of people flew inside. This place was obviously a factory. There were also mechas repaired and maintained here, but they had all been suspended at this moment.

Soon Yang Bo found a large group of people in front, led by a black officer.

The other party did not aim weapons at a few people. The capabilities of the previous few people had been exposed to everyone in the command center through the cameras of satellites and mechas.

Ordinary firearms are just a joke in front of these people, and naturally they will not do anything that harms others but does not benefit themselves.

Just like the Superman world, there are always scenes where guns are used against Superman even though they know that guns are useless.

Yang Bo and his party landed in front of them.

The black officer took a few steps forward, looked at Yang Bo and the others seriously and said, Guys, I am Pentecost, the supreme commander here, who are you?

Yang Bo said: It's hard to explain at the moment, but you just know that we are here to help you!

The black officer nodded. There was nothing he could do if the other party didn't say anything. However, it seemed that the other party was still well-intentioned. The most important thing was that he could communicate, unlike the monster who had no intention of communicating at all.

By the way! This person must be with you too! He just fell from the sky!

As he said this, a small car drove over, with a gold and red armor on it.

What else could it be if it wasn't Tony's Iron Suit?

Yang Bo looked at Tony lying on the car and laughed directly: Haha! It seems that what I thought was right! It really fell off!

Patted Tony's armor: Tony! How are you? Are you okay!

But there was no sound inside!


A broken voice sounded deep in everyone's mind.

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