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Chapter 114 Tony Stark’s Villa

Yang Bo did not wait until night, but directly teleported to the Marvel world with a series of items such as equipment and rockets.

Soon Yang Bo appeared next to Frank.

Frank looked at Yang Bo with a smile on his face: Long time no see!

Yang Bo also smiled and replied: Long time no see Frank!

I'm sorry to trouble you this time, please help me find an oil seller!

Yang Bo, who was unfamiliar with the Marvel world, naturally gave this job to Frank.

Frank nodded in agreement.

Yang Bo took stock of the surrounding environment at this time. Frank was in the living room of a villa at the moment, and he could see the sea outside through the window.

It really looks like spring flowers are blooming above facing the sea. The living room is completely modernly decorated and looks very technological.

Yang Bo looked at the surrounding furnishings and said with some envy: To be honest, I quite like this house. The decoration style suits my aesthetics quite well!

But, Frank, where are you? In my impression, you can't afford such a house!

Frank said expressionlessly: I just don't want it!

In fact, Frank basically spent all his money on revenge and punishing bad guys. Except for daily expenses, he donated all the rest of his black money.

Yang Bo gave Frank a blank look and said, Frank, even if you fall into the lava, the last thing left behind will definitely be that mouth!

Frank was still unmoved: This is Tony Stark's home. He invited me to be a guest. It just so happens that I also need his help with something.

Yang Bo nodded. Frank had said something about going to save Tony in the chat group before, so it was normal for the other party to invite him.

At this time, a gentle voice sounded: Oh! This young man, who are you? I don't think I invited you, right?

Yang Bo followed the sound and saw that it was the owner of this house, Tony Stark.

Tony was wearing a black T-shirt at the moment, and the reactor on his chest was emitting light through the clothes.

He was walking slowly towards the entrance of the living room.

Boy, how did you get in? Frank, is this your friend?

Frank nodded and said seriously: Tony, this is my friend, but I hope you can be more polite, it will be good for you!

After hearing this, Tony's lips slightly raised: I didn't expect that the famous Punisher would speak so highly of a young man. It seems that I really should accept your suggestion Frank.

After Tony was rescued, when he followed Frank out of the cave, the corpses everywhere showed Frank's ability. Naturally, after returning to New York, Tony investigated Frank's information.

Tony walked up to Yang Bo and introduced himself: I think you should know me! But I still have to introduce myself. I am Tony Stark! Genius inventor! Billionaire! Philanthropist!

As he said that, he stretched out his hand. This was also after this danger, Tony had truly transformed. If before, he would not have paid attention to a person with no reputation like Yang Bo.

Yang Bo listened to Tony's stinky self-introduction, stretched out his hand and shook it with Tony, introduced himself with a smile: I thought you were going to say 'I am Iron Man'! My name is Yang Bo, the owner of the world, time The shuttler, the changer of events!”

I boasted a bit and shocked Tony to the spot!

But Tony only thought that Yang Bo was joking, then he released his palm and said to Frank:

Frank, thank you for saving me. I would like to hire you as my personal bodyguard. Do you think you can do it? You can rest assured about the treatment!

After Tony returned from Afghanistan, he was obsessed with protecting his own safety. Frank's appearance gave him hope. Although he had developed a armor, a bodyguard like Frank would also make him safer.

Frank rejected Tony's proposal, but proposed another plan.

Tony, I can help you when you need it, but I hope you can help me make a weapon, a personal combat weapon that is beyond the times!

Frank thought that current weapons such as automatic rifles were okay against ordinary people, but they were already a little weak against some perverted enemies, like those so-called gods!

Tony thought about it and agreed. Not only was Frank his savior, he was also a person very worthy of his investment.

Seeing that the PY transaction between the two had been completed, Yang Bo stood up and said to Tony: Mr. Tony, can you help me get some oil? Don't worry, I'll buy it with money!

Tony Qian cheered up!

Money? I never care about money! Since you are Frank's friend, this matter is taken care of by me, Tony. I wonder if a standard oil tanker is enough?

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