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Chapter 109 The Disappearing Trophies

Yang Bo directly climbed to the top of the Aurora Palace by building blocks, without any thought of walking inside.

Queen, I'm in!!

Yang Bo happily dug open the queen's roof and jumped in.

The Ice Queen BOSS inside is waiting for Yang Bo in the room.

After seeing Yang Bo, he directly attacked without saying anything.

But now Yang Bo has once again exchanged a shot with a gun. With a boomerang, he can now run rampant in the Twilight Forest.

The Ice and Snow Queen did not hold on to Yang Bo's hand for long, and soon turned into smoke and disappeared, leaving behind many items.

Have you released the tracking bow?

Yang Bo never expected that the Snow Queen would be so generous and even gave him the tracking bow.

Looking at the Snow Queen's trophy that fell on the ground, Yang Bo was about to go over and pick it up, but before Yang Bo could go over, the trophy directly turned into a burst of light and integrated into Yang Bo's body.

? ? ?

what's going on?

Yang Bo, who was confused, opened his backpack and couldn't find another Ice Queen trophy inside. There was still only one!

Who hacked my queen?? Yang Bo was extremely unhappy when he saw the disappearing queen.

At this moment Yang Bo saw the Ice and Snow Queen who had been floating beside him.

Yang Bo frowned and looked at it carefully.


He always felt that the Ice and Snow Queen had become a little taller. The Ice and Snow Queen was a little annoyed when Yang Bo saw her. She condensed a snowball and threw it directly at Yang Bo.

Yang Bo, who was already used to it, quickly dodged it!

It's really not an illusion!

It was originally a snowball the size of a table tennis ball, but it has doubled in size. If Yang Bo hadn't been hit too many times, he wouldn't have noticed it!

Yang Bo was a little excited: Is it possible?

He wondered if every time he defeated an Ice Queen and fused a loot, his Ice Queen would grow by one point.

Yang Bo immediately started looking for the next Ice Queen Palace without stopping, preparing to test whether his idea was right.

He kept looking for crows and was preparing to make a new blank magic map. There was no new Snow Queen on the current map, so he could only look for it elsewhere.

Soon Yang Bo appeared in front of the new Ice and Snow Queen again. After two in-depth discussions, he was already familiar with dealing with the Ice and Snow Queen.

Walking towards the items dropped by the Ice and Snow Queen, Yang Bo stared at the Ice and Snow Queen's trophies on the ground this time.

When he was still two or three meters away from the Snow Queen's trophy, the trophy turned into a stream of light and flew towards Yang Bo, directly integrating into his body.


Looking at the Ice and Snow Queen floating aside, it has grown a little bigger again, and is now about one meter tall.

He stretched out his hand to feel the Snow Queen's current state, but as soon as he reached out to the Queen, the Queen slapped her down with her tiny little hand.

A pleasant sound came.


Can you talk? Yang Bo looked at the Ice and Snow Queen in surprise. At this time, he felt that the Ice and Snow Queen was more emotional and seemed to be richer.

He stretched out his evil finger again, poked the Snow Queen's cheek, and threw a fist-sized snowball directly on Yang Bo's face.

Then the Ice and Snow Queen controlled the snow under her feet, flew up quickly, and floated directly to a high place to prevent Yang Bo from touching her. Her face was red and she glared at Yang Bo angrily.


Yang Bo laughed and opened the chat group.

Group leader Yang Bo: Zhang Chulan, your Ice and Snow Queen is gone! There's no way to get it!

Zhang Chulan: ...Okay! It doesn't matter. I'll just wait for Liu Yanyan's birthday and pack myself up and send it over!

Yue Buqun: I, Yue, have never heard of such an operation!

Gao Yao: Unfortunately, I have no feelings for the relationship between men and women now, otherwise I would have learned another trick today.

Group leader Yang Bo: Zhang Chulan, you still know how to play!

Yang Bo chatted with everyone in the group for a while, and then set out again to find the new Snow Queen.

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