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Chapter 101 Locker Room Battle

Wang Ye only felt a strange fluctuation, and he appeared in a strange place.

This is...the locker room?

Looking at the rows of lockers around him, Wang Ye frowned.

The moment he came in, he realized that this place was an illusion, and he was still in the same place as before.

But even though he knew it was an illusion, he still couldn't get out of it for a while.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps.

Wang Ye heard the sound and went out. The door to the locker room was opened and a sturdy figure walked in.

Wang also frowned and was wary of the other party, but the other party just walked to a cabinet, stopped to change clothes, and ignored him.

It's so wrong. The opponent doesn't attack! What's the use of this illusion?

Soon the other party had changed into leather clothes and a strange hood on his head.

There are also metal spikes on the neck to prevent being strangled.

Wang Ye kept his eyes on guard against the other party. After changing his clothes, the man looked up at him.

What are you looking at? came the other party in standard Northeastern Mandarin.

The shocked Wang Ye blurted out habitually: What are you looking at?

After saying that, he regretted it. The other person had a standard foreigner's face, but who would have thought that the other person's mouth would be full of the smell of dirt, which shocked Wang Ye.

When the other party heard Wang Ye's words, he became angry and walked towards Wang Ye: FUCK YOU!!

The other party walked up to Wang Ye and reached out to grab Wang Ye's collar. It seemed that he wanted to push Wang Ye against the wall!

Wang Ye saw the opponent's speed and was a little disapproving.

‘Looks like he’s just a strong ordinary guy! ’

Then Wang Ye's expression changed. He found that he couldn't feel the existence of any Qi at all, which meant that he had become an ordinary person!

The king outside was also lying on the ground.

Zhang Chulan asked worriedly: Is it okay? Group leader, Taoist Master Wang Ye is a pretty good person!

Yang Bo shook his head: Of course there is no problem. Yakumo is still young, and a master like Control King can only pull him in for a few minutes. And if he is hurt or stimulated, he may not be able to withdraw immediately!

Yakumo on the side is depleting his mental power very quickly at this moment. This is not the world of Naruto. Almost all aliens have some means of resisting mental attacks.

Wang Ye has practiced various meditation methods since he was a child. If Wang Ye hadn't consumed a lot before, Yakumo would definitely not have been able to let Wang Ye enter the illusion so easily. Even so, Wang Ye knew that he was on the right track right away!

Wang Ye was lying on the ground, his body struggling continuously, and his face became ferocious!

Then Wang Ye opened his eyes, sat up suddenly, and gasped for air.

Looking at the stretched out hands, I thought with some horror: ‘It’s so real! Everything you see, touch and smell is so real! ’

He will never forget the smell of sweat on his opponent's body and his skin that became greasy due to sweat when he wrestled with him.

At this time, Yang Bo came over and looked at Wang Ye and said, How is it? Is this illusion okay?

Wang Ye nodded and said, Can you tell me which benefactor cast the illusion?

Although he said this, his eyes were looking at Kurama Yakumo. The strange fluctuations he felt before were coming from the little girl.

Yang Bo patted Wang Ye on the shoulder and said: You guessed it right, she is Yakumo!

Then he said with unfinished thoughts: Oh, that's enough. It would be great if Yakumo becomes an adult. Then it won't be as simple as wrestling!

Wang Ye, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then lay directly on the ground, motionless.

This operation caught Yang Bo off guard.

What the hell! Touching porcelain? I just patted your shoulder, and you vomited blood and lay down. I really didn't expect that you, the king, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would do this?

Zhang Sanfeng hurried over and said: No, the group leader Wang Ye's aura has weakened sharply. If we don't treat him, he will be dead!

Upon hearing this, Yang Bo quickly took out the healing potion and threw it next to Wang Ye.


The entire potion bottle shattered, splashing out the potion inside. Wang Ye's pale face finally turned rosy, but he still didn't wake up.

Zhang Sanfeng put his hand on Wang Ye's wrist and frowned deeply: Group leader, it's not enough! Wang Ye has lost too much life force. I don't know what the hell this child did?

After hearing this, Yang Bo took out the golden apple and stuffed it into Wang Ye's mouth. Fortunately, this golden apple could be used directly on others in his hand, just like saving zombie villagers. Otherwise, how to feed it would be a problem.

The golden apple's continuous treatment began to show its power, and soon Wang Ye's face became rosy, and there was no problem at all. Soon Wang Ye opened his eyes, looking at the sky without moving.

When Yang Bo saw that the other party had woken up, he asked, Wang Ye, how are you doing? Why did you suddenly vomit blood?

Wang Ye smiled bitterly: I asked for it. I used Fenghou Qimen to predict you!

Yang Bo asked curiously: What's going on?

I saw four words!

Four words?

Do not enter non!!!

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