Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 336 Once the defense is broken, bugs are bugs!

In addition to Huoyan, there were also four dragon clansmen who received Huolin's message.

Although everyone knew that Huo Lin was using them as cannon fodder, there was nothing they could do in the face of this conspiracy.

After all, they entered Evil Beast Cliff just for Ao Meng's blood essence. Now that there are traces of Ao Meng, how could they let them go.

Of course, some people also considered whether to send the message to others.

But after thinking about it, I decided to forget it. The competition was already strong, but if other guys came, my chances would be even slimmer.

Time passed little by little, and more than an hour later, Huoyan took the lead to arrive near the cave where Ao Meng entered.

"Where's Huolin?"

Huoyan looked around and found that there was no trace of Huolin.

This made him frown. He must have been deceived by the other party.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly another stream of light flew from the distance, and finally a figure appeared.

"Huoya? Where is Huolin?"

The visitor was a woman, and she immediately became alert when she saw Huoyan.

Although Huoya and Huolin couldn't deal with each other, they both came from the fire dragon lineage. If they were to deal with him together, he would not be his opponent.

"Jin Lan? It seems that Huo Lin sent messages to more than just me." Looking at the woman, Huo Yan sneered.

"What do you mean by that?" Jin Lan raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you understand? It was Huo Lin who sent us a message and asked us to come here. The purpose is to let us be his cannon fodder. The key is that we can't refuse. If there are no accidents, besides us, there should be others who will accept it. It’s time to deliver the message.”

As Huoyan was talking, three more streams of light flew over, and the remaining three dragons also rushed over.

The five people looked at each other, but they didn't see Huo Lin, so they didn't know Huo Lin's plan.

"Where's Ao Meng?"

A man from the Water Dragon Tribe asked, so what if they knew Huo Lin's plan, they couldn't refuse.

It would be better to find Ao Meng first, kill him, and steal the opponent's blood essence, so that Huo Lin's plan can be shattered.

Just as Huoyan was about to say he didn't know, a figure slowly walked out of the cave not far away.

It was Ao Meng.

However, Ao Meng did not look like he was dying at this time, but looked to be in excellent condition.

In the void, Huo Lin was surrounded by a layer of spiritual light. It was also because of this layer of spiritual light that he was not discovered by the five people in Huoyu.

Huo Lin was initially confused when he saw the intact Ao Meng, but when he looked at the compass in his hand, he couldn't help but sneer.

"This guy is quite good at bluffing. If I hadn't had a treasure in hand, I might have been deceived by you."

Huo Lin glanced at the compass in his hand. The dragon's shadow was still dim.

"You guys are really cheap, you can't wait to be cannon fodder for Huo Lin." Ao Meng looked at the five people and laughed.

The five people frowned. Although they knew it well, it was always harsh when Ao Meng said it like this.

"Ao Meng, you dare to talk nonsense when you are about to die. You really think that you are still a five-clawed golden dragon. You have been abandoned by the five-clawed golden dragon." Huoyan said coldly.

While talking, the five people dispersed silently, gradually surrounding Ao Meng.

Ao Meng naturally saw the small movements of the five people, but he didn't care at all. So what about the demigods?

Now with the protection of the ancestors of the First Emperor, they are just five ants that can be killed easily.

"Even if I am abandoned, I am still a five-clawed golden dragon. How can I be compared to you bastards?" Ao Meng said.

These words can be said to have touched the souls of five people.

When the Ancestral Dragon was still there, except for some top dragon clans such as the Five-clawed Golden Dragon, Dark Prison Demon Dragon, Qinglong, etc., all other dragon clans were called miscellaneous insects by these top dragon clans.

However, since the death of the ancestor dragon, the strength of the top dragon clan has been greatly reduced, and the status of these ordinary dragon clan has only increased.

At the same time, in order for the Dragon Clan to stop fighting among themselves, the title of Zongchong also gradually disappeared.

But even though everyone is of the same race on the surface, the top dragon clan still despises them, but they just won't say it out loud.

Now Ao Meng calls them bastards, just like some people say that Daxia people are Japanese people. This hatred is really great.

Even if it wasn't for Ao Meng's essence and blood, the five of them would fight Ao Meng to the death today.

"Ao Meng, you are looking for death!"

Huoyan roared angrily, and suddenly a dragon shadow turned into flames attacked Ao Meng.

Ho ho ho…

The other four people also had angry faces and took action one after another, intending to suppress Ao Meng directly.

"Is this a defense breach?"

Ao Meng smiled and said, "Za Chong is a Za Chong!"


The next moment, five sword energy flew out and directly met the attacks of the five people.

Boom boom boom...

The terrifying power erupted. The five of them thought that Ao Meng would lose his strength if he lost his dragon heart. What's more, the five of them joined forces to suppress Ao Meng easily.

Several people were even ready to rush forward and snatch Ao Meng's body.

But when they saw that the incoming sword energy easily shattered their attack, the expressions of the five people changed drastically.

Isn't this Ao Meng's strength the best?

Why is it still so powerful?

But at this time, it was naturally impossible for them to retreat. The power in their bodies exploded again, and attacks flew out one after another, just to eliminate the incoming sword energy.

But these sword energy can cause one trillion damage under ten times the critical strike. As demigods, even if they use skills, each blow will only cause billions of damage at most.

It is simply not enough to eliminate the sword energy.

"not good!"

Seeing that although the sword energy had dissipated somewhat, it was still attacking them, the expressions of the five people changed greatly.

Without any hesitation, the five people hurriedly ducked away, not daring to confront the sword energy head-on.

On the other side, Ao Meng also spurted out a mouthful of blood, but quickly wiped away the blood, glanced around in a panic, and made sure no one noticed him, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Huo Lin, who was hiding in the void, had been staring at Ao Meng and naturally saw this scene.

"It seems that although this guy's damage is high, it comes at a price."

"In his heyday, this price may not be high, but after all, it would be good to be able to survive after losing the dragon heart."

Huo Lin took a deep breath, and at the same time, he was even more looking forward to Ao Meng's opportunity.

The five Huoyu people who had just avoided the sword energy were now frightened because they had a feeling just now.

If you are hit by sword energy, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die.

This made them wary of Ao Meng. They thought that the five of them could take him down easily, but they didn't expect that the opponent had so many trump cards.

"What? Are you scared?"

Ao Meng looked calm and calm. Only Huo Lin secretly knew that Ao Meng was 'holding on'.

The five people looked at each other, and with a roar of dragons, the true form of the five-headed dragon appeared.

Seeing this scene, a hint of gloom flashed in Ao Meng's eyes, which happened to be seen by Huo Lin.

Ao Meng gritted his teeth, as if he had made some huge decision, and roared, "Since you are seeking death, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Huo Lin's eyes lit up, and Ao Meng was desperate.

Then your opportunity will come.

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