Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 328 The true god in the territory, tens of billions of spiritual swords!

In the room, after taking out all the harvest from the trip, Chu Ci and the other two returned to the room.

"You should be almost reaching the myth level, right?"

Gu Yuan asked, taking a sip of the tea in his hand.

"Well, I have reached level 89, and I have received a new mission to break through the realm, but this mission is a bit troublesome." Chu Ci said while eating pastries.

"Oh? What's the trouble? If you need anything, just ask. I, Daxia, still have some knowledge. Maybe I can help you." Gu Yuan asked with raised eyebrows.

He knew Chu Ci's strength, and he could say that even if he was the peak myth, he would never be able to withstand Chu Ci's sword.

It is definitely not easy to get the other party to say the word "trouble".

"This mission requires me to kill a true god."

Chu Ci displayed the mission to break the boundary. Shen Yushan and Gu Yuan were also shocked when they saw the mission information.

"Your mission may be more than hellish."

Shen Yushan muttered.

It's not like he hasn't seen hell-level missions before. They are indeed difficult, but there is always a chance of survival.

But if the opponent's mission is placed on any legendary, even mythical or demigod, there will be no trace of life.

Hell-level missions are difficult, but they are not so perverted.

"Indeed, maybe it's because of my career."

Chu Ci nodded. Except for the first few boundary-breaking tasks, which were easier, the subsequent hell-level tasks were more difficult than the last.

"You already have the power to kill the true god. Under normal circumstances, this task would not be impossible. The difficulty is that you cannot use foreign objects." Gu Yuan said.

Although Chu Ci killed the true god, he also knew that Chu Ci used treasures.

"Yes, this is what I find troublesome. If I can rely on external objects, this task will not be difficult for me." Chu Ci said with a smile.

After saying this, Chu Ci closed the mission interface and said, "Let's figure out a solution for this mission later. I'm not ready yet."

He didn't expect Daxia to help him. After all, the True God was involved, and Daxia was beyond his capabilities, not to mention that this task couldn't rely on external help.

"It's not impossible to complete your mission."

But Gu Yuan suddenly smiled.

Chu Ci paused and looked at Gu Yuan in surprise, "What does Minister Gu mean by this?"

Is there any other way the other party can help him complete his mission?

"It is true that the true god is not easy to kill, let alone without using external objects, but what if the true god is willing to die himself?" Gu Yuan said.

The true God himself sent to death?

Chu Ci looked at Gu Yuan doubtfully, not understanding what he meant.

After all, there is no true god in the human race, only alien races. How can the true god of an alien race die willingly?

"Are you talking about the true god in Dongxu's secret realm?" Shen Yushan narrowed his eyes.

Gu Yuan nodded, turned to look at Chu Ci who looked puzzled, and explained: "More than four hundred years ago, a secret realm appeared in our Daxia territory, which is the Dongxu Secret Realm."

"This secret realm is extremely special. If you want to enter it, you must pass some tests. Even though our country, Daxia, has produced numerous talents over the years, only three people have entered it."

"And after entering it, these three people all returned without success, but they brought back some information."

"There is a true god in that secret realm. We don't know what race he comes from, but we do know that he is seriously injured and difficult to treat and his life is in danger."

"The reason why this secret realm was opened is that the other party realized that the end was approaching, had a last wish in his heart, and looked for a living being to fulfill it."

"It's a pity that only three people have entered it in the past four hundred years, and they have never been recognized by it. Naturally, they have not fulfilled their last wish."

Gu Yuan looked at Chu Ci and smiled, "Others may not be able to do it, but you should be able to do it. Maybe you can lend his life to use."

Chu Ci's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that there was a seriously injured true god in Daxia.

However, the vitality of this true god is indeed tenacious. Four hundred years ago, he felt that his end was approaching, but he was still alive after four hundred years.

"Where is the Dongxu Secret Realm? When will it be opened?" Chu Ci asked.

He had previously considered finding and killing a seriously injured true god to complete the mission.

However, it is naturally not that simple to find this kind of true god, and it may even be impossible to find it in a lifetime.

But now Gu Yuan gave him hope.

If the true god in Dongxu Secret Realm is really willing to die, then his mission can be completed.

If he regrets it, Chu Ci will also try to kill him by force.

"When this secret realm appeared in Daxia, the higher-ups felt it was unsafe, so they moved it to the outer territory, within Yumen Pass."

Gu Yuan said, "This secret realm is always open, so you can go there at any time."

Chu Ci nodded, it was easy like this. If we still have to wait for the secret realm to be opened, we don't know how long it will take.

"If everything goes well, maybe I can reach the myth level within a month."

Chu Ci secretly thought that after all, it was the true god's task, and it should be enough to complete it in a month.

"By the way, you have been away for two months. You said before that you needed tens of billions of spiritual swords. In the past two months, Daxia's arsenal has been fully operational, which means you have completed the task ahead of schedule."

Gu Yuan said as he took out a storage ring and handed it to Chu Ci.

Although Chu Ci had previously said that tens of billions of spiritual swords would be needed in three months, it was naturally impossible for Gu Yuan to really finish it in a time jam.

So after meeting the top management, the scale of the military factory was expanded, and the production of tens of billions of spiritual swords was completed one month ahead of schedule.

After Chu Ci took it, he took a look and saw that there were tens of billions of spiritual swords lying in it.

"These spiritual swords came just in time." Chu Ci smiled.

Shen Jiangyun became his sword attendant, and he hadn't even had time to give the other party the spiritual sword, and the other party didn't have the damage bonus yet.

"I think you need more spiritual swords than these, so the military factory has not stopped and continues to make spiritual swords for you." Gu Yuan said.

Compared to the resources Chu Ci brought back, tens of billions of spiritual swords were nothing at all.

“The more, the merrier.”

Chu Ci smiled and said, fortunately, Daxia helped him with the logistics. Otherwise, if he was a lone wolf, where would he get tens of billions of spiritual swords?

"By the way, before I leave, I asked you to investigate where the end of the sky is. Do you have any clues?" Chu Ci asked.

The ancestor of the First Emperor had said before that if he was allowed to take the Tiger Talisman to the end of the world, he could regain control of the twelve golden men and form a million-strong Great Wall garrison.

But where the end of the day is, he doesn't know.

"We are still investigating this matter, but we don't have any clues yet. Although there are many ancient books in Daxia, there are no records in these ancient books."

Gu Yuan said helplessly, "But we have contacted some foreigners we have good relations with and plan to check their historical records to see if there are any clues."

Chu Ci nodded. It was indeed a bit difficult to find out clearly with just the words "End of the World".

But now the power of the Tiger Talisman has not been restored, so it is not that urgent.

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