Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 326 There is hope for the human race, and Daxia will be prosperous!

As they flew all the way, although they occasionally met foreigners on the road, Chu Ci didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Only when you encounter a foreign race above the legendary level can you solve it.

He set off from Jiayuguan that day, and it took him more than half a month to reach the Sea of ​​Clouds, and then another half a month from the edge of the Sea of ​​Clouds to the Blood Jade Island.

This time his level increased, and his speed naturally increased.

In less than a month, Chu Ci saw the appearance of Jiayuguan from a distance.

"I had never noticed it before, but looking from the outside now, Jiayuguan is quite magnificent."

Looking at the Jiayuguan city wall that was more than ten feet high, Chu Ci couldn't help but sigh.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think of the piece of gravel given to him by the Zhenling Stone Tablet.

If this gravel is used, not only Jiayuguan, but the entire Great Wall will be upgraded to a higher level.

"If this spirit-suppressing stone tablet is embedded on the Great Wall, the effect will be even more terrifying."

Chu Ci couldn't help but have this idea in his mind when he thought about the characteristics of the Zhenling Stone Monument that he couldn't even see.

But it's just an idea. I can't even see the depth of the Soul-Suppressing Stone Tablet, let alone capture it.

Perhaps only after you become a strong Ancient God can you influence the other party's ideas.

Looking at Jiayuguan getting closer and closer, Chu Ci had no intention of alarming the guards on the city wall. After all, it was a bit troublesome to explain his identity.

Immediately, he disappeared in a flash of sword, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived in the inner city.


In the house, a man was looking at the documents in his hand. He noticed Chu Ci's appearance and looked around, "It turns out that little friend Chu Ci is back."

"I'm disturbing General Shen."

Chu Ci smiled and held his hand. The other person was Shen Jiangyun's grandfather, Shen Yushan.

"You're so polite, little friend Chu Ci. I haven't thanked you enough for saving my grandson that day." Shen Yushan stood up and cupped his hands.

"Shen Jiangyun's crisis started because of me, and it should have ended because of me. It can't be called a rescue."

Chu Ci said, unwilling to continue being polite, "Where are Mr. Chen and the others?"

"Chen Binghe is going back for the time being, while my son Shen Lin is taking Jiang Yun and Chang He to practice outside."

Shen Yushan said, "But what's important?"

"It's not that important. During this trip, I went to the Sea of ​​Clouds and Mist. I was going to hunt for treasures, but I never expected to encounter the Yamata Snake." Chu Ci said.

Shen Yushan's expression changed slightly. He naturally knew the Yamata Snake, and the other party was a true god.

"I thought that the Yamata Snake would definitely die after it exploded, but I never thought it was still alive. The true God's methods are indeed unpredictable."

Shen Yushan said and looked at Chu Ci, "Little friend Chu Ci, did you encounter the Yamata Snake? Did you encounter any trouble?"

"Trouble is out of the question. The Yamata Snake blew itself up to escape. When I encountered it, it was still seriously injured, so I killed it." Chu Ci said with a smile.

Shen Yushan paused, and the expression on his face became complicated, including surprise, emotion, and more of joy.

Although he knew that Yamata Snake was a true god, he could not do anything to Chu Ci. After all, Yamata Snake was forced by Chu Ci to blow himself up and escape in the arena.

But now that he heard Chu Ci personally saying that he had killed the Yamata Snake, he was naturally very happy.

After all, Yaqi Snake is a true god. No matter what the other party's strength is among the true gods, the strength of the other party's true god alone cannot be compared to them.

Now Chu Ci is only at the legendary level, but he already has the power to kill the true god.

"There is hope for the human race, and Daxia will be prosperous!"

Shen Yushan patted Chu Ci on the shoulder and couldn't help but sigh.

The young man in front of him was only eighteen or nineteen years old. He had not yet reached the age of weakness, but he was already able to kill the true god.

The most important thing is that the opponent is only at the legendary level, which is equivalent to killing a god in reverse.

Such a thing has never happened in Daxia. Even the mythical professionals who have appeared in Daxia have never done this kind of thing.

"In addition, I will also kill all the foreign races above the legendary level in the Sea of ​​Clouds and Mist." Chu Ci continued.

After the other party killed the true god, even though Shen Yushan was still surprised when he heard Chu Ci's words now, he felt that it was normal.

After all, even the true gods have been killed, isn't it easy to kill other aliens?

"I brought back the corpse of the Yamata Snake and many foreign corpses, including the foreign treasure trove."

"I have taken what I need on the way back. As for the rest, I have to trouble the old general to make room for them." Chu Ci continued.

"There's no problem with that. Although I have a lot of resources in Daxia now, I can still eat no matter how much resources I have."

Shen Yushan said, "It's better to just..."

Before Shen Yushan finished speaking, a figure appeared in the house.

"Your boy is finally back."

Hearing this voice, Chu Ci knew that it was Gu Yuan who was coming without looking.

"Minister Gu."

Chu Ci and Shen Yushan looked at each other and nodded.

"Minister Gu cares about you very much. He basically comes to Jiayuguan every few days. He says he is here to see me, but in fact he is here to see if you are back." Shen Yushan laughed.

Hearing this, Gu Yuan was not embarrassed. Originally, he came to see if Chu Ci was back.

The main reason was that Chu Ci had been away for too long this time. If he hadn't known through the friend list and Liu Changhe that Chu Ci was okay, he would probably have gone out to look for Chu Ci directly.

Chu Ci is really too important now. According to the estimation of senior officials, Chu Ci is the most promising person to become a god in these hundreds of years.

Once Chu Ci becomes a god, he may be able to break the shackles of the human race's godlessness, and maybe more people will become gods by then.

"It just so happened that I gained a lot of trophies during my trip this time. Since Minister Gu is also here, it just so happens that we can see how to deal with it together." Chu Ci said with a smile.

Shen Yushan had no objection. The human race within Daxia was considered united, let alone those on the front line.

Even if Chu Ci didn't say anything, after counting the loot, he would report everything to the military headquarters, which would distribute it properly.

Of course, if it were in the past, the various pass guards would still fight for it, but now it is different.

Since Chu Ci brought back the entire Tianyuan City, Tianyuan City has not been completely cleaned up yet, and the resources harvested from it are countless.

This also caused the resources on the front line to suddenly become richer, and the soldiers on the front line were much stronger than before.

If it weren't for the fact that the human race was unable to become a god, I don't know how many true gods could be created just from the corpse of the peak true god in Tianyuan City.

This is also the reason why Daxia is so looking forward to Chu Ci becoming a god. As long as the other party makes a start, a large number of true gods may appear in Daxia.

Hearing Chu Ci's words, Gu Yuan's eyes lit up.

He knows Chu Ci well, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't travel far. As long as he goes out, he will definitely bring back a lot of good things.

This time the other party has been away for two full months, and he doesn't know how much he has gained.

"Then let's take a look together."

Gu Yuan waved his hand as he spoke, and then the three of them disappeared. When they reappeared, they were in an independent space.

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