Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 321 Are all the alien races in the Sea of ​​Clouds and Mist so polite?

Chu Ci looked at the ten corpses in front of him and put them into the military arsenal with a calm expression.

"The power of this law is really useful."

Chu Ci secretly thought.

Just now, he did not use the spiritual sword enchanted by the Suzaku cub, but the power of law in the law orb.

Under the power of law, even ordinary spiritual swords have the means to ignore the damage-free effect of the target.

However, it is better to use the power of law to deal with true gods, but it is a bit wasteful to use it to deal with demigods.

Then Chu Ci looked at the corpse of the Yamata Snake. In fact, the corpse had not been completely condensed by the Yamata Snake, and then he met him, and a few heads exploded in the process. It can be said to be very mutilated.

But no matter how mutilated it is, it is still the corpse of a true god, and it has some value.

"This trip should be over."

Chu Ci waved his hand and put away the body of the Yamata Snake, and looked at the tens of millions of aliens outside the Blood Jade Island.

After harvesting these alien races, his level will definitely reach level 89, and then he can return to the human race.

At the same time, outside the Blood Jade Island, the waiting clan leaders suddenly paused and looked into the Blood Jade Island in surprise.

"What happened? Did I feel wrong? The aura of the true god seems to have disappeared?"

"You noticed it too? I thought I was the only one who felt it."

"Something's wrong. I left something on those ten guys. Unless they are dead, I can lock their aura at any time, but now I can't detect their aura."

"Did those ten guys take away the true god's body?"

"It's impossible. Even if those ten guys have some trump cards, we have more than two thousand demigods here. How can we have the opportunity to take away the remains of the true god under our noses."

The moment Chu Ci put away the body of the Yamata Snake, more than two thousand demigods outside the Blood Jade Island also noticed something strange.

If only one or two of them felt it was wrong, but all the demigods felt it, it was impossible to make a mistake.

At this moment, all the demigods became a little restless.

No matter what caused the aura of the true god's remains to disappear, it was not good for them.

This means that the opportunity to become a god is gone.

But despite the restlessness, no demigod rushed in directly. After all, there were too many demigods at the scene.

Jiao Chi's face also darkened. He had also left means on the ten demigods, but at this time he could no longer sense the auras of the ten demigods.

If the ten demigods died, they would die. He didn't care at all. After all, they were not his tribe.

But the breath of the true god's body disappeared, and he couldn't sit still.

"Everyone, the aura of the true god's body suddenly disappeared. I'm afraid something happened inside. I think it's better to go in and take a look as soon as possible." Jiao Chi said.

The Demon Scale Jiao clan is the strongest here, and as the clan leader, he also plays the role of talker.

"Of course we need to check, but who can go in and check?" the leader of the Hailong Clan asked.

These words made all the clan leaders look at each other. Naturally, they all wanted to go in and check, but who was worried?

"Each clan sends five demigods to enter." Jiao Chi said directly, he didn't want to waste any more time.

Naturally, other races don't want to waste time. Even if some small races can't gather five demigods, they don't dare to talk nonsense.

"Okay, then each clan will send five demigods in."

As the chiefs of the big clans agreed, each clan began to select people, and soon about three hundred demigods stood up.

These more than three hundred demigods looked at each other, and then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the Blood Jade Island.

Outside the Blood Jade Island, all races stared closely at the backs of the more than three hundred demigods, with tense expressions on their faces, ready for a battle at any time.

But just when more than three hundred demigods were about to enter the Blood Jade Island, suddenly, red sword lights suddenly appeared.

The sword light spread across the sky, instantly covering more than three hundred demigods.

"not good!"

These demigods were alert to begin with, and the moment they sensed danger, they all resorted to means to resist.

Swish, swish, swish...

But in the next moment, as the sword light fell, more than two hundred demigods were immediately cleared of their health bars.

On their deathbed, these demigods were filled with disbelief.

How come the damage is so high?

They still have many methods that they haven't used yet.

If they had used life-saving measures from the beginning, they would never have died so quickly.

Those demigods who directly used their trump cards naturally escaped. Seeing that more than two hundred demigods fell in an instant, these living demigods also trembled in their hearts.

That's a demigod.

The top experts in the Sea of ​​Clouds and Mist were now massacred like ants.

True God!

That true god hasn’t left yet!

These demigods were horrified and turned around to escape, but then they found that they could not move.


The control effects fell on them one by one.

Before they could think of a way to release the control, the red sword light struck again.

Swish, swish, swish...

Like the wheat harvested in autumn, the remaining nearly a hundred demigods were harvested one after another. Before their bodies fell, they were pierced by the spiritual sword and brought back to the Blood Jade Island.

One breath!

The whole journey took only one breath, and more than three hundred demigods, the top experts in the Sea of ​​Clouds and Mists, died just like that.

There wasn't even a chance to resist.

The strong men of various races who were watching the more than three hundred demigods entering the Blood Jade Island from outside were also stunned on the spot.

When they saw the sudden red sword light, the strong men of all races felt something bad.

Some people who responded quickly even planned to go to the rescue.

But they never expected that more than three hundred demigods would die just like that before they set out to rescue them.

One clan leader swallowed his saliva and said, "True, true God?"

The sound was not loud, but it exploded in the ears of all the strong men.

The true God, that true God has not left yet.

Except for the powerful true gods, they could not imagine anyone who could kill more than three hundred demigods in one breath.

No wonder the breath of the true god’s remains disappeared.

No wonder the auras of the previous ten demigods also disappeared.

If the true god has not left yet, but has been in the Blood Jade Island, then everything will make sense.

"The Demon Scale Jiao Clan respectfully welcomes the arrival of the True God and offers our clan's treasures. I hope the True God will accept them."

Jiao Chi lowered his head directly, and at the same time, a treasure house flew out.

The people of the Demon Scale Dragon Clan were stunned for a moment, and then they all bowed their heads to show respect for the true god.

"The Golden Spirit Crab Clan respectfully welcomes the arrival of the True God and offers our clan's treasures. I hope the True God will accept them."

The next moment, the leader of the Golden Spirit Crab Clan also reacted. As he spoke, he saluted with his clan members and at the same time took out his treasure house.

"Sea Dragon Clan..."

"The giant whale clan of the deep sea..."

Voice after voice rang out, and tens of millions of aliens saluted the Blood Jade Island at this moment. At the same time, they took out treasure troves one after another.

If they had the intention to snatch the true god's body before, now they just want to live.

Are you kidding me? That's a real god!

Moreover, he is still a living true god. If he continues to refuse to give in, the entire clan may die.

In the Blood Jade Island, Chu Ci was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

Are all the foreign races in this sea of ​​clouds so polite?

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