Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 310 The blood rainbow hangs in the sky, and the true god dies!

"Want to run?"

Chu Ci snorted coldly, his sword finger moved slightly, the void trembled, and countless invisible swords appeared, filling the entire space channel.

Yamata Snake also felt troublesome when he noticed these invisible swords.

If he were in his prime, he could easily destroy these invisible swords if he mobilized the power of law.

But now he has never recovered from his serious injuries, and even his control over the power of law has been weakened by most of it.

If the power of law is mobilized to deal with these invisible swords, it will not be able to dispel the control effect that Chu Ci constantly exerts on him.

"Damn it, this majestic true god was forced to come here by an ant human race."

A fierce look flashed in Yaqi Snake's eyes.


Then I saw its eight heads that had returned to their original form, one of which exploded directly.

Immediately, blood mist flew across the sky, turning into countless small blood-colored snakes and rushing into the passage.

Boom boom boom...

The small blood-colored snake collided with the invisible swords, destroying these invisible swords continuously, and the figure of Yamata Snake also got into it, while trying to open up a new space channel again.

But just as a new passage was opened, a large number of invisible swords appeared again.

"No, this method won't work."

Yaqi Snake's heart sank. He was alive at this time because his injury-free effect was still there.

But it won't last long. In one minute at most, the protection from injury will be lost. At that time, Chu Ci can kill him with one sword.

"That's all. If you don't pay some price today, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape from here."

Yamata Snake took a deep breath, and then sacrificed three more heads, and a terrifying power also rose from the body.

"Oh? Sacrifice your head to gain short-term power?"

Chu Ci narrowed his eyes. At this time, the Yamata Snake's momentum was much stronger than before, and it was not inferior to that in its heyday.


At this time, the Yamata Snake mobilized its power, directly overturning the surrounding invisible swords and spiritual swords and continuing to drill into the space passage.

Chu Ci frowned. He finally saw that it was impossible for the Yamata Snake to fight him head-on.

If it were a head-on battle, given the opponent's condition, he would be 98% sure that he would be able to kill him.

But if the other party is bent on escaping, he has no means to seal off the powerful True God, and he doesn't even have the control effect, so it is impossible for him to keep the other party.

"The True God is indeed the True God. With my current strength, it is still difficult to kill him." Chu Ci said helplessly.

If he had the means to restrain the powerful True God, he would still have a chance to kill him with the terrifying damage.

Too bad he didn't.

Bella on the side noticed Chu Ci's expression and originally wanted to comfort him.

But the next moment Chu Ci shook his big hand and saw the tiger talisman appear in his hand.

Since I can't keep the true god, I can only ask someone to fight for me.

As Chu Ci activated the tiger talisman, a powerful pressure burst out from the tiger talisman.

Boom boom boom...

This coercion was not covered at all, and it spread crazily in all directions with Chu Ci as the center.

Outside the valley, many foreigners who were practicing also screamed and were all suppressed to the ground unable to move.

"W-what's going on? It's such a powerful pressure. Could it be that a strong demigod took action?"

"I have also felt the pressure of demigods before, but it is definitely not this powerful."

"True God? Impossible. Does there exist a true God in our sea of ​​clouds and mist?"

The suppressed aliens on Blood Jade Island were panicking. If it was just the pressure of demigods, they had nothing to worry about.

After all, no one is allowed to take action on the Blood Jade Island. Even if a demigod takes action, they will be surrounded and suppressed by the major races.

But if it is a true God...

Let alone encirclement and suppression, it would be good for all the alien races in the Sea of ​​Clouds and Mist not to flee for their lives.

Compared with the confusion and fear of these aliens, the Yamata Snake who was running for his life was almost frightened to death.

He was too familiar with this aura. He was the owner of this aura a month ago and almost killed himself.

In the end, he managed to survive by blowing himself up.

"How is it possible? How can he still summon this projection?"

Yamata Snake was also filled with disbelief even as it was frightened.

The human race does not have a true god, so it is impossible to have a large number of props to summon the projection of the true god.

And even if a prop can summon the true god's projection multiple times, it self-destructed in the first place. Logically speaking, even if the prop cannot be destroyed, it can still be disabled for a short period of time. .

But what's the result?

It has only been a month, but the opponent's props can actually summon the projection of the true god again, and the aura is no weaker than a month ago.

Could it be that after he blew himself up, he didn't cause any damage to the projection?

What a joke!

He is a true god, and his power after self-destruction is very strong.

Although he didn't know why Chu Ci could summon the projection of the true god again, Yamata Snake didn't want to think about it anymore.

It's important to escape!

The Yamata Snake didn't pause at all, and its body quickly shuttled through the space. In just a moment, it left the central area of ​​the Cloud and Mist Sea, and then continued to escape towards the Cloud and Mist Sea without looking back.

After not waiting long, seeing that they had reached the edge of the sea of ​​clouds and mist, Yamata Snake breathed a sigh of relief, "It must have run away now."


But as soon as this thought came to an end, the surrounding space suddenly shattered. In the eyes of Yamata Snake's fearful eyes, a big hand appeared suddenly, seemingly thousands of miles away.

The Yamata Snake did not dare to hesitate, and instantly exploded three more of the four remaining heads. The aura on its body once again increased by several percent, and its speed also soared.

But just as he was about to get rid of this big hand, the space in front of him also shattered, and another big hand appeared, as if it had been waiting for his arrival.


The Yamata Snake screamed in fear and wanted to continue to resist, but the big hand directly pressed down and caught it easily.


The Yamata Snake was still struggling, but the surrounding scene seemed to have changed in a blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, the Yamata Snake found itself appearing above the Blood Jade Island again.


Yamata Snake looked at Chu Ci who was smiling below. Just as he spoke, a cold light suddenly flashed across his face.

-338 trillion (true damage, eight times critical hit)

As a terrifying injury floated up, Yamata Snake's eyes gradually lost focus, Chu Ci's figure gradually became blurred, and his vitality also disappeared.


At the moment when the Yamata Snake lost its life, the sky suddenly cracked, and a bloody rainbow was seen across the entire sea of ​​clouds and mist, and an inexplicable sadness filled the world.

In the sea of ​​clouds and mist, countless races jumped up and rushed out of the sea, looking at the bloody rainbow above the sky in disbelief.

"The blood rainbow hangs in the sky, and the true god is destroyed!"

Many powerful people were shocked. Although there was no true god in the sea of ​​clouds and mist, they still knew the vision of the true god's demise.

"How is it possible? How could a powerful true god appear in my sea of ​​clouds and mist, and also perish?"

"Could it be that a true god passed by our sea of ​​clouds and mist and died by chance?"

"Looking at the direction of the fall, it seems to be over the Blood Jade Island."


The aliens in the entire sea of ​​clouds and mist were boiling, some were fearful, and some were greedy.

The fall of the True God is of extraordinary value. Even just some flesh and blood of the True God's strong men is enough to create a large number of strong men in the clan.

And the most exciting ones are those demigods.

If you can get the body of a fallen true god, you may be able to understand the true god's way and become an extremely powerful true god.

At that time, the entire sea of ​​clouds and mist will respect themselves!

For a time, the minds of the strong men from all ethnic groups were floating, and they held meetings one after another to discuss.

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