Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 294: You rude person deserves to be cooked in fish head soup!

More than half a month later.

A sword light flashed across the sky, and Chu Ci's figure was revealed.

Chu Ci landed in front of a stone tablet with three words written on it.

Sea of ​​clouds and mist.

Chu Ci looked ahead. It was a sea with no edge. Because it was wrapped in thick fog, the visibility was only a thousand meters.

Take out the jade plate with a golden ring, and as the jade plate is activated, a pointer on it rotates, and then points into the sea of ​​clouds and mist.

"It seems that we need to enter this sea of ​​clouds and mist." Chu Ci thought to himself.

However, he didn't know what was going on in this sea of ​​clouds, and the visibility was too low. It would be troublesome if there was a sneak attack by aliens.

Although his damage is high, if he is really attacked by a mythical enemy, he will be in some danger.

"Fortunately, my spirit sword can provide vision."

Chu Ci's mind moved, and a hundred thousand spiritual swords flew out.

Each spiritual sword is separated by a thousand meters. With the view provided, there is no need to worry about being suddenly attacked.

Then Chu Ci held the jade plate and flew towards the sea of ​​clouds and mist. The speed was not very fast, mainly because he was not very clear about the situation here.

"Huh? There really is a monster."

After flying tens of thousands of meters, Chu Ci suddenly paused. Ten thousand meters to his left, there was a figure running away frantically, with several figures following behind him.

"This is...the mermaid tribe?"

Chu Ci narrowed his eyes. The figure in the front was a woman, but she had the body of a fish with a streamlined body and gorgeous scales.

The delicate face seems to be carefully carved, and the scales exude a mysterious light in the ripples of light.

But at this time, the woman from the mermaid clan was full of panic, her body was covered with several scars, and she was running frantically for her life.

Behind him were five black sharks, chasing the mermaid woman.

"Princess Bella, I advise you not to run away, you won't be able to run away."

"Yes, as long as you hand over the treasures of your mermaid clan, we can let you go."


The five black sharks behind them said as they rushed forward in a sprint, but the mermaid woman in front was well prepared and rolled up a layer of waves to avoid them.

"Don't even think about it, I won't give this holy pearl to you even if I die." The mermaid woman said angrily.

But there was despair in her eyes. She knew her situation very well. She was seriously injured and could not hold on for long.

Thinking of this, a trace of determination flashed in the woman's eyes. If it really came to that moment, she could only detonate the holy beads and die together with these guys.

The five black sharks behind looked at each other. The reason why they kept chasing behind them was because they were afraid that the other party would detonate the holy beads.

By then, not only will they themselves be dead, but even their own ethnic group will not be able to survive.

After all, this Holy Pearl is what the True God wants.

Thinking of this, the five black sharks just chased after the mermaid woman and stopped forcing her. They planned to wait until the other party was exhausted before looking for an opportunity to capture her.

"Princess of the Mermaid Tribe?"

Chu Ci stood there and looked at the five figures passing thousands of meters in front of him.

I had thought that there would be a foreign race in this sea of ​​clouds and mist, but I didn't expect that it would be the mermaid race, and I also met the princess of the mermaid race.

But the princess of the mermaid tribe doesn't look like she's in good condition.

There are also treasures from the mermaid clan...

The five black sharks and the mermaid princess are both demigods, and the treasure that the demigods can compete for is most likely a law artifact.

"I happen to be unfamiliar with this place, so I can find a guide."

Chu Ci thought, and his figure disappeared. When he reappeared, he happened to land in front of the two parties.

Bella, the princess of the mermaid tribe, was the first to notice Chu Ci. Her expression changed at first, thinking that a strong man from the black shark tribe was blocking the way.

But when he took a closer look, he discovered that it was a foreign race that he had never seen before.

Although Chu Ci's aura was not strong and he looked like a legendary figure, Bella just took one look at him and did not intend to waste time. She directly changed the direction and continued to run away.

The five black sharks also noticed Chu Ci's figure and were all stunned because they had never seen the human race before.

"There is an outsider. Third brother, go and deal with him. You must not delay the Lord's business." A black shark said coldly.

The matter of the Holy Pearl was extremely important. At this time, no matter whether the other party came for the Holy Pearl or not, he did not dare to take risks.

Fortunately, the other party's aura is not strong, so just deal with it.

Black Shark, known as the third child, did not speak, but glanced at Chu Ci, who was a thousand meters away. Then his tail rolled up, and a huge wave suddenly set off and hit Chu Ci.

An ant that doesn't even have a mythical level, a huge wave is enough to finish off the opponent.

The third child didn't even look at it. After setting off a huge wave, he turned around and continued to chase the mermaid princess.

But just as he started to move, a sudden coldness swept through his body.

what's the situation?

The third child was shocked.

He hurriedly turned around to look, only to see a sword light tearing apart the giant wave and continuing to attack him.

not good!

Lao San's heart trembled. He felt the threat of death in the sword light.

He wanted to avoid it, but he realized that the sword light had already locked him.


Lao San did not dare to hesitate and hurriedly unleashed a full blow. A black shark silhouette appeared and rushed forward to meet the sword light.

But when the two sides touched, the sword light instantly tore the phantom into pieces.

The third child still wanted to resist, but he felt his body stiffen and the control effect was already attached to his body.


The next moment, in Lao San's desperate eyes, the sword light penetrated his body.

He didn't even feel a trace of pain, and his health bar was emptied. His huge body turned over and floated belly up on the sea.

"How rude."

Chu Ci came to Lao San's body and put it away.

He didn't say anything, but he actually attacked himself.

This impolite thing should be taken back to make fish head soup.

"what happened?"

At this time, the four black sharks who continued to chase the mermaid princess also noticed the movement here.

However, due to the special nature of the sea of ​​clouds and mist, they could only see within a kilometer range, so they did not know the specific situation.

"Second brother, go and see what happened to third child." Black Shark boss said in a deep voice, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Black Shark's second son nodded, and then dived into the sea fiercely.

The fog on the sea will obscure their view, but it will not be affected in the sea.

This is also the reason why the mermaid princess will run for her life on the sea. As long as she can keep a thousand meters away from the black shark, it will be difficult for the other party to find her.

Soon, Black Shark Lao Er came to the death scene of Black Shark Lao San.

A touch of blood made Black Shark Lao Er's heart tremble. This bloody smell came from Lao San.

But there was no trace of the third child in front of him, which made him realize that something was wrong.

"Are you polite?"

At this time, a voice sounded, and Chu Ci appeared above Black Shark's dick at some point.

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