Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 288 The true god self-destructs and the mushroom cloud rises!

-372 trillion (real damage, seven times critical hit)

This sword energy directly exploded with seven times the critical strike, and more than 300 trillion damage floated from the Yamata Snake.

The Yamata Snake, which was about to break free from the tiger talisman's suppression, seemed to be discouraged, and its health bar was emptied again, turning into a corpse again.

But Chu Ci knew that the opponent was not dead. The Yamata Snake should have eight lives. After clearing the opponent's blood volume twice, he also found that only six of the opponent's eight heads were left.

Indeed, as Chu Ci thought, the Yamata Snake's health bar recovered in the next moment, and it once again mobilized the power of the law to attack the tiger talisman's shadow.

Chu Ci was not polite, and another sword energy fell.

But the sword energy was about to fall on the Yamata Snake, but one of the Yamata Snake's heads suddenly spit out a beam of light and shattered the sword energy.

At the same time, the tiger talisman's projection also collapsed, and the Yamata Snake also broke free from the suppression of the tiger talisman.

After all, the tiger talisman is just a legal artifact now, and it is already very good to be able to persist for such a long time under the constant impact of a true god.

But Chu Ci's movements did not stop, and he swung out the Immortal Sword again. In just a moment, dozens of sword energy flew out.

Yamata Snake coldly snorted, but with a shake of his body, the sword energy was resisted and then annihilated.

"Human race, die!"

Yamata Snake looked at Chu Ci with murderous intent in his eyes.

He was very sure that the other party was only a legendary one, but a legendary ant actually cut off two of his heads.

He is a true god!

Although it took some time to recover the two heads later, the shame was really hard for him to accept.

This human race must die, not only to avenge their shame, but also to cut off the hope of the human race.

The opponent is already so terrifying at the legendary level. If he is given time to develop, once he becomes a true god, the entire race will suffer.

The next moment, the six heads opened their mouths at the same time, and thunder, venom, ice, fire... all spewed towards Chu Ci.

In order to deal with a legendary, six heads attacked together, which shows how much Yamata Snake wants to kill Chu Ci.

Looking at the incoming attack, Chu Ci knew that although he beheaded the opponent's two heads, he still suppressed the opponent with the help of the tiger talisman.

If it weren't for the help of the Tiger Talisman to suppress the other party, it would still be difficult for him to hurt the other party with the strength of the other party's true god.

"I can only hug the thighs of our ancestors."

Chu Ci thought about taking out the tiger talisman, and then directly activated the tiger talisman.


The next moment, a figure appeared in front of Chu Ci.

Chu Ci recognized this figure as the man who had brought millions of military souls to challenge Lester in the secret realm of the Black Abyss.

After the man appeared, he just raised his eyes and glanced at the attacks that were coming from all directions. He didn't even pull out the long sword at his waist. He just stretched out his hand and grasped it, and all the attacks that came were annihilated.

"Seniors are indeed seniors. Even if they are just a shadow, their fighting power is still terrifying."

Chu Ci secretly thought.

The figure of the man in front of him was more illusory than in the Black Abyss Secret Realm, and there was no sense of agility in his body.

It also means that the other party has no intelligence.

But even so, its combat power is still not weak.

Yaqi Snake was shocked to see that his attack was defeated so easily. He looked at the man, and it was obviously just a projection, but it gave him a feeling of palpitations.

The man also looked at Yamata Snake, and the long sword at his waist appeared in his hand at some point.

Yamata Snake's eyes narrowed, and the power of the law immediately wrapped around him.


The sword light passed by, and the power of law around the Yamata Snake was easily torn apart like a thin film.

The next moment, Yamata Snake felt a chill on its neck, and then its four heads fell to the ground.


The intense pain made Yaqi Snake scream, but compared to the pain, he was more frightened at this time.

Cut off four of his own heads with one sword.

How the hell is this still playing?

If he strikes again, wouldn't he be dead?

The man frowned when he saw that the sword had not killed the Yamata Snake, and then raised the long sword in his hand again.


Death, he felt death!

Without any hesitation, Yamata Snake turned around and tore apart the space, trying to escape.


But at this moment, a long sword fell from the sky, directly penetrating his huge body and nailing him to the ground.

Yamata Snake was horrified, but at this time he could no longer care about the pain. He could clearly feel that the laws in his body were collapsing and his vitality was rapidly passing away.

Death, if you don't run, you will really die.

The next moment, Yaqi Snake felt cruel and self-destructed on the spot. The terrifying power was released in the arena.

The man who originally planned to directly end the Yamata Snake was also stunned, and then came to Chu Ci in an instant and put up a protective shield for him.


In an instant, a black mushroom cloud rose in the arena.

The terrifying power directly tore apart the space, setting off countless space storms that wreaked havoc on the entire place.


The arena also lit up at this time, and the surrounding stone pillars all erupted into pillars of light that soared into the sky, actually trapping this power within and preventing it from leaking out.

Click click click...

There were also cracks in the shield that the man held up for Chu Ci, but these cracks quickly healed, but the man's figure also became more illusory.

The aftermath of the self-destruction lasted for dozens of breaths before slowly ending. When Chu Ci looked into the field, he found that the Yamata Snake had disappeared.

not dead!

Chu Ci waited for a few seconds and found that there was no indication that the Yamata Snake had been killed, which let him know that the other party was definitely not dead, but had run away.

Although it was a pity, Chu Ci also felt that it was normal. The true god was not so easy to kill.

If the man didn't need to protect himself, he would be able to kill the opponent.

However, the other party finally escaped by self-destructing. Even if he is still alive now, he is probably in extremely poor condition.

"This arena is really not simple. It can even resist the self-destruction of the True God."

Chu Ci looked at the arena. The power of the True God's self-destruction was extremely terrifying, but the arena was the same as before, as if nothing had happened. Even the stone slabs on the ground were not damaged.

Outside the field, all the alien races had long since fallen into a state of sluggishness.

What did they see?

The true god blew himself up?

Are you kidding? He is a true god. Shouldn't he be able to kill that legendary human race casually?

How come in the end, the human race was intact, but the powerful true god of the Yamata Snake clan blew himself up and died?

Especially those royal families were heartbroken.

The reason why they gathered an army of 500 million was because of the order of this powerful true god of the Yamata Snake Clan.

I originally thought that I could follow the true god to kill everyone and suppress the human race.

But now that the true god is dead, he was still forced to death by the human race.

Suddenly, a chill ran down the spines of all the royal clan leaders, as they saw Chu Ci's gaze.

Fortunately, Chu Ci quickly withdrew his gaze and bowed his hands to the man, "Thank you, senior."

Although he knew that the other party was not intelligent, Chu Ci was still not rude.

But the man reached out and grabbed it, and then saw a jade plate flying out of the space and landing in front of Chu Ci.

"This is……"

Chu Ci took the jade plate and took a sip of the spirit wine, and the information appeared in front of him.

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