Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 286 Zhenzhen God, something is wrong with this human race!

Seeing the black giant python begin to attack, the aliens at the scene held their breath and concentrated.

Although this black giant python is only at the extraordinary level, it is the true god's pet after all, and its strength is definitely not simple.


A flash of sword light flashed, and the black giant python's body froze, and then hit the ground directly, as if it had lost its life.

"Don't take out this kind of trash."

Chu Ci said lightly.


The entire arena fell silent, and all the aliens looked confused and disbelieving.


Die so soon?

That is the pet of a powerful true god. Even if it is not the opponent of the human race in front of you, it should at least persist.

"It's the legendary level. This human race is the legendary level. No wonder he can kill the True God's pet so easily. His level is already much higher."

Immediately, one of the aliens spoke up, and the other aliens also looked like they were suddenly enlightened.

Yes, there is a difference of two levels between the two. It is normal for a legendary level powerhouse to instantly kill an extraordinary level one.

Then all eyes were focused on the young man, waiting for the other party's next method.

The young man looked indifferent on the surface, but he was also surprised in his heart.

As a true god, doesn't he know that Chu Ci is legendary?

Even though he knew it, he still let the extraordinary black python charge forward, naturally because he was confident in the black python's strength.

But in the end, the black python was killed instantly, which he never expected.

This black giant python is said to be his pet, but in fact it is transformed by a trace of his power. Under normal circumstances, let alone the legendary level, even the mythical level powerhouse cannot kill it.

"I underestimated you."

The young man said, "Then..."

The young man said that he planned to take it seriously, but before he finished speaking, Shen Lin's voice suddenly interrupted him.

"Wait a minute, you said before that as long as we can kill the black python, we can leave. Are you going to regret it now?" Shen Lin shouted.

As soon as these words came out, many aliens in the spectator seats also had different expressions. The young man had indeed said this before. Now that the black python was killed, if the other party continued to take action, it would indeed be considered a broken promise.

But what if the young man breaks his promise?

The other party is a true god, do they still dare to make irresponsible remarks?

The young man frowned. He did say this. Although he didn't care what these ants thought, Shen Lin still felt a little embarrassed when he said it like this.

"Fart, Shen Lin, Shen Jiangyun is only at the extraordinary level, so the True God only sends extraordinary level pets, but the human race in front of him is at the legendary level. How can the two be confused?"

At this time, the leader of the Winged Sabre-Toothed Tiger clan suddenly said, "The previous contract said that both parties must be of the same level when fighting. Now they are not of the same level. It is unfair. How can the True God break his promise?"

These words made all the aliens' eyes light up, and they all felt that it made sense.

Even the young man cast admiring glances at the leader of the two-winged saber-toothed tiger, which made other royal family leaders envious.

"This human race is at the legendary level. Both sides are at different levels. It is extremely merciful of the True God not to hold him accountable for killing his pet."

"That's right, Shen Lin, you said you wanted to be fair before, but now you're talking about an unfair battle. It's really too much."

The heads of other royal clans also spoke one after another, directly criticizing the human race from the moral high ground.

Shen Lin looked ugly. Although he didn't want to admit it, what these aliens said made sense.

Of course, even if what the other party said didn't make sense, there was nothing he could do if the true God was present.

"Human race, what do you think?" The young man looked at Chu Ci and asked.

"I think you talk a lot of bullshit."

After Chu Ci finished speaking, he waved his sword finger, and millions of spiritual swords flew out, directly heading towards the young man.

Seeing that Chu Ci actually attacked him directly, the young man was also stunned, and then he softly shouted, "How brave!"

In the gladiatorial arena, as a true god, he cannot take the initiative to take action against the weaker party, but it is different when the other party takes action against him.

The next moment, the young man pressed down casually, and saw that the million spirit swords were directly suppressed.

But before the young man could make his next move, a sword energy tore through the space and struck.

The young man raised his eyebrows. He actually felt a hint of danger in the sword energy.

The young man waved his hand, and a palm print followed, facing the sword energy.

In his opinion, this palm was enough to easily annihilate the sword energy.

But in the next second, the sword energy easily tore the palm print into pieces and continued to attack him.

not good!

The young man was startled, and the rules around him were wrapped around him, forming a mask of light.


The sword energy impacted on the light shield, and the terrifying power was released in all directions.

Soon the sword energy dissipated, but the young man's expression turned ugly.

Although the sword energy did not break through the light barrier, in order to resist the sword energy, a full one percent of his law power was consumed.

It would be fine if his enemy was also a true god, but the opponent was clearly only a legendary one.

"There's something wrong with this human race!"

The young man's eyes turned cold, and he felt a strong threat in his heart.

Compared to the young man's uneasiness, Chu Ci narrowed his eyes.

The true god doesn't seem to be that big of a threat to him anymore.

Of course, this is mainly because of the special nature of the natal sword.

[Born Immortal Sword]: Legendary level, exclusive to the Wine Sword Immortal profession, power +80000, Feature 1: 1% of the damage caused will be converted into own health, Feature 2: Attack range increased by 0.6 times, Skill 1: Sword Edge: Use When attacking with the natal fairy sword, it will definitely hit the target. Skill 2: Sword Cry: When using the natal fairy sword to attack, there is a 10% chance to ignore the target's damage-free effect. It is currently a level 80 effect. Requirements for growing to the mythical level: level 90, mythic core .

If there is no skill [Sword Edge] that allows his attacks to hit the target forcibly, with the strength of the young true god, it is very easy to dodge the sword energy.

In addition, it is also because his injuries are now extremely terrifying.

The sword energy just now triggered eight times the critical hit. What is the concept of this?

With his current damage, eight times the critical hit would be enough to cause more than 400 trillion real damage.

Under such horrific injuries, not even a drop of the young man's blood was knocked out. This also shows the power of the true god.

The true god who has mastered the power of law can still remain intact even in the face of such horrific injuries.

On the contrary, if he was hit by the true god, he would probably die immediately.

"Human race, you are looking for death!"

At this moment, the young man roared angrily, then his body shook, and his true form appeared on the spot.

Its body is hundreds of feet high, with eight heads and eight tails. The head is like a dragon, the eyes are extremely bright red, there are eight colored clouds floating around the body, and the body is like a mountain peak.

Eight heads, eight pairs of vertical pupils glowing with cold light, spitting out snake letters and looking down at Chu Ci, full of endless killing intent.

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