Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 280 The First Emperor Yuwei, the ancestor of other people!

In the square, Ao Meng's departure did not cause anyone's emotions to fluctuate.

"Everyone, I don't know who got the human treasure. What should I do now?" A clan elder said.

"To be able to steal human treasures, the opponent must also be from the Saint Clan, but I don't know which clan it is."

"Then Zhenyu from the Shenju clan is dead, but Ao Meng was obviously seriously injured but still came back alive. Does this mean that the other party is quite close to my dragon clan, so I let Ao Meng go."

"It is indeed possible, but among the twelve saints who entered the battlefield of all races this time, the other eleven are not close to our dragon clan."

"On the surface, he has entered the Twelve Saint Clan. Who knows how many secretly he has entered. At least the other party is close to the Dragon Clan, which is good news for us."

"That's right. We will know who got the treasure after asking for it. After all, this thing is related to whether our saint clan can be born. No one can monopolize it."

The powerful dragon clan members discussed it for a while, with smiles on their faces again.

Although the treasure is not in the Dragon Clan, it is excellent news that the other party is close to the Dragon Clan.

As for Ao Meng...

Who is that?

Evil Beast Cliff.

Ho ho ho…

Evil Beast Cliff is not a real cliff, but the name of an independent space.

As space fluctuations appeared, a figure also appeared on a cliff.

The figure was in a kneeling position, its forehead was smashed, blood flowed down the ground to its knees, and the figure did not move at all.

After a while.


Ao Meng let out a sigh of relief.

He stood up slowly, letting the blood from his forehead flow down his cheeks and drip onto the ground.

Looking at the surrounding scene, Ao Meng had a smile on his face.

It's just that this smile looks a bit weird against the blood on his face.

"Father, and clan elders, I, Ao Meng, am begging you on my knees."

"Kneel down and beg you like a dog, begging you to let me live, but..."

"If you don't agree, you won't even agree to spare the life of a loser like me!!!"

The smile on Ao Meng's face turned into an endless coldness, "Kneeling today will be regarded as an early funeral for you."

Ao Meng looked at the evil beast cliff in front of him, took a deep breath, and a rotten smell filled the tip of his nose.

It was obviously a disgusting taste, but Ao Meng was enjoying it immensely at this time.

He smelled freedom.

Even more powerful flavor.

Evil Beast Cliff was once one of the many territories of the Dragon Clan.

All the evil beasts here were once affiliated with the Dragon Clan.

To be precise, it is a subsidiary of Zulong.

When the first emperor of the human race killed the ancestral dragon, although these subordinate races did not die, they also lost their intelligence.

Only the instinct to kill remains.

It is also called an evil beast by the Dragon Clan.

In addition, this Evil Beast Cliff is also extremely special. It was the place where the ancestral dragon fell, so even the dragons in the realm of ancient gods cannot see through this place.

This means that he doesn't have to worry about his changes being discovered by the dragon clan.

There are countless evil beasts here, and he can level up boldly with confidence.


Just as he was thinking about it, Ao Meng suddenly felt his body sink.

"The remaining power of the ancestral dragon. All dragons will feel the remaining power of the ancestral dragon after entering the Evil Beast Cliff. The longer they stay, the greater the impact of the remaining power on themselves."

"It is said that a true god dragon entered this place and turned into a madman when he came out a hundred years later."

Ao Meng took a deep breath. He could only stay here for a month at most during his heyday, let alone now that he was seriously injured.


"I don't just have dragon blood."

As Ao Meng finished speaking, he was directly converted into the Sword Attendant career panel.


As soon as he changed the career panel, Ao Meng suddenly found that the pressure just now disappeared.

At the same time, a prompt pops up.

[You are under the protection of the First Emperor's remaining power, and it is taking effect...]

[You get special effects, and in the next month, the experience points you gain increase by 10 times. 】

[You gain a special effect. In the next month, when you are fatally attacked, you will be immune to damage for 3 seconds. If you are fatally attacked again, you will be randomly teleported to a safe area and all health and mana will be restored. . 】

[You get special effects: For the next month, you are immune to all control effects. 】

[After one month, the shelter effect will be randomized again. 】


Looking at these three effects, Ao Meng couldn't help but take a breath.

Ten times the experience value. You must know that even if the human race obtains the leader of all races, it is only five times the experience value.

The second effect is even more abnormal. When you are about to die, you will become immune to damage.

If you encounter another attack after the immune damage effect ends, you will be teleported away directly.

I can't die, I can't die at all.

The third effect is equally good, being immune to all control effects.

And although these special effects only last for one month, new shelter effects will be randomly added after one month.

"Damn it, Zulong, you really deserve to die."

Ao Meng couldn't help scolding.

Look at other people’s ancestors, and then look at the ancestor Zulong.

After their dragon clan comes in, the remaining power of the ancestral dragon will only suppress them.

But the remaining power of the First Emperor was directly affected!

Who wouldn’t like such an ancestor?

"Fortunately, I was chosen by the sword master, otherwise I would not have been protected by the ancestor of the First Emperor."

Ao Meng knew in his heart that the reason why he was protected was because of the existence of the career panel.

Because since ancient times, only the human race has had a career panel.

The remaining power of the ancestor of the First Emperor may be due to the occupation panel, which regarded himself as a human race, so the protection effect was reduced.

"With the protection of the First Emperor, I can level up faster."

Ao Meng looked at the evil beasts on the Evil Beast Cliff, his eyes shining brightly.

Experience, everything is experience, and it is ten times more experience.

On the other side, Chu Ci had just arrived at Jiayuguan and suddenly noticed Ao Meng's situation.

"What's going on with this guy? He's already at level 20."

Chu Ci looked surprised.

He wasn't surprised that the opponent could level up quickly, but it was a little too fast.

In half an hour, this guy rose directly from level one to level twenty... No, he was now at level twenty-one.

After taking a look at the other party's panel, Chu Ci's eyes finally fell on the protective effects on the other party.

"The protective effect of the ancestors of the First Emperor? This is too strong."

He didn't care about the other effects, but the ten times experience was too much for him.

"What's going on with you? Where does the protective effect come from?" Chu Ci asked.

Ao Meng, who was leveling up monsters, was stunned for a moment, and then thought of the skill effect of [Sword Heart Connect].

"Sword Master, this is what happened..."

Ao Meng explained while slaying monsters, "Speaking of which, I have to thank the sword master. Otherwise, without the career panel, I would not be able to get the protection of the ancestor of the first emperor of the human race."


Chu Ci hung up the call directly. He had no choice but to feel a little envious.

It's a pity that he can't go to the Evil Beast Cliff, otherwise he could reach level 89 faster and become a mythical level.

"Well, everyone has his own opportunity, let's solve the Jiayuguan matter first."

Chu Ci also looked at Jiayuguan in front of him.

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