Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 278 Shen Jiangyun’s occupation, Ao Meng Hui!

"Yes, Shen Jiangyun is in Jiayuguan.

Gu Yuan nodded and said, "Besides Jiayuguan, there is a gladiatorial arena with special rules. Except for those who enter the arena, no one else can intervene in the fighting in the arena."

"Since Shen Jiangyun replaced you as a mythical profession, the gods have sent their geniuses and Shen Jiangyun to fight in the arena every once in a while."

"More than half a year has passed now. Shen Jiangyun has participated in more than a hundred battles and won all of them, killing those aliens."

"And there will be another battle tomorrow, and it is said that this time a mysterious genius will take action."

Gu Yuan said, "Perhaps the alien race gathered a large army because they could no longer bear the price of the death of their genius and planned to take advantage of the opportunity to directly capture Shen Jiangyun."

"Minister Gu, Mr. Feng said before that Shen Jiangyun is just a life-type profession. He has strong combat power because he is special. I just don't know what special profession it is?" Chu Ci asked with a frown.

"Spiritual Masker, his profession is called Spiritual Masker. His main ability is to make masks. According to different materials, the masks produced also have different effects."

"And if the mask is made of a foreign race, it can retain 50% of the alien's strength during his lifetime. If he wears it himself, the effect will be increased several times."

"It is also because of this profession that he is able to have strong combat power with his life-type profession."

"Originally, as the level increases, the genius sent by the alien race becomes stronger and stronger, and the materials we in Daxia can provide him become scarcer."

Gu Yuan said with a smile, "But thanks to you, I brought them back to Tianyuan City. There are too many aliens in it, so Shen Jiangyun no longer lacks rare alien materials."

Chu Ci suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Shen Jiangyun, a life-type professional, had strong combat power. The other party's profession was indeed quite special.

"Do you have any information about the mysterious genius?" Chu Ci asked.

"No, the reason why we know is that the news came from the alien tribe. Otherwise, we would never know." Gu Yuan shook his head.

Chu Ci pondered for a few seconds, "In that case, then I will go to Jiayuguan, just in time to send something to Shen Jiangyun."

"It's okay if you want to go. What you're talking about is..." Gu Yuan had some guesses in his mind, but he was still curious.

"Sword order, if he is willing to become my sword attendant, this third sword order will be his." Chu Ci did not hide it. After all, Daxia would soon know about it after the sword order was given to Shen Jiangyun.

Gu Yuan's eyes lit up. Although he had never seen the sword command, he had still heard of it. The reason why Liu Changhe became a dual professional was because of Chu Ci's sword command.

If Shen Jiangyun also becomes a dual-professional, it will be no less than the emergence of another mythical profession in Daxia.

As for where Chu Ci's second sword order went, he also had a guess, but he didn't say much. After all, the sword order belonged to Chu Ci, and Daxia would not interfere with whoever gave it to him.

"In addition, I also need a batch of spiritual swords. It takes a billion spiritual swords to condense the third sword order." Chu Ci said.

Now he only has more than five million spiritual swords, which is enough for him, but the Condensation Sword Order is far behind.

"It has been prepared for you a long time ago. Ever since you entered the battlefield of all races, the military factory has not stopped. In this month, 1.3 billion spiritual swords have been produced."

Gu Yuan said as he took out a storage ring and handed it to Chu Ci, "Once the next one is made, I will send it to you."

Chu Ci took a look at the storage ring and saw that there were indeed 1.3 billion spiritual swords, which was enough for him.

Not only can he condense the sword command, but the remaining 300 million spirit swords can also increase his damage by another three million times.

Then Chu Ci didn't waste any time and directly used sword control skills to quickly imprint the mark of the Sword Immortal on the 1.3 billion spiritual swords.

After all the imprints were completed, Chu Ci's mind moved and he directly began to condense the sword command.

[Do you consume 1 billion spiritual swords to condense a sword command? 】



As the prompt popped up, the Billion Spirit Sword suddenly turned into streams of light and condensed towards Chu Ci's hand, and soon a sword command appeared.

[Sword Order Condensation Successful, the next Sword Order Condensation Requirements: Level 90, Ten Billion Spiritual Swords. 】

Looking at the condensed request of the next sword order, Chu Ci also took a deep breath. Ten billion spiritual swords, this is not a small number.

According to Daxia's current production of 1.3 billion spiritual swords for him in one month, it would take more than seven months to produce 10 billion spiritual swords.

It was too long, he must have reached mythical level after seven months.

"Minister Gu, the military factory needs to be expanded. I need 10 billion spiritual swords within three months." Chu Ci said.

If everything goes well, he should have reached the mythical level in three months.

Gu Yuan paused. Although he didn't know what Chu Ci wanted so many spiritual swords for, he just needed to know that the other party needed them.

"No problem. We don't have many other people in Daxia, but we have a lot of people. I will report this matter and I will definitely hand over 10 billion spiritual swords to you within three months." Gu Yuan said with a smile.

Chu Ci nodded. Fortunately, he had a strong motherland to support him. Otherwise, if he had to collect ten billion spiritual swords by himself, he wouldn't know it would be until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

He chatted with Gu Yuan for a while, mainly talking about his experiences in the battlefield of thousands of races.

Gu Yuan was also quite shocked when he learned that Chu Ci had accepted a Dragon Clan as a Sword Attendant. That was a Dragon Clan, and he was actually willing to recognize Chu Ci as his master.

Two hours later, Chu Ci, Liu Changhe and Chen Binghe left, heading to Jiayuguan.

At the same time, among the dragon clan.

After Ao Meng left the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Clans, he returned directly to the Dragon Clan.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw pairs of eyes all around.

These are the elders of their dragon clan. Although they all look old and decrepit, the auras they inadvertently exude are extremely powerful, and at worst they are true gods.

"Meng'er, the ancient ancestor sent news that you got the human treasure, but is it true?" At this time, a voice sounded, and a middle-aged man came to Ao Meng, his eyes full of expectation.

Ao Bo, Ao Meng's father, is a pure five-clawed golden dragon and a powerful true god.

Facing his father's inquiry, Ao Meng felt cold in his heart. Because of his incomplete blood, his father had disliked him since he was a child.

Although his tone was gentle now, he was asking about human treasures. Even though he was seriously injured and lost his dragon heart, it was as if he had never seen him before.

The other party is a true god. With the strength of the other party, how could he not discover his current state.

Even among the many expectant looks from the clan elders around him, no one cared about his injury.

At this moment, because he had become Chu Ci's Sword Attendant, the remaining trace of unnaturalness in his heart dissipated.

Now he is looking forward to the heartbreaking scene of these tribesmen when he becomes a strong man and then betrays his race.

It should be fun.

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