Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 276: Legend level, never ending, never ending at all!

In a separate space.

"It's absolutely safe here, you can break through with confidence."

Gu Yuan said.

Chu Ci nodded and then opened the pop-up prompt.

[You successfully led the human race to become the leader of all races, and successfully killed five aliens from the holy race. Your level 80 breakthrough mission "Human Race Prodigy" was successfully completed. Do you want to receive the reward for this mission? 】


[Your level is being raised to level 80...]


As the prompt fell, Chu Ci was suddenly shrouded in a beam of light. At the same time, the spiritual sword in his body trembled, and countless sword lights burst out.

A strange force burst out from Chu Ci. At this time, Chu Ci once again felt the extraordinary feeling.

He knew that his life level had been improved again. Although it was not as strong as the extraordinary level, it was still much stronger than the epic level.

Time passed little by little, and half an hour passed like this. The sword light merged into Chu Ci's body again, and the energy beam also dissipated.

[Your level has successfully reached level 80, all attributes have been increased by 5,000, and free attribute points have been 10,000. 】

[Your life level increases and your lifespan increases by 200 years. Your current lifespan is 2000 years. 】

[Your upper limit of health and mana has been doubled. 】

[You successfully complete the boundary-breaking mission and receive rewards: career-specific talent awakening scrolls, career-specific equipment (can grow), free attribute points x 100,000. 】


Prompts popped up one after another, and Chu Ci successfully became a legendary powerhouse at this moment.

Moreover, he, a legendary powerhouse, is even stronger than the aliens in terms of attributes.

"Two thousand years of life, I can't live it to the end, I can't live it to the end." Chu Ci couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He only has a lifespan of two thousand years at the legendary level. If he reaches the mythical level or even a demigod, he may not have a lifespan of five thousand or even tens of thousands of years.

Thinking that Chu Ci was only eighteen years old now, how could he use up such a long life?

Then Chu Ci assigned the free attributes and then started to check his new talents.

[You used the career-specific talent awakening scroll. Congratulations on getting a new talent: Sword Spirit. 】

[Sword Spirit]: Exclusive to the profession of Wine Sword Immortal. As a Sword Immortal, you are now getting stronger and you should have the ability to add spirit to the sword. By consuming the laws of swordsmanship, you can add spirit to the spirit sword and make the spirit sword possess spirituality.

Looking at the new talent, Chu Ci frowned. This talent was a bit unclear.

I don’t know what the use of the spirit is, and it also requires consuming the laws of swordsmanship.

Now the only way for him to obtain the laws of swordsmanship is to drink the mythical spirit wine, which will give him one hundred rays of swordsmanship laws.

"Let's keep this talent for now until I don't lack the rules of swordsmanship."

Chu Ci secretly thought that even if the damage could be increased after invoking the spirit, he wouldn't be that anxious with his current damage.

Then Chu Ci looked at the new exclusive equipment.

[Flowing Fire Sword Crown]: Legendary level, exclusive to the Wine Sword Fairy profession, intelligence +80000, Feature 1: Damage caused is added with 10% magic damage, Feature 2: Magic damage received is reduced by 10%, Skill 1: Magic Barrier: Consumes 50% of one's own mana to form a magic barrier. The health of the barrier is the consumed mana * 10. Skill 2: Face like a crown jewel: Passive, adjust one's appearance more perfectly, making it easier for other creatures to approach. It is currently a level 80 effect, and the requirements for growing to a mythical level are: level 90, mythic core.

It has now reached level 80, so the equipment has also reached legendary level.

However, regarding the second skill of this piece of equipment, Chu Ci couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. The effect of this skill seemed to be somewhat useful, but also seemed to be useless.

"In addition, if I want to grow to the myth level, I not only need to reach level 90, but I also need a myth core. What is this myth core?"

Chu Ci frowned. He had never heard of this prop. He could ask Gu Yuan about it later.

In addition, other exclusive equipment has also reached the legendary level.

[Purple Sun Sword Ring]: Legendary level, exclusive to the Wine Sword Immortal profession, agility +40000, spirit +40000, Feature 1: Having an independent space, Feature 2: The chance of receiving a critical hit is reduced by 15%, Skill 1: Spirit Control: In the next 30 seconds, all control effects caused by oneself are increased by 15%, and the cooling time is 1 hour. Skill 2: Bamboo Breaking: Each critical hit has a 20% chance of causing the target to fall into negative states such as dizziness and stiffness. It is currently a level 80 effect, and the requirements for growing to a mythical level are: level 90, mythic core.

[Immortal Wind Sword Robe]: Legendary level, exclusive to the Wine Sword Fairy profession, constitution +80000, Feature 1: Reduce 15% of damage received, Feature 2: Restore 80,000 health points per second, Skill 1: Body protection: When When receiving fatal damage, you will gain an injury-free effect, which lasts for 1 second and cools down for 24 hours. Skill 2: Counter-injury: 5% of all damage you receive will be returned to the target. It is currently a level 80 effect. Requirements for growing to mythical level: Level 90, Mythic Core.

[Born Immortal Sword]: Legendary level, exclusive to the Wine Sword Immortal profession, power +80000, Feature 1: 1% of the damage caused will be converted into own health, Feature 2: Attack range increased by 0.6 times, Skill 1: Sword Edge: Use When attacking with the natal fairy sword, it will definitely hit the target. Skill 2: Sword Cry: When using the natal fairy sword to attack, there is a 10% chance to ignore the target's damage-free effect. It is currently a level 80 effect. Requirements for growing to the mythical level: level 90, mythic core .

[Aura Sword Boots]: Legendary level, exclusive to the Wine Sword Fairy profession, agility +80000, Feature 1: When you receive damage, your agility attribute will temporarily increase by 8000, lasting for five seconds, Feature 2: When you use skills, you consume Mana value is reduced by 15%. Skill 1: Streaming: When using this skill, the speed will be increased five times in the next minute. The cooling time is 1 hour. Skill 2: Afterimage: Ten afterimages can be released. Cooling time 5 minutes, current level 80 effect, growth to myth level requirements: level 90, myth core.

[Mysterious Jade Sword]: Legendary level, exclusive to the Wine Sword Fairy profession, Spirit +80000, Feature 1: Increase the upper limit of mana by 20%, Feature 2: Reduce mana consumption by 20%, Skill 1: Mana source: Instant recovery after use 50% mana, cooling time 3 hours, Skill 2: Mana Return: The next damage caused will be converted into your own mana, cooling time 1 hour, currently a level 80 effect, requirements to grow to mythical level: level 90 , the core of the myth.

[Star Sword Wrist]: Legendary level, exclusive to the Wine Sword Fairy profession, strength +40000, constitution +40000, Feature 1: Negative effect resistance +10%, Feature 2: When you are damaged, you will gain the power of stars, next An attack must be a critical hit. Skill 1: Starlight: After use, you will be in a hegemonic state, which lasts for 10 seconds and has a cooling time of 30 minutes. Skill 2: Star Sword: Attach the power of the stars to the spiritual sword and activate the power of the stars. Power, causing a suppressive effect. It is currently a level 80 effect. The requirements for growing to a mythical level are: level 90, mythic core.

In addition to these, there is also a [Jiu Xian Gourd], which has not changed much, but Chu Ci can brew legendary spirit wine.

After looking at his equipment, Chu Ci opened the attribute panel.

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