Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 271 The first race, the leader of all races!

Time flies, and three days pass by in the blink of an eye.

Chu Ci has not been idle these three days, and continues to hunt for aliens in this layer.

At the same time, he also gained a lot from this battlefield of ten thousand races. Not only did his breakthrough become an epic level, but he also completed the eighty-level breakthrough mission.

He only needs to wait until the battlefield of all races is over to become a legendary powerhouse.

[The battlefield of all races is about to end, and the racial points of each race are being calculated...]

A prompt popped up, which also meant that this battlefield of all races was over.

After waiting for a while, another prompt popped up.

[The calculation of racial points for each race is over. Congratulations to the human race for winning this leadership and a special title: Leader of all races. 】

[Leader of Ten Thousand Races]: Special title, the title of the first race in the battlefield of all races, experience gain +500%, all skill cooldowns -50%, mana consumption -50%, maximum health +100% , negative status resistance +50%, damage received -50%, skill effect +100%, law affinity increased by 10 times.

Seeing the effect of the title of leader, Chu Ci couldn't help but secretly smack his tongue.

With these effects, even ordinary human professionals can kill enemies beyond their levels.

Not to mention those already powerful human races, especially mythical-level humans. Even if they cannot fight against demigods, they can easily crush mythical-level alien races.

These effects were also applied to Chu Ci. He originally had more than 5 billion health points, but now he had reached 10 billion health points.

Of course, increasing his strength is secondary to him. After all, his damage is already high, so this improvement is nothing.

The most important thing is five times the experience points. Although his upgrade speed is already fast, after reaching the legendary level, he needs more experience points.

The reason why I was able to upgrade from level 70 to level 79 before was because this battlefield of ten thousand races was special. There were monsters above level 90 everywhere, but it took more than half a month.

After that, if you want to upgrade from level 80 to level 89, it will be even more difficult to upgrade without a good place like the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races.

But now with the five times experience bonus, it has greatly shortened the time for him to upgrade.

At the same time, at the moment when the rankings came out, all races in the outer domain were reminded.

[Your race, the human race, won first place in this battlefield of all races, and all races successfully obtained the title: Leader of all races. 】

In Outland, when they saw this prompt, almost everyone looked in disbelief.

The human race has participated in the battlefield of thousands of races for hundreds of years, but the best time was, let alone the top ten, it was not even in the top 100.

This year, the battlefield of all races has started again, but many people don’t take it to heart and still do whatever they need to do.

But now, the battlefield of all races is over, and the human race actually won the first place and became the leader of all races.

At this moment, countless people couldn't help but wipe their eyes, wondering if they had seen it wrong.

"Captain... I just got a reminder that our human race has won the first place in the battlefield of all races and has become the leader of all races. Is this a new type of fraud?"

On a certain section of the Great Wall, a soldier who was stationed on the Great Wall spoke.

"I also got a hint. It shouldn't be fake, but it doesn't look real for our human race to become number one."

"Yes, for so many years, our human race has focused on participation. Last year, there were only more than 200 people, and now we are ranked first. This..."

Several soldiers on the side also spoke one after another, and finally their eyes focused on a middle-aged man who was also the captain of their team.

The captain next to him seemed to have just come back to his senses. He turned to look at a few people, his eyes bright.

"Fraud? Are you kidding? This is a reminder from the rules of the world. Who can be so awesome and manipulate the rules of the world to defraud us?"

"So... we humans..."

The soldier suddenly didn't dare to speak anymore. He was afraid that everything was false, but his swallowing movements and expectant eyes made him desperately hope to get a positive answer from his captain.

"Hahaha, yes, number one, our human race is number one this time, and our human race is the leader of all races this time."

The captain laughed, his eyes full of excitement, "Look at your dashboard, have some of your attributes improved? It's true, it's all true."

Several soldiers also hurriedly opened their own panels and saw that their attributes had increased, completely confirming that the message that popped up was true.

Then everyone became excited.

"Damn, first place. We are actually first place this year. This is so awesome."

"Is this the blessing effect that No. 1 can get? This is too powerful. Although it only lasts for one year, this year is enough for us to have a large number of powerful people in Daxia."

"I don't know who is participating in the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield this year. They are all heroes of our Great Xia."


This is just a microcosm. At this time, the entire human race in the outer domain is boiling, and countless people are in disbelief at first.

After confirming that it was true, they fell into shock. In the end, everyone thought about it for a long time.

He kept saying "Fuck" and saying "awesome" words to vent his inner emotions.

"First is us."

On a high platform at Yanmen Pass, Chen Binghe said with a smile on his face.

"He's already gone in, so of course it's us."

A man on the side also spoke out, it was Gu Yuan. After estimating that the battlefield of all races was about to end, Gu Yuan also came to Yanmen Pass to wait.

"Can I become a demigod this year?" Chen Binghe asked.

Gu Yuan was already a level 99 peak mythical powerhouse a few years ago, but he had never become a demigod.

"As short as one month, as long as half a year, you will definitely become a demi-god." Gu Yuan said.

The other effects of the title of leader of all races don't matter to him, but the tenfold increase in law affinity is extremely important to him.

If a mythical powerhouse wants to become a demigod, he must master a ray of power of law.

However, the power of law is elusive and difficult to capture. Some people may stay at level 99 throughout their lives and cannot become demigods.

Gu Yuan's talent is not weak. According to his estimation, he can become a demigod in at most five years.

But now with the blessing of the title of Leader of Ten Thousand Clans, the affinity with the law has increased tenfold, greatly shortening the time for him to become a demigod.

Now he can feel that the power of the law that ignored him in the past is actually approaching him now.

It just takes some time to master and become a demigod.

"This opportunity is rare. He may not participate in the next Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, so we in Daxia must seize the time to develop this year." Gu Yuan said.

Chen Binghe nodded. Even after Chu Ci decided to enter the battlefield of all races, Daxia had already made preparations to become the number one.

Becoming number one is only the first step. The most important thing is how to maximize the benefits of being number one.

The above have also made a lot of plans for this, how to maximize the benefits of becoming the first, how to maximize the benefits of becoming the second... Anyway, there are various plans.

He can imagine that Daxia will be crazy to seize this opportunity for development this year, and how many strong people will appear by then.

Even he himself doesn't want to miss this opportunity. It shouldn't be too much to work hard and become a peak legend this year.

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