Job Transfer For All: Awakening Of The Wine Sword Immortal At The Beginning!

Chapter 243 The second area, Li Tiandao’s dilemma!

“This is it, the teleportation array to the next area is inside.

"Finally found it. There are no signs of fighting around. It seems we came first."

"Don't be careless. There are many monsters inside. Let's deal with the monsters later. There are a thousand places in each area that can go to the high-level areas, so you don't have to fight."

"Adjust your state and prepare to enter the palace."

As these aliens spoke, they also began to rest. After a quarter of an hour, all the aliens were in optimal condition.

After looking at each other, they all walked towards the palace.

Just entering the palace, all the aliens held sharp blades in their hands, and their hearts were full of vigilance, guarding against monsters that might suddenly appear and attack.

But after walking for a while, these aliens gradually became confused.

"Strange, why isn't there a monster?"

"Something's wrong, everyone, be careful. There might be something terrifying here."

No alien dared to relax, and no monster appeared, which only made them more vigilant.

But until they came to the inside of the palace, and even reached the end, they saw the teleportation array. Not to mention the monster, they didn't even see the monster's hair.

"Where are the monsters? How come there aren't any monsters?"

"What's going on? Are we looking in the wrong place?"

"It shouldn't be. It's this palace. You see, this teleportation array is going to the next area."

All the foreign races started talking and searching around, but naturally found nothing.

"Could it be that someone else got there first?" A foreigner suddenly said.

Although it is unlikely that these words would give other aliens a meal, it is not impossible.

"By the way, do you still remember the rubble we saw when we came in? Could it be that those rubbles were monsters that were just killed by other guys, so that's why they became like that?"

As soon as these words came out, all the foreigners thought about it. They did see a lot of gravel when they came in.

At that time, they had not doubted those gravels. After all, these gravels could be seen everywhere, and they thought they were the special features of the palace.

But now that I think about it, it's very possible that those rubbles were monsters that were just killed by other guys.

"Damn it, if that's the case, wouldn't our trip have been in vain?"

"The most disgusting thing is that the monster has been eliminated, but we are still so cautious, like clowns."

"Who, exactly, is it that got ahead of us?"

All the aliens started cursing, but now they were just incompetent and furious. Without the core of the stone statue, even if they found the teleportation array, they wouldn't be able to use it.

Chu Ci has also reached a new area through the teleportation array.

[You used the teleportation array and reached the level 70-79 area. Since your level is low, please proceed with caution. 】

As the prompt sounded, when Chu Ci and Liu Changhe opened their eyes, they found themselves in front of a river in a mountain forest.

"Is this the second area? It's no different from the first area." Liu Changhe looked around and said.

"After all, the monster level has improved a lot, and the speed of gaining points will also increase."

As Chu Ci spoke, a spiritual sword flew in and out of the mountain forest.

Soon prompts popped up.

[You killed a level 72 monster, and your racial points are +52. 】

[You killed a level 76 monster, and your racial points are +56. 】

[You killed a level 77 monster (epic level), and your racial points are +157. 】

[You killed a level 77 monster (legendary level), and your racial points are +257. 】

Sure enough, the race points increased a lot.

An ordinary monster at level 70 or above was comparable to him killing five or six ordinary monsters at level 60 or above.

Moreover, epic monsters will gain an additional 100 points, and legendary monsters will gain an additional 200 points.

A few minutes later, when Chu Ci killed all the monsters in the forest, he earned more than 200,000 points.

I took a look at the rankings.

Now the top ten have more than 3 million points, and the first place has nearly 4 million points.

The human race was previously ranked 46th, with more than two million race points, but just now he provided more than 200,000 points, which raised the human race's ranking by seven places to 39th.

"You still get more points by spawning monsters in high-level areas. If I had been in the level 90-100 area from the beginning, I might have more than 10 million points now." Chu Ci secretly thought.

"Old Chu, what should we do next?" Liu Changhe asked.

"Keep looking for the passage. You can also kill monsters on the way. Let's see if we can find the senior." Chu Ci thought for a while and said.


Liu Changhe nodded, and then took out the larvae of the fog bug that Li Tiandao had given them before.

The fog bug, which was originally like a silkworm baby, suddenly started to vibrate and its body squirmed toward the southwest.

"It seems that senior and the others are in the southwest."

Chu Ci did not hesitate as he spoke and flew towards the southwest with Liu Changhe.

In a valley, dozens of people were gathering together.

"What should we do? We are being targeted by those alien races. There are more than five hundred alien races outside at the moment, led by the Trolls and Blazing Tribes. These are powerful tribes in the outside world, especially the Trolls. Among the royal families, They all belong to the top existences."

"Yes, although there are legendary items that temporarily stopped them, it can't stop them for long. If this continues, as more and more aliens gather, we will have no way to survive."

"Actually, there is another way. Let's break through that palace. If we can break through, we can go to the next area and they won't be able to find us again."


While everyone was talking, they also looked at the palace in the valley.

They were also lucky to gather so many people quickly, and found a palace in the valley to go to the next area.

Unfortunately, before they entered the palace, the alien race also found this place.

Originally, they planned to retreat, but how could those aliens let them go, so the two sides had a fight.

The result is self-evident. There are many alien races, and they are no match. In the end, they have no choice but to use legendary items to temporarily form a large formation outside the valley.

But this formation cannot last long. When the formation is broken, they will face those alien races.

Among the crowd, Li Tiandao was also among them. He was about to speak when he heard what everyone said, but suddenly the fog bug in his arms moved.

"Why are they here?"

Li Tiandao frowned. Judging from the information transmitted by the mother insect, Chu Ci and Liu Changhe had arrived in this area and were heading here.

It would have been fine at other times, but now they are in deep trouble. Didn't Chu Ci and Liu Changhe come here to die?

Thinking of the potential of Chu Ci and Liu Changhe, Li Tiandao took a deep breath and must find a way to get out of the current predicament.

Thinking about it, Li Tiandao looked at the palace.

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