【Lich’s Bane] (treasure)

【Grade 1

【Attributes]: All attributes +999

【Effect]: Recover 1 per second%MP

【Skill]: Soul Shield

『Revenant Shield: Generate a shield with 50% health and 66 revenants. Each revenant can resist one skill for you. The shield lasts for 300 seconds and has a 10-minute cooldown. Consumes 9999 MP points


This is Archlich’s shield skill.

Su Liang didn’t steal it.

Unexpectedly, I have made up for it now.

The effect of the Soul Shield still depends on the timing of its release.

Skills like Lightning Storm, which last for dozens of damage, can kill 66 dead souls in an instant.

The single-target skill of Instant Stab requires 66 attacks.

The timing is right.

The effect is very good for skills that resist high single-target damage.

The last treasure is a bottle of potion

【Source of Plague] (treasure)

【Grade 1

【Attribute 28]: 28 all attributes +100

【Skill]: Death Plague

【Introduction]: The archlich Les extracted the source of plague from the world of the dead and combined it with alchemy to create a treasure.

『”Death Plague”: Generates a plague BUFF on a target, causing 300% mental damage every second for 15 seconds. If the target dies during this period, the plague will spread to two other targets within 100 yards and can be spread indefinitely. It disappears automatically after one use. Cooling: 24 hours


Su Liang’s eyes brightened.

This thing is a treasure!

Especially useful against dense monsters.

If you had this thing when you first conquered”Spider Lair·Niru Kingdom”.

A”death plague” went down.

Can kill hundreds of thousands of spider monsters in just a moment!

It can make the entire Niru Kingdom, ordinary and elite spiders lie on the ground, and only the BOSS will die.

But… this thing is useless against the undead.

Undead are immune to plague effects.

Otherwise, with Su Liang’s current mental strength, he would be able to make such a move in the world of the dead.

With the concentration of undead, the terror level can be directly raised to level 200.

Wait for the cooldown of”Wonderful Hands to Empty” to improve.

This thing must be stolen.

Then, it’s the Lich’s ultimate move

『”Disaster Rift” (Forbidden Curse): A rift singularity is generated at a certain point. The singularity expands and distorts the space, causing 9999% spell damage to nearby enemies within 188888 yards, and applying a Chaos Curse BUFF for 3 minutes. Cooling: 72 hours. Consumption: Level -2


This range and damage are worthy of a forbidden spell.

Each release cost 2 levels, so Su Liang decisively chose to give up.

In addition, there are four pieces of sub-god level equipment.

This is the time Su Liang has obtained the most sub-god level equipment! pity!

The required level is too high, and the skills are not very helpful to Su Liang.

There were also a bunch of mage skill books, and Su Liang basically stole all of his skills.

Not useful at all. at last!

It is also the material with the largest number, with more than a dozen sub-god materials and dozens of legendary materials.

It is several times larger than other sub-god BOSS!

All I can say is that he is indeed a rich lich!

Turn off the panel.

Su Liang turned on his phone and found that there were hundreds of messages flashing on the phone, as well as a lot of missed calls.

Think about it.

It was probably after he rescued Qin Xiaoyu’s father that he told Qin Xiaoyu what happened here.

Open the message and take a look

『Qin Xiaoyu』:”Aliang, thank you for saving my father”

『Qin Xiaoyu』:”Ah Liang, you’re not really going to find the lich, are you?”

『Qin Xiaoyu』:”Woohoo, Aliang, please reply quickly.……”

『Qin Xiaoyu』:……

It was all concern from Qin Xiaoyu.

You can feel the anxiety through the screen.

Su Liang felt slightly warm and immediately typed:

『Su Liang』:”It’s okay, don’t worry”

『Su Liang』:”The matter is over. The army of the undead has returned to the world of the undead. Your husband and I have also successfully killed the lich (satisfied expression).”

The other party replied immediately.

『Qin Xiaoyu』:”Woohoo, really? Great, you are really worried about me. Please don’t do such dangerous things in the future.”

Xiao Yu’er didn’t question Su Liang’s strength.

Or maybe… she didn’t know how powerful the great lich was.

After all, her father Qin Ming was not specifically involved in this incident.

Su Liang grinned and continued typing

『Su Liang』:”Don’t worry, I will never do anything I’m not sure about and leave you, Xiao Yu’er, a widow.”

『Qin Xiaoyu』:”Bah, bah, bah, what are you talking about?”

『Qin Xiaoyu』:”However, I still want to thank you for saving my dad.”

『Su Liang』:”Don’t just say thank you verbally. (grin emoticon)”

『Qin Xiaoyu』:”Huh, what do you want?”

『Su Liang』:”What do you think? (bad smile expression)”

『Qin Xiaoyu』:”The little girl has nothing to repay, how about you come to Daxia College now? Whatever you want to do in the evening, I’ll listen to you. ( Hooked finger emoticon ) Daxia Academy!


Arrive at the Assassin’s Guild in Shujiang City.

After the war, it has become a ruin.

Fortunately… the professional temple cannot be destroyed and is still standing intact.

Walk through the ruins.

Su Liang entered the temple skillfully without any reception from the staff.

The expected thing did not happen…

It seems that the restoration of the ancient tiles of the professional statue only happened once.

Changing the place has no effect.

Put your hand directly on the statue of the Assassin God and submit the fifth turn mission.

The temple is shaking… the white upgrade light pillar and the golden amplification light pillar fall!

【Ding! Congratulations to the professional for completing the five-star difficulty mission”Twilight of the Gods – God-Killing Heart”, successfully completing the fifth turn!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the professional for getting a permanent increase of 30 in all attributes.%】

【Ding! Congratulations to the professional for receiving the reward:”God-Killing Heart” (Organ of God)!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the professionals for acquiring skills:……】

【Ding! Your level is increased to level 92, all attributes +120, free attribute points +360】.

Người mua: Tinh Đế

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