The world of the dead!

The undead king’s undead territory is full of corruption!

As one of the three kings of the undead world, the Immortal King has a huge, terrifying and oppressive body, sitting arrogantly on a throne made of bones, with the soul flame in his eyes beating happily.

His loyal servant, the Archlich Les, has led an army of five million undead and teleported to Blue Star.

The plan was successful immediately!

The digitization of humankind has emerged with an unstoppable trend in just a hundred years.

And whether it is various BOSS, or the world of the undead, the shadow world, the angel world, etc…. they cannot become stronger by killing monsters like digitalized human professionals. They can only practice slowly and endure the time.

Practice! so!

Even if the immortal king survives for hundreds of thousands of years.

But after experiencing countless internal fights with the other two undead kings, there are not too many high-end undead under his command.

In the Great Wall of the Undead stationed in the World of the Undead, there are basically elite professionals with rank seven or above.

Relying on some weak ordinary undead, it is impossible to take advantage of the increasing number of undead natural disasters…

The gain is not worth the loss…

But he cannot bring out the undead army in full force, or take action himself.

After all, there are two other undead kings watching behind him.

Once he or his undead army goes to war with the Immortal Great Wall, no matter whether he wins or loses.

All will suffer heavy losses.

When the time comes, the two kings come to kill them, and they cannot resist them at all.

It can be said that there is a wolf in front and a tiger behind.

Under attack from both sides!

Being caught in the middle by the three forces, he was unable to expand his territory outwards and develop the undead forces.

This also led to the fact that as the most powerful undead monarch, in recent decades, the number of undead under his command has been decreasing with each war.

There are only 700-800 million undead left…

The other two kings both have about 1 billion left.

Now – the only way is to bypass those damn professionals on the Eternal Great Wall and reach Blue Star.

Transform Blue Star into his new realm of the undead.

Only then can the natural disasters of the undead explode vigorously, and only then can one surpass him in one fell swoop and crush the other two kings! then!

Ten years ago, the Immortal King began planning under the advice of the Archlich Les!

Develop believers in Blue Star, create an altar of immortal blood, and prepare to summon your true body and the undead army to come to the special digital world of Blue Star.

Once successful!

Invasion is a natural disaster!!

Once the natural disaster of the undead has begun, it will not stop. It will sweep across the Blue Star with a devastating and terrifying force, quickly creating tens of billions of undead.

When the time comes, why stick to the current corrupt territory?

No need to worry about being attacked from both sides!

“Quack, quack, quack!”

Thinking of this, the Immortal King couldn’t help laughing wildly.

However, the next second, the Immortal King couldn’t laugh anymore.


The Immortal King was stunned, and the blue flames in his pupils turned into red flames, violently It ignited, showing the extreme anger of the immortal king.

He felt that part of his divine authority had disappeared!

This part was the god-given authority he had given to the great lich Les… and it had completely disappeared.!

It is impossible to sense and take back!!

Although the God-given authority given to the Great Lich is only a small part, the loss is not unacceptable, but the important thing is… the disappearance of the God-given authority. There is a high probability that he is dead, which also proves that…

His ten-year plan has failed!

“Damn it, who dared to steal my authority and block my plan!!!”

The Immortal King spoke with a hoarse and furious roar.

It was deafening!

It was like thunder falling, and the terrifying aura erupted, making the hundreds of millions of undead in the territory tremble!

It seemed as if they were about to be crushed.

…… at the same time!

Outside the space barrier!

Everyone is fighting bloody battles!

“Kill them, fuck them!!!”

Zhang Zhizong’s eyes were blood red. He raised his hand and drew out his sword to kill a giant skeleton BOSS, roaring to boost morale.




Other professionals are also resisting desperately, waving their weapons with red eyes.

In order to catch them all, the Archlich has invested heavily here.

There are more than a dozen gates of the undead, and almost all the undead monsters pouring out of them. They are all BOSS, Skeleton Commander, Skeleton Giant, Skeleton Dragon… dense waves of undead are coming, and professionals are killed by the undead BOSS every second, but not one of them escapes! They can’t run, but they don’t want to run away!

Especially Consul Zhang and Jiang He. One is the Consul of the Southern Province, with a level 8 strength, and he controls the resources of a province, and the good things he possesses are no less powerful than those of a god.

, but a top sub-god. He is only one step away from reaching the mythical level.

Jiang He is his most beloved son.

Apart from his lack of professional skills, he has given them a lot of life-saving tools!

They had the ability to escape, but they still chose to stay and fight!

However, they could not run away and abandon the people in Southern Province!

So as soon as the Lich appeared, they distributed all the teleportation scrolls.

To the professionals present.

However , no one crushed the scrolls and sent them away!

Although , the fall of Nan Province seemed to be inevitable!

This is the city where they live, and their families are all here.

Even if there is a glimmer of hope!

Even if they can only wait a few more seconds to save one more person, it is worth it to destroy the Holy See of the Dead!

How can a professional be a coward? It ’s a pity that Su Liang has so much potential.

If he survives, he can at least save the lives of millions of warriors on the front line…



An eighth-level skeletal flying dragon was launching a necromantic breath attack towards Chief Zhang when it suddenly stopped!

The soul flame in his pupils pulsed.

He actually turned around and left, flying into the Gate of the Dead!

Then, in the surprised eyes of all the professionals.

The undead souls that had been attacking them crazily just now stopped attacking.

Slowly walk towards the Gate of the Dead and return to the World of the Dead!

“What is going on here?”

“Have you withdrawn your troops?”

“We, survived…survived?”

A group of people collapsed on the ground as if they were exhausted, breathing heavily.

After saving their lives, they looked at the devastated city, but they couldn’t feel happy at all.

·· ········Asking for flowers··· ········

·· ········Asking for flowers··· ········

“wrong! Not only our side, my talent feels that there is no undead breath in Shujiang City!”

A seventh-level professional suddenly spoke in surprise.

His talent allows him to accurately sense the surrounding atmosphere.

“Could it be that something happened over there in the Undead World, and did the Immortal King summon an army?”

“Very good!”

Suddenly, everyone showed a look of ecstasy!

There was a burst of cheers!

The undead troops withdrew, which also means that there is still room for recovery!

The Southern Province will not fall!

“Wait, the aura of the lich in the barrier also dissipated.”

The seventh-level professional was stunned and spoke again.

In the space barrier, the Gate of the Dead cannot appear. How could the Archlich go back?

But the aura has actually disappeared.


“What? What about Su Liang and the Amethyst Dragon?”

Jiang He didn’t care that he was only a sixth-level professional. He hurriedly grabbed the shoulder of this seventh-level professional and asked.

“Their breath is all there!”

The seventh-level professional swallowed his saliva and said in a trembling voice.

…….. 0 0

…….. 0 0

The breath disappears, unless the sub-god-level great lich Les is dead!!!

Killed inside!

And inside the barrier… except for a broken metal puppet that was unable to fight, only Su Liang and the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon were left!!!

“Couldn’t it be Su Liang who did it?”

Everyone’s hearts jumped, and an idea that they all thought was outrageous jumped out of their minds.

But… it seemed to be the most reasonable one.……


On the other side, Jiangcheng City!

Only one hour has passed!

The entire city has become extremely dilapidated.

The devastated streets were littered with broken arms and limbs.

There are humans, there are skeletons… at this time!

A skeleton warrior was attacking an unawakened student crazily.

This student was so scared!

『Water rushes into the waves!

Suddenly, a white water wave appeared out of thin air, knocking the skeleton warrior back dozens of meters.

Immediately afterwards.

Dozens of figures arrived.

Under Jiang He’s influence, Jiang Xue did not tear up the Tai’an College return scroll given by Su Liang and escape.

All the guards who led the fourth rank stayed behind.

They assisted the city guards of Jiangcheng City and helped ordinary people and low-level professionals escape into the underground shelters of Jiangcheng City.

“Run, you keep running forward, let’s stop these skeletons!”

“Go to a shelter!”

Jiang Xue spoke coquettishly, reminding the frightened students.


Her profession is not good and she has no output ability, but with the blessing of SS-level talents, Jiang Xue can release various group control and amplification group BUFFs.

Grit your teeth to block the progress of the skeletons!

Cooperate with others to stop these skeletons.

But suddenly!

More and more skeletons are coming in front of you, and they all stop attacking.



Then, they walked back to the Gate of the Dead with neat steps.

See this scene!

There was a hint of confusion in Jiang Xue’s eyes, and immediately she thought of the words Su Liang said when he left, and that confident smile.

Her breathing stagnated slightly, her beautiful eyes rippling,

“This is…Ah Liang…did he succeed! ?”小小.

Người mua: Tinh Đế

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