『Violent Thunder』!

『”Frost Clone”!

Suddenly, blue and white thunder filled his body, and Su Liang’s attack speed skyrocketed again!!!

Then separate a frost clone and beat them together!

Boom, boom, boom!!!!!

Boom boom boom boom!!!!!

Su Liang smashed the skull of the great lich Les, which had only a trace of flesh and blood, and repeatedly hit the back of his head with dozens of attacks per second!

There was a strange dull knocking sound.

This scene!

The other professionals were dumbfounded and felt their heads buzzing.

Except the damage doesn’t look high, it looks awesome!

Infinite dizziness!

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for triggering the passive”Empty Hands” and”Stealing the Sheep”, and stealing and obtaining:”Arch Lich’s Hand Bone” (material)!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for triggering the passive”Smooth Hands” of”Empty Hands”, and stealing and obtaining:”Death Coil” (skill)!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for activating the passive of”Empty Hands” and”Stealing the Sheep”, and obtained by stealing:”Arch Lich’s Scepter of the Dead” (Equipment)……】

Su Liang and his clone stole quickly, very efficiently.

In five seconds, five or six things were stolen.

At this time… the big Lich BOSS, sensing that something was wrong, realized something was wrong, and quickly activated the control-free skill forcibly.

『”Immortal Will”!

The will of the Immortal King was imposed on him, and the great lich Les exuded a black-red light, and all negative effects on his body were cleared. and!

Eliminate subsequent control

“Dragons and men, you have angered the great lich!”

“For this, pay the price!”

The big lich BOSS broke away from the state of being charged, and spoke in a sinister tone, his voice extremely penetrating.

『Shield of the Dead』!

『Frost Armor』!

The archlich immediately waved the skull staff in his hand and released his skills, and a shield composed of dozens of small undead souls appeared.

In addition to having 50% of the Lich BOSS’s health shield value, this shield can also absorb attacks.

Each dead soul can withstand an attack on its behalf.

Can withstand a total of 66 times.

At the same time, the body is covered with a layer of hard frost armor!

Can reduce damage and reduce the attack speed of targets attacking him.

Seeing this, Su Liang was not surprised but overjoyed!

『”Shield of Souls” can withstand attacks.

Let him not have to look for opportunities to make headshots, he can attack at will and steal dozens more times.

As for frost armor, damage reduction is of no use to him who ignores defense.

In terms of the attack speed reduction effect, Su Liang directly turned on”Wushuang” to avoid the attack speed reduction effect.

Flying and attacking in the sky, constantly looking for opportunities to get headshots.

The Archlich first set his sights on the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon, which he thought was a greater threat to him and was also the sub-god BOSS.


In his eyes, Su Liang’s attack was not high, it was 999 points every time, just like Gua Sha.

Just a little human thief who can steal things.

Nothing to fear!

『death and decay』!

『Revenant Impact』!

『frost storm』……

Boom boom boom!!!

He tried several skills in succession and bombarded the shining body of the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon.

But Archlich Les was horrified to discover that neither the undead nor the ice element could cause harm to the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon. decisive.

The great lich changed his gaze and threw the spell at Su Liang.

“Go to hell, annoying humans.々」 々」 ”

The great lich roared

『Frost Annihilation』!

A wave of frost energy that annihilated all things exploded on the Lich’s staff!

The range was huge, and it was aimed at Su Liang, who was still stealing crazily, and spread quickly.


The Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon roared, and the shadow that covered the sky rushed over, blocking the skill for its master directly on the way.

“Well done, Xiao Zi!”

Su Liang raised his lips slightly.

This is the effect he wants.

After all, Lich is a level 180 sub-god BOSS and a pure mage BOSS. Its burst output is too high.

With his current attributes, he doesn’t dare to eat him casually. Skills.

Next, Su Liang continued to attack, and the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon blocked most of the skills for him…

After blocking, he immediately took off, giving Su Liang an environment for perfect coordination.……

“Ahhhh!!! What two annoying things!”

The great lich lost his patience and was so angry that his pale and bloodless face turned green with anger. He was on horseback!

The Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon was pestering him and would not attack. He was immune to spells and there was nothing he could do.

There was another human thief over there. He keeps stealing things from him!

He even steals his skills!

It’s so annoying!

『Realm of the Dead!

The great lich Les was furious and must kill the little thief Su Liang first.

Immediately the realm of the undead unfolded, with dark clouds and numerous ghosts!

Countless dead souls made shrill wails among them.

All of a sudden!

So that all the professionals on the periphery cannot see what is happening in the barrier.

【Ding! Archlich Les is affected by the realm of undead, and his undead skill output is +100%, and his movement speed is +100.%!】

【Ding! You are affected by the realm of dead souls, with movement speed -30%, visibility -30%, blood volume per second -8888, and entering a super seriously injured state, reducing blood volume recovery by 90%. ]

In the realm of dead souls, Su Liang’s expression changed slightly.

Deduction of blood every second does not matter, but 90% of the super serious injury effect will affect blood sucking.

This is a bit uncomfortable. after all!

Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon can only resist skills with ballistic trajectories.

As for some skills that appeared directly out of thin air or dropped from the sky, Su Liang could also avoid them by relying on his killing instinct.

But once a skill with a large range is used, Su Liang will still be hit at some point.

In the past, I could rely on the explosive damage of bricks without hitting my head, and I could easily fill up my health.

Now, the blood-stealing reduction is too serious. Just rely on the blood-stealing aura to absorb 10% of the blood-stealing, leaving 1% of the blood-stealing after the reduction.

It’s totally not enough!

Su Liang was distressed.

If you don’t hit the head continuously and rely on (the king is good) (the king is good) to output blood, his damage will be too high, and the lich is a squishy BOSS.

It’s easy to cripple or kill the BOSS… and if you start the boss, it has a fixed blood volume of 999 points, which can’t be sucked back at all.

In this case… it’s easy to kill the BOSS without stealing the authority.

He glanced at the artifact”Refresh Ring” on his finger.

Su Liang originally planned to refresh these skills in case of emergencies, but now it seems… he can’t keep them anymore, he can only give them a try!

There are still eight”Super Refresh” skills, and Su Liang plans to save one to refresh”Ashes Form” to kill the BOSS.

Seven chances remaining.

Whether it’s stealing the”Undead Domain” skill or the God-given authority”Undead Catastrophe”, you can do it.

『super refresh』!

『Instant kill Kong Kong’!

Su Liang gritted his teeth and began to refresh the active effect of his talent”Miaoshou Kongkong”.

Steal continuously towards the lich!.

Người mua: Tinh Đế

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