Today’s Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon is extremely fast. A journey that once took several days to fly can be reached in just half a day.

Come to the depths of Shiwan Snow Mountain, the coldest and harshest area. even if!

Su Liang has high ice and snow resistance, but he still needs to take drugs to enter the place.

This is a place that humans have never set foot on.

A huge tribe loomed in the blizzard.

A group of giant snow-white bears wearing armor wandered in the frozen soil of the tribe. They were not affected by the wind and snow.

A moment later…

Su Liang rode the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon and arrived not far from the giant bear tribe.

“Sure enough, the fifth mission is not as simple as killing a BOSS!”

Su Liang’s eyes narrowed slightly. This seems to be a huge bear tribe. The young white bears have a body of more than ten meters”zero”zero five zero” fifty”, while the adult white bears are nearly a hundred meters tall. These huge white bears

The white bears, without exception, are all BOSS!

There is not even an elite monster!

Looking at the size of this tribe, Su Liang estimates that there are at least 500 white bears.

【Brute White Bear·Level 100] (Golden BOSS)

【Blizzard Bear·Level 100】(Dark Gold BOSS)

【Storm Bear·Level 100] (Epic BOSS) ranging from gold level to epic level.

No wonder… no human professional has ever been able to get out of here alive.

After all, visibility was extremely low in this huge snowstorm.

By the time we saw these bosses, they were already nearly a hundred meters away.

And how many people can escape from the hands of so many BOSSs?

Even… in this giant bear tribe, in addition to the most powerful sub-god-level Thunder Lord, there are also probably many legendary bosses.

『Amethyst Dragon Star Group』!

Facing the giant white bear tribe, the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon roared, and a terrifying dragon star cluster fell.




Under the violent impact of the dragon stars, the huge snow mountain trembled, as if it was about to collapse.

【Ding! Your pet kills”Brute White Bear” (Golden BOSS) and gains 15 million experience points……】

【Ding! Your pet kills”Blizzard Bear” (dark gold BOSS) and gets 50 million experience points……】

【Ding! Your pet kills”Storm Bear” (epic BOSS) and gains 230 million experience points……】

【Ding! The level of your pet”Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon” has been increased to level 80! 】

With the attribute bonus of the Destiny Knight, even the epic white bear BOSS was not immune to the terrifying blow of the sub-god-level dragon.

A large amount of experience was recorded, and Su Liang’s experience pool skyrocketed.

The Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon directly stepped into level 80.

All attributes are greatly improved! and acquired four skills

【Ding! Your pet”Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon” learns the skill”Dragon Will”』!】

【Ding! Your pet”Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon” acquires the skill”Dragon Domain”』!】

【Ding! Your pet”Amethyst Thunder Dragon” learns the skill”Amethyst Armor”』!】

【Ding! Your pet”Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon” learns the skill”Shining Amethyst Form”』!】

A physical and attribute bonus BUFF skill, a field skill and a shield skill.

Finally – he gained a special form skill.

After entering the shining form, the attributes will skyrocket and the skills will undergo slight changes.

After just a quick glance, Su Liang shifted his gaze. because……


Accompanied by the furious roar that shook the snowy mountains.


Several blue and white thunder suddenly appeared on the top of the snow mountain!


In the snowy sky, ten giant snow-white beasts rushed quickly from the top of the White Bear Tribe.

One of them is more than five hundred meters tall, which is even more exaggerated than the Amethyst Thunder Flame Dragon and the Amethyst Behemoth without wings spread out!

Come to think of it, this is the sub-god BOSS Thunder Tyrant!

The other ones can survive in the Amethyst Dragon Star Group, and their strength must be at the legendary level!


More than 500 meters away, the white giant bear with scars all over its body and without any armor roared and came first!

Its huge body jumped suddenly, directly across the distance of several thousand meters, and crashed down on Su Liang. Not far away!


The ground shook, and the impact of the crash swept across the ground, causing cracks like spider webs to appear………..

【Monster]: Thunder Tyrant—Valhir

【Level]: Yashen BOSS

【Level]: Lv110

【Blood volume]: 5.94 billion

【Attributes]: Strength 228w, Constitution 198w, Agility 136w, Spirit 688888

【Talent]: Incarnation of Storm (SS level), Thunder Monarch (SS level)

【Skills]: Crazy Thunder, Thunder Fury, Thunder Claws, Storm Gathering, Thunderstorm Surge……

【Introduction]: The white bear tyrant from ancient times, the incarnation of the storm, the monarch of thunder. After tens of thousands of battles, his claws, fangs and thunder make the enemy fearful………..

『Storm Incarnation (SS level): The incarnation of the ancient thunder storm, all attributes +100%, HP +200%, thunder skill power +100%, damage taken -30%,

『”Thunder Monarch” (SS level): A monarch who controls the invincible thunder. Thunder skill damage +300%, damage received from thunder attacks -70%, thunder skill cooldown -40%, attacks have a chance of paralysis.


Another BOS3.4S with dual SS-level talents.

Su Liang had expected this as early as 3.4. After all, this was a monster that could become the target of the God Killer’s five-turn five-star difficulty mission.

It is definitely a powerful existence among the sub-gods.

But level 110 is 10 levels higher than expected.

However… if you don’t reach level 120, your strength won’t change much.

Of course, for Su Liang, the difficulty is still more than a little higher than the amethyst behemoth.

The Amethyst Behemoth is a tank BOSS. It is best at defense. Su Liang has the passive ability to ignore defense and has natural restraint on it.

The Thunder Tyrant is more like a violent tactician.

The lightning output is the most powerful among all skills. It also has the natural thunder power bonus and cooldown reduction. The output is not even a little bit high..

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