“Brave man, your aura is so terrifying”

“Even the old man feels so terrible!”

The mysterious businessman lifted his hood, revealing several big yellow teeth that were missing, and said with a winking smile.

Su Liang:”……”

One mouthful is so scary, but one slap can kill you.

So mean!

Su Liang complained in his heart

“I’m just a weak brave man who wants to buy something from you.”

Su Liang showed a harmless smile and said

“Young brave man, I don’t know what you want to buy! I have all the magical items here.”

The mysterious businessman narrowed his eyes and became interested. His old face smiled with wrinkles like a chrysanthemum.


The mysterious businessman waved his old hand, and a virtual sales panel appeared in front of Su Liang’s eyes.

『”Gun of Destruction” (dark gold): priced at 888w gold coins

『Star Shine Scroll』……

『gem of time』……

『Dragon Cemetery Admission Ticket: Priced at 99.9 billion gold coins!

There are a dazzling array of products, 999 in total. These are items that are regularly sold by the mysterious merchant…

The items range from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of billions of gold coins.

After some searching, Su Liang found the purpose of his trip.

【Elementary Adaptation Contract Scroll] (Special)

【Grade 1

【Effect]: After use, the equipment contract can be bound to the professional himself, and he can obtain the skill”Basic Adaptation”. (Once contracted, it cannot be traded)

【Price]: 999w gold coins

『Primary Adaptation: Reduce the wearing requirements of level 10 equipment


This is the lowest level of scrolling.

Can reduce the wearing level by 10 levels.

In addition, there are several other versions, Intermediate, Advanced, Super and Mythic Adaptation Contract Scrolls.

Respectively for: level 20, level 30, level 40 and level 50.

The myth level requires 990 million gold coins. You must know that this is a one-time scroll.

It will become invalid after being used once, and the equipment used will become bound and cannot be traded or sold.

It can be said to be a sky-high price scroll!


Su Liang raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a pleasant smile.

Scrolls give new skills to equipment, and he only needs one.

All you need to do is add the skill”God-level Adaptation” to your equipment when the time comes, and then use”Empty Hands” to steal it to yourself.

That’s it!

After acquiring the permanent skill”God-level Adaptation”, Su Liang will be able to wear equipment beyond level 50 in the future!

【Ding! You successfully purchased:”God-level Adaptation Contract Scroll” x1, which cost 990 million gold coins!】

“¨‖ ¨‖ With a”ding” sound, the gold coins were deducted from the backpack.

The scroll was in hand!

Su Liang smiled happily

“This is a big customer!”

The eyes of the mysterious businessman next to him lit up, but he did not speak for the time being.

Let Su Liang continue to scan the fixed stores.

“Tsk tsk tsk.”

Su Liang couldn’t help but tsk a few times.

There are a lot of good things here, but those who like him can’t afford them, and those who can afford them can’t afford them! He was just about to ask about the random items for sale.

He hasn’t spoken yet. , the mysterious businessman spoke first.

“Young brave man, I think you are one of the lucky ones. I have some treasure boxes here.”

“These are the mysterious boxes of Pandora, the goddess of fate. Your luck will definitely allow you to open good things!”

“Do you want to give one a try? One only costs 9.99 million gold coins, which is high quality and low price.……”

The mysterious businessman said in a hoarse voice, rubbed his hands and said with a smile on his face.

It looks so sincere and makes people believe in it.

Hear the words.

Su Liang’s brows furrowed slightly, imperceptibly.


I was so unlucky that the mysterious merchant I met randomly sold”Pandora’s Box”』……

There are two types of mysterious blind box merchants.

One is a jar merchant who sells”random clay jars”.

The other one is the”Pandora’s Box” merchant in front of me.

Pandora is not the goddess of fate as this mysterious businessman calls her.

She is the goddess of disaster and disaster, with a cunning and deceitful character. so!

Pandora’s Box, also known as the Box of Disaster and the Box of Fraud…

If you encounter a jar merchant in the Forsaken Land, and if you are unlucky enough to smash out random pots, the most likely items you will find are some junk materials and equipment. and skill books.

At best, the things don’t match the price.

And Pandora’s Box is very deceptive.

If you activate the negative BUFF and the BUFF that permanently deducts your attributes, you are still lucky.

If you find junk materials or something like that… that’s great luck.

Because… there may be an attack BUFF that can kill instantly, and even Yashen can’t resist it.

Suddenly, Su Liang felt a slight movement in his heart.

Pandora’s box is only the size of a palm, covered with strange runes and patterns, and looks very beautiful and delicate.

Who would have thought that this was the legendary Box of Disaster?

Sure enough, the more beautiful something is, the more deadly it is!

Su Liang’s true sight glanced at Pandora’s box, and suddenly, item detail panels that only he could see appeared.

【pandora’s box】

【Grade 1

【Effect]: After opening, you will get the permanent”bad luck BUFF” effect, reducing your luck by 10 points

【pandora’s box】

【Grade 1

【Effect]: After opening, you will get the”Plague BUFF” effect that lasts for 3 days (good to win), blood volume -10 points every second (good to win), and there is a chance of spreading it to other people.

【pandora’s box】

【Grade 1

【Effect]: After opening, you will get the”sudden death” effect, and the blood volume will be -100%

【pandora’s box】

【Grade 1

【Effect]: After opening, you will get the legendary weapon”Disaster Spear”』


After turning it on, you will almost always get various disaster effect BUFFs.

Disasters, disasters, plagues, diseases, fears… there are good things too.

However, the probability is extremely low… this thing is simply not something that ordinary professionals can play.

Ordinary professionals may go bankrupt after playing this game and be buffed with disasters, or they may die suddenly and be cited directly!

“¨」 ¨」 OK! I believe in my luck the most.”

Immediately, Su Liang showed a confident smile.

Người mua: Tinh Đế

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