【Shadow of the Evil God Boots] (Legendary)

【Level]: 160

【Attributes]: Physique +5888, Agility +5888, Physique +25%, Agility +25%, Movement Speed +50%

【Skill]: Shadow of the Evil God

【need】:~~Constitution 66666 points

『Shadow of the Evil God: Sacrifice the boots of the Evil God’s Shadow, and summon the shadow of the evil Spider Queen Rose to come –, lasting 10 seconds


“Damn it, this equipment is awesome–ah!”

Su Liang’s eyes lit up.

The properties of the Evil God’s Shadow Boots were only average among level 160 legendary equipment. What surprised him was the included skills!

Summon a shadow of the Evil God to come!

You know, this Spider God Although Hou Rose is not as powerful as the original god and demon, he is still an ancient evil god!

According to records, he dominates a different world!

His strength is at least a seventh-level god, which is not comparable to that of a new god or an ordinary god.

Advent, the strength is definitely not weak.

But… the cost is a bit high. After using it once, the legendary equipment of the Shadow of the Evil God will be sacrificed and can only be used as a one-time trump card…

I don’t know. What will be the effect of stealing this skill?

It’s a pity.

Su Liang just used it when he stole the Spider Queen.

In fact, what Su Liang wanted to verify more was… the evil spirit came. Can you steal with nothing?

But this thing can only be released once. As a life-saving trump card, Su Liang can only resist this idea.


Putting away the Evil God’s Shadow boots, Su Liang thought for a while.

My level is too low, and I cannot wear the equipment I obtained.

After leaving the dungeon, you have to go to the Land Abandoned by God to try your luck.

There are several mysterious merchants active in the God-Forsaken Land, and these merchants appear randomly.

No specific location.

Most of the stuff they sell is random too!

However, a contract scroll will be permanently sold, and after using it, you can change the level of the equipment worn.

Of course… the four-dimensional attributes required to wear the equipment cannot be changed.

However, the required four-dimensional attributes are not a problem at all for Su Liang.

All he lacks is level!


“OK, Sister An Ran, you can proceed with the copy settlement.”

Su Liang showed a pleasant smile, handed the Spider Queen’s heart to Lin Qianqian, and then said to Zhao Anran

“It looks like something good has come out. Congratulations.”

“The legendary equipment I promised you will be given to you in two days.”

Zhao Anran smiled slightly and clicked on the copy to settle.


Su Liang nodded.

He believed that Zhao Anran’s character would not default on his debts.

When they first met, he kept his promise and divided half of the dragon’s drops and half of the treasures in the dragon’s lair. Give it to him.

What’s more, now

【『The”Legend·Niru Kingdom” copy is being settled……】

【Copy rating: SSS level!】

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the reward: free attribute +50!】

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the reward: gold coins x 8.88 million!】

【Ding! Congratulations on being the first team to achieve an SSS rating in”Legend of Niru Kingdom”. You have received an additional reward:”Poison Pearl” (treasure) x1! ]

SSS grade rating, Su Liang looked indifferent.

Everything is expected.

Checked the rewards

【Poison Pearl] (treasure)

【Grade 1

【Attribute]: Spirit +20%

【Effect]: Immune to all poisoning effects, and attacks will be 100% accompanied by corrosive poison, reducing the blood volume of mental attributes by 50% every second, lasting for 10 seconds, and the poisoning time can be superimposed

【Introduction]: Orb containing poison that corrupts everything!


Another treasure was obtained.

The poisoning effect that can be stacked is very powerful.

But for Su Liang, it’s not too useful.

This output can only be said to be better than nothing.

However, Su Liang was very fond of the effect of being immune to poisoning, and was simply the nemesis of all poisonous monsters.

Just put it in the corner of your backpack casually and it will be regarded as equipment.

Compared to Su Liang, others were not so calm.

SSS grade rating!

Even though they are all geniuses, they have never reached the SSS level.

Basically, they are S-level and SS-level copy scores.

Among the ten of them, only Zhao Anran has obtained the SSS level dungeon rating two or three times alone, and Li Meiting has obtained it once.

·· ········Asking for flowers· ·····

They are all small copies

·· ········Asking for flowers· ·····

Unexpectedly… under the leadership of Su Liang, they actually completed the SSS-level rating of the large-scale dungeon!

This is an extra 50 free attribute points for nothing, their second and third level attributes!

You can also get top-notch treasures like Poison Pearls.

It’s a bloody profit!!!

Everyone’s face turned red.

I was so excited that I wanted to take a bite on Su Liang’s face.

…… at the same time.

Outside the copy

“Brother Zhao, they really cleared the nightmare difficulty dungeon!”

The flattering seventh-turn mage accidentally caught a glimpse of the recording stone tablet, and immediately let out bursts of disbelieving exclamations.

“Are you hallucinating? Even if they clear the customs, they will definitely not do it so quickly. It has only been three days!”



Zhao Jieli frowned and cursed angrily

“No, Brother Zhao, they really cleared the level……”

“And this record…Brother Zhao, why don’t you come over and take a look.”

The team’s eighth-level priest looked at the record stone tablet, swallowed his saliva, and felt extremely regretful.

He had never even eaten the SSS-level reward!


Zhao Jieli’s face became extremely ugly, and he came over with several other people.

【Copy record stone tablet】

『First place: Crimson Knights Team

Captain: Zhao Anran, members: Su Liang, Li Meiting……Time to complete: 3 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes and 08 seconds, rating: SSS level

『Second place: Golden Dawn Team

Captain: Ji Ling, members: Jiang Feng, Mo Zhiqu……Time to complete: 5 days, 8 hours, 19 minutes and 32 seconds, rating: SS level

『Third place: Knights of the Storm Team

Captain: Lin Yuze, members: Du Ziteng, Fei Yan……Time to clear the level: 5 days, 13 hours, 33 minutes and 55 seconds, rating: SS level


“I actually passed the level!”

Looking at the stone tablet, Zhao Jieli’s pupils shrank suddenly and his expression changed wildly.


He cleared the level more than two days faster than other teams!

He also received an SSS grade rating!


Absolutely impossible!

Wait… that’s it Level 4 Su Liang is more than just a dragon knight!


Jieli narrowed his eyes slightly.

Người mua: Tinh. Đế

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