Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 849: Born For You (38)

  Chapter 849 Born for You (38)

   Even, he seemed to wish he could completely cover his face with the mask, always lowered his head, and then covered himself with his hands.

  Even when taking a bath and sleeping, he always wears a mask, regardless of whether he feels uncomfortable or not.

  Wearing a mask is a good way to hide your face, but

   Wearing a mask on the face for a long time, because it is too stuffy, it is easy to cause skin allergic reactions.

  Especially, that half of his face was burnt. Although it has healed, it is still much more fragile than normal skin.

  The longer he wears the mask and the hotter it is, the worse his facial skin actually feels.

   Over time, some shocking red dots appeared on the face, as well as the remaining thread marks on the mask.

  Yun Si saw several times that when he pulled off the mask, the skin slightly exposed inside the mask was already disastrously red.

  If the time is longer, I am afraid that the skin will peel and fester.

  She endured it for a few days, and at first she just patiently persuaded her.

   But Gu Liang didn't want to, so he had to wear a mask, as stubborn as a child.

  Finally, during this day, Yun Si took a deep breath, and with a wave of his hand, Magic took off his mask and threw it into the trash can downstairs.

  When the mask on his face suddenly disappeared, Gu Liang was taken aback for a moment.

  Under Yun Si's gaze, he suddenly squatted down in a panic, and buried his entire face in his knees.

  The tall and thin man just blocked his face like this, like a stinky ditch mouse that can't see the light. As soon as he is exposed, he will panic and want to hide in his ditch immediately.

   "How can you do this!"

  He covered his face and wanted to run back to his room in a panic.

  However, Yun Si blocked the door of the room and grabbed his hand.

  He was very annoyed, lowered his head, and clenched his fists tightly.

  If she wanted to go left, she would go left, if she wanted to go right, she would go right.

   Blocked the door completely, unless he pushed her away, he couldn't get in at all.

   "Gu Liang, I know you mind this. But have you ever thought that if you can hide from me for a while, is it possible that you can hide from me forever?"

  Yun Si stood at the door, grabbing him, as if trying to pull his arm off.

   Gu Liang lowered his head, as if his movements froze for a moment.

  He didn't speak, turned his face sideways, blocking his ugly face, clenched his fists, and his muscles and bones protruded.

  With nothing to help him cover his face, he became very insecure at the moment.

  The mouse, who is used to hiding in the stinky ditch that no one cares about, was so straightforwardly exposed to the light, which made his spirit tense to the extreme.

  His mood became very unstable, and his chest was also violently heaving.

  He knew that Yun Si was looking at him, but it was precisely because of this that he wanted to hide his disgusting face even more.

   Bumpy, ugly and rough, with vertical and horizontal scars like tree roots, so ugly that even he felt sick when he saw it.

  How could he—allow her to see?

  Gu Liang wanted to break free from her hand, wanted to immediately retreat into his corner, wanted to completely bury himself, and never show up again.

  His back was tense, his whole body was like a frightened tortoise, and he was about to retract into his turtle shell immediately to avoid her sight.

  His lips parted slightly, trembling, as if he wanted to beg her not to treat him like this.

  The voice was also faintly tinged with trembling and painful sobs, obviously panicked to the extreme.

   "Please. Don't look"

  (end of this chapter)

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