Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 822: Born For You (11)

   Chapter 822 Born for You (11)

   "This is my curse on you. If you want to break it, you must find someone you love and love you at the same time before you are thirty years old. If not, you will live in filth and filth forever!"

   As soon as the voice fell, the beautiful witch, who was as cold as fire, disappeared into the hall without a trace.

   Even the big bad wolf who had just eaten and clutched his stomach was taken away and disappeared in an instant.

  The dark green curse magic went straight into the beast's body, as if strengthening the confinement, and combined with the original curse on him, the power was even stronger.

  The beast was cursed, and before it could get angry, it passed out.

  The huge and heavy body fell on the dining table, which was as fragile as a piece of tofu in front of him.

   With a "plop—" the dining table also cracked.

  An assortment of food was dropped on the ground, fragments were scattered, and the floor was in a mess.

  The fainted beast lost all consciousness.

  The witch's curse enveloped the castle, and the sound of the beast falling was like a mountain collapsing, shaking even the crows outside.

  Such a violent movement shocked Movis and Lilith who were breaking free from the rope in the basement.

  They are now at the beast's dining table, their limbs are all bound, bound to the four corners of the dining table.

  After the loud noise, Lilith and her poor old father were too frightened to move, for fear that their movements would attract terrifying beasts.

  Lilith was about to cry from fright, she never thought that it would be like this to replace her sister.

  She thought that the castle should be full of gold, silver and jewels, so luxurious that the beast would fall in love with her, and she would also fall in love with the beast.

   It's just that I never thought that the beast turned out to be a monster that likes to eat human flesh!

   It's scary, it's really scary

  At this time, Lilith no longer has the thoughts of a girl Hanchun, she just wants to escape here crazily, and then run far away, never to come again.

  Thinking about this, she suddenly felt that the rope that bound her seemed to be looser for some reason.

   She reacted, twisted her arm immediately, and began to break free.

  Movis, who was just frightened, also reacted, and continued to untie the rope tremblingly.

   Soon, the father and daughter were freed from the cold dining table.

  They supported each other, their legs were always weak.

  In the dark and airtight space around, the strong smell of blood almost makes people faint.

   Rows of neatly arranged skulls are placed in the corner. It is conceivable that many people have died here.

   Still tied to the dining table, cut to death alive.

  Lilith opened the door cautiously, and poked her head out to look around.

   The Beast doesn't seem to be back yet, which is a good time for them to escape.

   Now, Lilith hurriedly supported her timid old father and ran out from the basement.

   ran all the way, ran all the way, ran to the rose garden, ran to the gothic gate, and finally ran through the fog and into the forest.

  The father and daughter who had escaped from the dead were so embarrassed that they didn't dare to look back.

  Movis had bad legs and feet, but he ran as hard as he could.

   They ran until they saw their hut and the hunters returning home from work, and finally their legs became limp, and they sat paralyzed in the snow.

   "God bless. God bless"

  Movis kept drawing the cross on his chest, his voice trembling, and he sincerely thanked God for his tolerance to them.

  (end of this chapter)

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