Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 465: I'm delicate (22)

  Chapter 465 I am very delicate (22)

  By the way, he wanted to take away all the people brought by Yunsi, leaving the master and the master to get along alone.

   It's just that Yun Si didn't speak, and her people didn't move either.

   Pretending to be deaf and dumb, continued to stand not far away, as if nailed to it.

  Song Jingzhao coughed, looked at the beauty wearing a veil across the table, and suggested,

   "Cousin, the scenery is so beautiful now, why don't you let the servants go down, and let you and I sing poems alone, how about it?"

  The beauty is wearing a plain white dress, her eyebrows are like water, and she is as delicate as a flower,

   She seemed to hesitate a bit,

   Then, she turned around and nodded to her own people, "You all go down."

   Chunxia and Qiuli looked at each other, and responded in a low voice.

  Everyone retreats to the pavilion, except…

   Ah Fu.

  He still stood motionless behind Yun Si, with a knife in his hand,

   His complexion was cold and hard, like a stone, unshakable.

   Song Jingzhao saw him again, and his anger came up again.

   "Are you deaf!? Didn't hear what your lady said!?"

   After the voice fell, the beauty shook her head slightly, and said softly,

   "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he is here."

   "..." Song Jingzhao didn't come up in one breath.

  He just wanted to be alone with Yun Si, but there was someone blocking him, how could he get close? !

   "Cousin, it's not my cousin talking about you, you guard is too defiant!"

   "Master doesn't listen to what he says, and even makes his own decisions. If my cousin were you, just give him fifty bucks and let him learn a lesson!"

   Yun Si smiled, nodded,

   "My cousin knows, thank you for reminding me."

   "Cousin, speaking of it. I seem to have heard from others that you were scolded by the emperor again?"

  She changed the subject lightly.

  Song Jingzhao's face changed, and he seemed a little embarrassed, "Cousin, you may have heard wrong."

  Although, he was indeed scolded by his father recently,

  The reason for the scolding was because a firework woman made a fuss in front of the palace gate, saying that she was pregnant with his child.

  The emperor was so angry that he killed the woman on the spot, and then cursed at him in front of all the courtiers.

   I didn't expect that this matter would reach my cousin's ears.

   "Cousin, don't listen to other people's nonsense about these things. If you want to know anything, you can ask my cousin, and my cousin will tell you in person."

  He tried to reach out, trying to get close to her.

  But in the next second, a sword directly blocked him.

   "Your Highness, please respect yourself."

  The obtrusive man is like a huge mountain, blocking Yun Si tightly,

   There are no dead ends in all directions, and no chance is given.

  Song Jingzhao's face has turned green, like a pig's liver, and has become a little ugly.

   "Cousin, you—"

  He looked at Fu, as if trying to suppress his anger.

   Is the cousin's person after all,

  If he didn't show face and dealt with him, I'm afraid my cousin would think too much.

  However, if he doesn't deal with it, how can his prince's majesty be released?

  A small guard dares to interrupt the conversation between the master and the master again and again, without knowing the rules at all,

   If he is not dealt with, others will only see his prince's jokes.

   The air froze all of a sudden.

  Song Jingzhao's face has been changing, weighing the pros and cons,

  Yun Si lowered her eyes and drank her tea slowly, very calm.

   She didn't reach out until she knew it was almost time, and pulled the tall and strong man back.

  (end of this chapter)

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