Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 447: I'm delicate (4)

  Chapter 447 I am very delicate (4)


   There was a sharp pain in her heart.

  Sharp pain, like being stabbed hard by a needle,

  She opened her eyes and covered her heart,

   There was a strong pain in my heart for no reason,

  The pain made her whole heart tremble, and she was so stuffy that she couldn't breathe.

   panic, restlessness, depression,

  Countless negative emotions flooded towards her like a tide.

  Yun Si frowned, pressed her chest, and tightened her fingertips.


   It hurts,

  It is not a physical pain, but a heartache in the soul,

  The pain made her panic, her chest felt empty, as if something had been ripped out.

  Yun Si took a deep breath, patted the carriage board,

   "Chun Xia, turn around! Go back to where you were just now!"

   Chun Xia was taken aback when she heard her voice, and then quickly responded,

   "Good lady."

  The carriage soon turned around again.

  Yun Si pressed her heart tightly, her face turned pale.

   "Miss, we are back here."

   Chun Xia said outside.

  Yun Si lifted the curtain of the carriage, and looked at the place where the pile was still gathered.

  Through the crowd, when she saw the person lying on the ground who was beaten helplessly, her eyes changed slightly.

   "Miss, what's wrong with you? How did you get down?"

  Yun Si suddenly held up her skirt and wanted to get out of the car, Qiu Li looked a little dazed.

  Yun Si didn't speak, and pulled out the sword from the guard's waist,

  Bright red dress, fast pace, frosty eyes,

  The crowd with quick winks immediately opened a way for her to avoid.

  "Little Miss" Chunxia and Qiuli trotted to keep up with her.

   Surrounding the beating group, a younger brother with sharp eyes saw Yun Si.

  He hurriedly pushed the elder brother's arm, "Big brother! There is a woman!"

   "What the **** is wrong with a woman!?"

  Brother Li was full of anger and had nowhere to vent. He yelled and turned around.

  The next second,

  The blade of the sword passed by like a cold light,


   A head fell to the ground.

  The man's body was already separated before he saw who was coming.

  The group of people was dead silent on the spot.

  The movement of the hands also stopped.

  Looking at each other, they seem to be frightened by this woman who came out of nowhere.

  The second master clenched the ax in his hand, and walked over without looking at the people on the ground,

   "You killed someone, do you want to die?"

   is trying to pass an ax,

   As a result, all the guards rushed up and surrounded them.

   "Dare to touch my lady!?"

  The guards of the prime minister's mansion are all strong and strong, with waists thicker than barrels,

  The cold blades in their hands have also been on the battlefield, all of them are real guys,

  The second master was immediately bluffed, and he didn't dare to go down with the axe.

  Under the veil, Yun Si curled her lips into a sneer, and threw the sword in the guard's hand,

   "I killed someone, then, see you at the government."

   "Come here, suppress them all to Tongtian Mansion!"

   "Yes!" The guard took the order.

  Yun Si walked straight past him, squatting down in front of the people on the ground,

  The people on the ground are all filthy, as if they crawled out of a stinky ditch,

  Even though he had been beaten in many places, he still held his breath, desperately supporting himself, trying to get up,

  Hands that can no longer see whether it is blood or dirt, the skin has already peeled off from the rough ground,

  He was obviously very weak and had no strength at all,

  (end of this chapter)

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