Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 409: Patronus Stories (4)

   Chapter 409 The Story of the Guardian God (4)

  The little princess was finally woken up by him.

  Slowly, he opened his eyes.

  The wet flaxen eyeballs are a little light in color,

  Like the color reflected by the sun shining on the sparkling sea, it is a very warm tone.

   Seeing him, she seemed to be stunned for a moment.

  The clean and clear big eyes reflect his face,

   Not loud or fussy, dazed, looking dull,

   It seems that he just woke up, and he is still a little confused.

  The sky **** Asmodeus watched quietly, his eyes darkened slightly,

   "Your Excellency's daughter... is really cute."

  He calmly said,

   "She, does she have a name?"

  The king breathed a sigh of relief, and replied sincerely,

   "Dear Your Highness Asmodeus, my child has no name yet."

   "Today is the 30th day since she came to this beautiful world. If you can give her a sacred name here, it will be the greatest honor in her life."

   Can get God's name and blessing, the little princess will be able to live a life of worry-free and happy.

   This is exactly what the king and queen expected.

  Asmodeus drooped his eyes and said nothing,

   Casually poked the little princess' fist.

  The little princess looked at him quietly with her big wet eyes. She was carved in powder and jade, and looked as beautiful as a doll.

   She didn't cry when he poked her fist, but she grinned and babbled silently,

  The one-month-old baby has no teeth yet, so his smile is so soft,

   It’s like the most delicate petals hidden in the flower buds. It’s grandma, and it makes people happy to see it.

   Seeing her smile, Asmodeus paused,

  The **** eyes, intoxicated like red wine, are faint, unable to tell what kind of emotion it is.

  Gloved hands, slowly upwards,

   seems to want to touch her cheek.

  The king and queen glanced at each other, but didn't speak.

  They thought that there must be special reasons for God's actions.

   Maybe it was Asmodeus who saw her future.

  The milky little princess blinked her big eyes, looked at the big hand that stretched out, and babbled softly again.

  She can't speak, she can only use this special tone to express her reaction,

  The big hand touched her cheek, with little force,

  The little princess seemed to feel the itch, giggled, and grinned again.

   Those light flaxen pupils are as clean as the sun and warm,

  Under the light of the crystal light, it is so bright and pure that there is no trace of impurities.

  It seems that the sunshine of the whole world is hidden in her eyes, beautiful and divine.

  The sky **** Asmodeus gently touched her face, and was silent for a long time,

   Probably because her eyes were too beautiful and dazzling, when he looked into her eyes, the **** eyes gradually became dark,

  After a long time,

   Slowly, he dropped the oracle, giving the deepest meaning,

   "Dear little girl, maybe you will like the name Jira."

   Jila, in the language of God, symbolizes the most holy sunshine,

   means pure and beautiful.

   He gave her tenderest blessing,

  The blessing that belongs exclusively to the sky **** will bless her, and her life will be as bright and beautiful as the light,

  With supreme hope and warmth, with God's blessing, happiness and peace.

  God Asmodeus tapped her forehead,

  A warm divine light melted into her body immediately,

  God's blessing, irresistible,

   He bestowed upon her the noble name, and the symbol of inviolability,

   This also means that he recognized her.

  (end of this chapter)

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