Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 407: The story of the patron saint (2) (plus more)

  Chapter 407 The Story of the Guardian God (2) (Add more)

  The king and queen sat on the highest throne, wearing noble coronation gowns.

  The queen hugged the little princess in her arms, smiling happily, her complexion as red as a rose,

  Everyone stood at the bottom, one by one in order, and sincerely sent blessings and gifts to the little princess,

  The king thanked them one by one, the crown on his head was shining under the light, and his figure was straight.

  The gate of the palace has not been closed, many people came to congratulate,

   Those who finished sending blessings did not leave,

  According to the arrangement, she quietly stood aside, waiting for the most important ceremony belonging to the little princess.


  When the sun has officially set and the sky is dark,

  In the bright crystal palace, there are already lines on both sides, full of people.

  The last person who delivered the congratulatory gift stood in the last vacant seat after the king favored him.

   Quietly, wait.

  This seems to be something everyone knows,

   Unanimously, waiting for the most important ceremony tonight.

  The king and queen obviously became nervous, holding the little princess in their arms and looking at each other.

  Inside the palace,

   It seemed that in an instant, everything became quiet.

  No one spoke, and no one dared to make small moves,

  The fireworks in the sky have also stopped in time.

   Quietly, everyone seems to be waiting for something.

  The dark sky is still sunny.

  A few thin clouds hung lightly on it, unable to cover half of the moonlight.

  The sound outside the castle also seemed to disappear at the same time. Everyone looked up at the sky, as if waiting for something.


  Outside the castle, a gust of howling wind suddenly blew.

   The wind and waves were extremely violent, and all of a sudden, the forest behind the castle was blown straight to the waist.

  The huge black wings spread out completely in mid-air, directly covering the entire sky,

  The gust of wind driven by it is like a knife, blowing on people's faces, and the pain is unbearable.

  The entire coastline is like a tornado, shaking the houses below slightly.

  A huge shadow soon enveloped the castle, bringing with it the aura of a powerful and coercive dragon.

  It is unbearable to have weak legs and surrender to him.

   High above,

  Heavy and frightening roar, spiraling down,

   It resounded through the sky, as if it could shake the sea level in an instant.

  Under the soft and bright moonlight like a veil,

  The firm dragon scales reflected the cold light,

  Sharp claws cut iron like mud, and a pair of blood-red eyes filled with extreme hostility,

  It hovered over the castle, as if looking for a target.


  It bent down like an arrow and rushed down.

  The huge black wings flapped and landed heavily in front of the gate of the Crystal Castle.

  The ensuing gust of wind crushed the steps completely,

  The red carpet also slipped down.

  People standing in the palace felt the breath of the dragon rushing towards them.

  Strong and invincible.

  Everyone bowed their heads piously and saluted with hands folded.

   the holy dragon, the noble **** of the sky,

  His arrival is to send blessings to the little princess.

   Only after receiving the blessing, can the little princess be protected by God and grow up healthy and happy.

   This is what everyone is looking forward to, and it is also the most anticipated scene.

  Outside the door,

  The dragon slowly retracted the huge wings stretched out,

  As the dust brought by the strong wind fell, the huge dragon disappeared.

   Standing at the door was a dark figure.

   walked in slowly, wearing pure white gloves on his knuckle hands.

  The knight's long black boots were wrapped up along the knees, and there were clear footsteps on the smooth ground.

  The mighty dragon—God's chosen **** of the sky, descended.

  (end of this chapter)

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