Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 337: Do not bully my son (58)

  Chapter 337 Don’t bully my son (58)

  A quarter of noon.

  Yun Si jumped down from the wall.

  I didn’t bring anything, and I was flexible and neat.

  The small courtyard has been covered with lawns, and when you jump off, it feels soft, fluffy and comfortable.

  Yun Si just stood up straight, raised her eyes, and saw a person standing quietly watching her in the corridor.

  Bright red gown, tall as jade,

  The long hair is no longer tied loosely with a hair band, but is replaced with a wooden hairpin, which is lightly tied behind her back.

  He didn't wear a veil, and his snow-white and cold eyebrows were even more amazed by the bright red filled with blood.

  The eyes are slender and slender, the arc is very smooth, and the end is slightly raised.

  Under the end of his left eye, there is also a light mole of blood-colored tears, which seems to be able to cover up his indifference, leaving behind that deep desire.

  His lip color has always been light, it is the lightest touch of pink on the pistils of peach blossoms in early spring,

   There are still scars on the corners of the lips, destroying the original beauty, but invisible, adding a bit of abusive feeling,

  While standing there quietly, thin and cold,

  Like the only proud blood plum in winter, blooming alone at the highest place, it is so beautiful.

   Yun Si's breathing became lighter immediately.

  My heart skipped a beat instantly.

  The originally peaceful mood suddenly seemed to be set off by a stormy sea, and the heart began to beat crazily.

  The scalding temperature came directly from the bottom of my heart.

   has been spreading, from the bottom of my heart to the whole chest,

  It seems that the whole chest is hot, and some emotions are almost gushing out.

  Yun Si never knew that he would look so good in red.

  He always likes to wear white clothes, or plain clothes,

  Long body like jade, every inch reveals pure white warmth,

  Like the snow lotus on the top of the mountain, sacred and noble, there must be no trace of profanity,

  But when he changed into red clothes and stood there quietly,

  The snow lotus is stained with the brightest blood color, losing its original pure white,

  It seems to be more stunning than the enchantress from the other side in hell, so beautiful.

   really is

  A perfect work of art without any flaws.

  Yun Si was amazed by his dress for a long time.

   Staying in place, looking at him, almost forgot to breathe.

  The beauty in red looked at her quietly without speaking.

   His brows were calm, without showing any emotion.

   After Yun Si recovered, she looked down at her red dress.

  Look at him, then at yourself.

  Finally, she seemed to have realized something, blinked her eyes slightly, and slowly smiled.

  Could red be worn for her?

  She walked over.

   At first, I walked slowly, not in a hurry.

  Later, he quickened his pace and started running.

  Go up the steps, and then hugged her up.

  Holded his thin waist, rubbed against him, extremely satisfied.

   "Young Master's outfit looks really good."

  It also feels very good in the hand, it feels slippery, and it is easy to take off at first glance.

  Little rogue Si said silently in her heart.

   "." Gu Zisu took a step back after being thrown by her.

  He opened his arms slightly, and put them in mid-air with some helplessness,

  After being hugged by Yun Si, his cheeks immediately turned red.

   Light pink, flooded.

  Especially after Yun Si hugged him, both hands kept touching him,

  Extraordinarily restless, very rogue behavior.

  Gu Zisu pursed his lips slightly, his long eyelashes trembling wildly, he wanted to hold her hand nervously,

  The voice is low and extremely weak,

   "Si Si, this is outside, it's not allowed"

  (end of this chapter)

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