Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3256: The last world (64)

At the beginning of the great war between gods and demons, the Demon Emperor was defeated and the demon army was completely defeated. They fled for their lives and were scattered throughout the six realms.

The morale of the demons dropped drastically, and they no longer dared to make trouble anymore. They settled down and peace returned to the six realms.

Until now, without the Demon Emperor, the Demon Clan people have been unable to make any big noise. They all shrink their necks, tuck their tails between their legs, and behave unreasonably well.

 But recently, these small strange phenomena have appeared... Although they haven't caused any big noise, it's hard for people to ignore them.

It always feels weird, and it always feels like those uneasy and well-intentioned demons seem to be planning something in private.

Yuan Xing reported the visions he had observed during these days to Jun Jiu Ge and stated his guesses.

He said: "With this strangeness, there is no guarantee that the demons will not take advantage of our unpreparedness and launch an attack."

"The emperor's enthronement ceremony and the wedding ceremony are coming soon. If the demons take the opportunity to cause trouble at this moment..."

 It must be something that no one wants to see.

Jiu Ge is naturally aware of the pros and cons, but...

The demon has not done anything harmful to the world yet - if he takes the first step and makes some actions at this moment, it will be unfair, his words will not be justified, and it will be easy for him to be criticized.

Standing quietly for a moment, he said calmly: "Continue to observe. If anything is wrong, report it to me immediately."

 “Yes, Your Highness.” Yuan Xing accepted the order.




 It’s the Chinese Valentine’s Day.

At this moment, the human world is different from the deserted world of gods. Every household is decorated with lanterns and colorful gongs and drums to welcome the Chinese Valentine's Day.

 Bright fireworks filled the sky, dimming the starry sky, and lion dances moved through the streets and alleys, moving their heads and tails.

Young men and women stepped out of their homes and crowded under the marriage tree in front of the temple fair, begging Yue Lao for his support in marriage. There was a lot of incense in the temple fair, and in front of the Yuelao Hall, all the crazy men and women knelt down.

 Such a grand and grand occasion, crowded with people everywhere, but Yun Si was not among them.

She was sitting on the eaves of a roof, bright and upright, hidden, looking down at the people under the house curiously.

It is the Chinese Valentine's Day, an auspicious day, and many families choose to have a happy marriage on this day.

Yun Si looked at the 囍 characters posted on the windows of the room, as well as the red damask hanging everywhere - the bride covered with a red hijab, supported by the maid, slowly walked down from the sedan chair and stepped into the door. Come to the main hall.

 “Bow down to heaven and earth—” the fat woman who looked like a matchmaker shouted.

On both sides were relatives and friends who came to congratulate each other, praising this happy marriage that was well-matched.

The voice was noisy, but it couldn't cover up the matchmaker's exceptionally loud and deep voice: "Two bows to the high hall—"

The bride and groom, dressed in bright red festive clothes, holding a heart-shaped knot, knelt down together to their father and mother sitting on the main throne.

 The elders were smiling and their smiles never stopped.

 “Good, good, good boy,” they said.


 The bride and groom worship each other, which means that the husband and wife respect each other, respect each other and love each other, and spend a lifetime together.

 After bowing, it means that they have become a real husband and wife.

Just listen to the matchmaker shouting: "The ceremony is completed-sent to the bridal chamber-"

The bride was about to enter the bridal chamber. Yun Si, who had witnessed the whole process, followed her with her eyes, staring at her beautiful red wedding dress without blinking.

This skirt...is so pretty.

"Do you want to?" The warm breath appeared behind her at some point and hugged her, speaking in a low and gentle voice. (End of chapter)

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