Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 328: Do not bully my son (49)

  Chapter 328 Don't bully my son (49)

   Yun Si stared at him for a long time,

   It turned out that his eyes hadn't moved or blinked.

  The fixed appearance, I don’t know if it’s good or not.

  Yun Si stroked his chin, then reached out and shook his eyes.

  He still didn't move.

  The eyeballs seem to be frozen there.

  Yun Si pursed her lips slightly, "Your eyes."

"Who are you?"

  Master Xueyi suddenly spoke out, his voice was calm.

  It is cool and refreshing, like pines and cypresses in the snow, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

  He looked at her quietly, and slowly loosened his clenched hands.

   resting on his legs quietly, it seems that even his body has relaxed.

  He raised his head slightly,

  The beautiful eyeballs are obviously light ink, but under the warm light, they look extremely dark,

  Brows are picturesque, lip color is light,

  It is still as clear as cedar, standing in the world.

   Half a month later, he hasn't changed much.

  Yun Si froze for a moment, blinked, and stared into his eyes.

   Probably realizing something, she stretched out her hand again, shaking it in front of his eyes.

   This time, his eyes moved and responded,

   Quietly glanced at her hand, then moved to her face,

"What are you doing?"

   It was still a very cool voice, slowly, inexplicably becoming very polite and alienated.

  Yun Si's hands paused slightly.

   After two seconds, she withdrew her hand.

  Put it behind your back and stop talking.

  He didn't seem to recognize her.

  Yun Si looked into his eyes and remained silent.

   After a while,

  She stood up slowly,

   Picked up the burden on the side and put it on his body.

   stared at him, a little depressed.

   Sure enough, they are all deceptive.

   I promised to recognize her, but—

  Yun Si squinted, her cheeks bulged slightly,

   Seeing his plain eyes, he was silent, and suddenly said coldly,

   "I am a flower picker, here to pick flowers."

  She paused, humming, with a hint of anger,

   "I have always heard that the eldest son of the prime minister's family has an all-powerful appearance, which can attract hundreds of flowers."

   "When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary."

   "Young Master is as beautiful as a flower, the little girl is very happy."

   "In that case."

  Yun Si leaned over slightly, pressed both hands on the armrests on both sides of the wheelchair,

   Slowly approaching him, staring at his eyes scorchingly, undisguised,

   "Young Master, why don't you just follow me?"

   "." Gu Zisu looked at her quietly, without speaking.

  The pitch-black eyeballs turned back to a light ink color when viewed from a close distance, which was very attractive.

  Facing her burning gaze, his eyelashes trembled,


  He turned his face slightly, as if avoiding her sight.

   Slowly, the tips of the ears seemed to start to turn red.

   With such a silent appearance, it is easy to bully at first sight.

  Yun Si was just flirting casually,

  But seeing his bullying appearance, he frowned slightly, and suddenly became a little interested.

  Raise your hand, caress his face slowly, draw your lips,

   "Sir, you don't go to bed so late, you must be lonely?"

   "How about letting the little girl love you and have fun with you?"

  Frivolous and hooligan tone, teasing words,

  He's just a skinless and shameless rookie, who flirts with him as soon as he gets started.

  The person in the wheelchair turned his face sideways and did not speak.

  Just the cheeks, slowly turning red.

   She was covered with a light cherry blossom powder, and her body tensed up slightly.

   Sitting in a wheelchair, he cannot retreat,

  The hands resting on the sides of the legs shrank slightly.

   was molested quietly.

  (end of this chapter)

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