Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3254: The last world (62)

 He did something wrong—because he was too self-righteous.

Jun Jiu Ge thought that he owed her a lot.

 He hurt her, and he must repay her.

 To atone for one's sins, one must repay everything that one has done and hurt her.

 Fortunately, after Qianfan passed away, she was still there - willing to stay with him and not leave.

 This was the grace she kindly bestowed upon him, and for once, he cherished it very much.

Seeing that she was still bright and clean, looking into his eyes with joy, Jun Jiu Ge smiled slightly, held her tenderly, touched her, and whispered: "If I have a chance, I will tell the story of how we met. , tell you the whole thing again, okay?"

 “Say it in full?” Yun Si blinked.

How to say this...as if she didn't know something about it.

 She is the one in the game, what doesn’t she know?

 “Do I need to say it again?” she asked confused.

 He hummed, "What you want to say, say it completely, once."

  Telling the process of falling in love with her, revealing, revealing everything.

Perhaps she may not like to hear it, but what he always has to say is to express his feelings over and over again.

 Speak of until she is annoyed, until she no longer sheds tears over it.

“…” Yun Si thought for a moment and nodded reluctantly, “Okay, you say it and I’ll listen.”

 Just listen to it as if it were a story in a novel.

Thinking of this, she arched her eyebrows and smiled brightly, "I'm very happy to see you for the first time. I'm glad to meet you."

 When she said this, a familiar picture flashed through her mind, as if...she had said such words somewhere.

The blurry picture flashed by, making her want to catch it but couldn't.

A strange thought flashed through her heart—did she... forget something?


  …    …

She seems to have indeed forgotten something. Yun Si often has such inexplicable thoughts.

 Familiar fragments, familiar words, and extremely familiar people around you—once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will begin to take root and sprout.

She often wonders, what did she forget? I always feel that I have forgotten a long period of memory.

This memory is hidden deep in her mind. It is not easy to find, but there are traces.

A few fragments flashed inadvertently, a familiar feeling, almost breaking free from the restraints and becoming free.

It's a pity that after thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't remember it - she always felt empty and disappointed.

 She did not tell Jiu Ge about this strange feeling. She couldn't remember it, so she thought it was just her illusion.

 She was too lazy to force herself, but she still had a great time.

 With the person she likes accompanying her and playing around together, she lives freely every day without any worries.

 She was happy, and Jun Jiu Ge was also happy with her. He followed her every day, like a shadow under the light, following her everywhere. Wherever she was, he was there.

Although occasionally, he would be in a trance, and when his brows were serious, he would be thinking about something, something that made him particularly concerned.

  When she was sleeping, he would touch her soft and warm cheek, lowering his eyes quietly, his eyes very dark.

He looked at her with extreme tenderness and pity, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

 In the silent night, he rarely falls asleep.

 Ever since that nightmare, he rarely slept.

 Most of the time, I hold her, stare at her, and think about things quietly.

I have been thinking about it for a long time, thinking about it, thinking about it... thinking about the morning, the sun rising, and thinking about her waking up from her sweet dream.

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