Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3231: The last world (39)

 Chapter 3231 The Last World (39)

“…” The beautiful fairy who was naughty and wanted to tease him was stunned.

 Standing in place, there was suddenly no sound.

  Originally, her original intention was just to tease him, and she didn't really want to get his answer - and for some reason, in her heart, she always felt that he was a very reserved and reserved person.

 He won’t say anything too straightforward.

 Many things can only be understood but cannot be expressed.

but now…

 She was a little surprised by the sudden admission. In surprise, she looked at him so close and her breathing stopped unconsciously.

 While holding his breath, his heartbeat began to speed up uncontrollably.


The beating sound was so loud that Yun Si began to worry that he would hear it.

It was very quiet. After his voice fell, the surroundings suddenly became very quiet, so quiet that he could hear his own breathing clearly.

His unfathomable purple eyes looked at her quietly, dark, unable to tell what his thoughts were, and light, as if covered with a thin layer of blurry ice.

There is not a trace of lust, nor a trace of evil thoughts that can be discovered.

It can make people slowly let down their guard unconsciously and lose their spiritual master. However, in a moment of clarity, it can make people feel the sinking of their own emotions.

 Strong contrast, exciting, and can make people clearly feel the danger.

Charming and dangerous, just like the cold yet poisonous pure white mandala. Once it is contaminated, the outcome is already destined, and there is no unexpected outcome.

“…” Yun Si looked at him blankly, and could feel that her cheeks were getting warm again.

 The feeling of heartbeat turns into concrete form, it is always so vivid and cannot be deceived at all.

Even if you can deceive others, you cannot deceive yourself.

She backed away suddenly, distanced herself, breathing rapidly, not daring to look at him at all.

 Failed to tease her, but was easily provoked by his words, and she was a little at a loss.

 Although she already knows a lot more about men and women than before, it is still theory without any practice.

She didn’t know what it felt like to have a heartbeat, but she also knew that she seemed to have a heartbeat, and there was a faint tendency to lose control.

This kind of uncontrollable and extraordinarily new feeling was not bad, but it was also difficult for her to adapt to it for a while.

She was quiet and glanced at him secretly, "You..."

With her cheeks red, the cunning and wicked fox suddenly turned into an innocent milk bunny.

Her eyes are pure, she looks clean, and she is very innocent—no match for him at all.

Jiu Ge looked at her and closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the thin ice haze in his purple eyes melted away, turning into a gentleness that made people completely unwary.

Hand out his hand, he touched her head gently, smiling, as tenderly as before: "I mean, you are always welcome here."

"If you are tired and want to find a place to rest, or if you are hungry or thirsty and want to come here for a cup of tea, that's fine. Just remember this place. If you have time, you can come and see me. I will be happy. Happy."

  He didn't want to scare her, nor would he force her. He wanted to take his time, start over, step by step.

He could show his feelings, but restrained himself from showing too much. He touched it gently and said warmly: "Let's rest for a while. We just finished eating. Sit for a while before leaving, so as not to accumulate food."

Coaxing her gently like coaxing a child.

 (End of this chapter)

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