Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3223: The last world (31)

 Chapter 3223 The Last World (31)

 I want to retreat, I want to be a turtle, but...

 After thinking for a long time, she took a deep breath and raised her head.

Hmm, she just took a look, secretly, just took a look.

 Trying to cheer herself up, she looked around like a thief.

There was no one around, not even a monster. As the only big monster here, Yun Si boldly stepped in cautiously.

The wind blew and gently blew up the hem of her skirt. The ground was very soft, as if she had stepped on a ball of cotton. It was incredibly soft.

Stepping into the peach forest, perhaps because the smell of strangers is too unfamiliar, the birds perched on the trees stand on the branches and look down. Under the tree hole, a snow-white rabbit quietly pokes its head out.

The little animals looked at her one after another, as if they were particularly surprised by her appearance - this was a monster, or a female monster, and it was really a rare thing to appear here.

This is the residence of God. Logically speaking, no monsters can step into it without fear of death.

 But this guy…

Yun Si is walking in the peach forest, with towering peach trees above, the fallen flowers lingering fragrance, the branches and leaves are green, the sunlight penetrates the peach trees and falls on the ground, the light and shadow are hazy, quiet and beautiful.

Walking here is like being in a dream, an illusory and addictive dream that makes people completely unable to believe its reality.

Like bubbles, pink, tender, bright and warm bubbles that I dare not touch for fear of breaking.

As we walked, gradually, the newcomers forgot about their timidity and the hesitation they had when they arrived.

The peach trees here are so beautiful, the land is so soft, and the smell in the air is so sweet, like sweet peach powder...

She likes it so much here that her eyes are bright and she observes everything around her, like a child full of curiosity, looking everywhere and not wanting to miss the next thing.

The falling petals were light. She raised her hand and caught one. She couldn't help but hold it in her hand and couldn't bear to put it down.

Touching here, looking there, there are no signs or roads in the peach forest. Stepping here is like stepping into the unfathomable sea - as she walked, Yun Si didn't know where she was walking. at.

 When she came back to her senses, she could no longer tell the direction from which she came.

The fallen flowers covered her footprints, and the wind blew away her breath. She stopped and looked around, like a child who had lost her way without knowing it. She didn't know how to be afraid, but she was still looking at it with wonder. Everything around.

 Walking, stopping, and following your heart.

Walking alone in it, she should obviously be afraid, but for some reason, Yun Si was not afraid at all—probably because the scenery was too beautiful, and the sunlight shining on her body was too soft, making her body and mind relax unconsciously.

 She walked, walked, for who knows how long.

Walking to an unknown place, her view suddenly widened, and a quiet courtyard surrounded by a low fence caught her attention.

Staying behind a peach tree that could block her body, she carefully poked her head and took a look.

 The big, beautiful and clean eyes, like those of a kitten, purr and turn, observing the small courtyard in front of them.

 The small courtyard is not very big. Compared with the residence that a **** should have, it is already very small and crude.

A short fence surrounded the simple and warm wooden house. Everything inside was neatly tidied and looked spotless.

There was no one in the yard, it was very quiet, and the gentle breeze blew the lanterns hung in front of the wooden house.

 (End of this chapter)

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