Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3221: The last world (29)

 It is indeed a mad dog, no matter how hard you get rid of it, you can't get rid of it.

The Taoist priest appears in front, and the bull demon chases behind - there is a jackal in front and a tiger behind, attacking from both sides.

Yun Si suddenly changed direction and slipped to one side.

 “Hey! Monster! Where to run!”

The Taoist priest was about to chase Yun Si, but when he took a closer look, he discovered that there was another bull demon.

The bull demon who is about to chase Yun Si:!

Seeing that something was not going well, he ran out of the way, not wanting to run into the Taoist priest.

Unexpectedly, the Taoist priest who insists that all demons must be taken away will not reject anyone who comes. He takes out a red silk, draws a talisman with sheep's blood, holds his wooden sword high, cuts it into two pieces, mutters something in his mouth, and begins to recite a curse.

 He changed his attention, and Yun Si managed to escape again.

This time she didn’t dare to stay or look back. She ran as hard as she could, leaving the human world and coming to the demon world.

There are no Taoist priests in the demon world, and the Taoist priests can no longer catch up. Yun Si is panting and about to relax.

Without thinking, she looked up and saw a group of monsters eating the corpse, looking at her.

 A ten-second death stare.

 “…” Yun Si retreated again.




The stupid goblin who was born in hell, after leaving the relatively warm and safe home, completely started a life of chaos and no peace.

When she went to the human world, she was chased by Taoist priests; when she went to the demon world, she was chased and beaten by powerful monsters; when she went to the demon world, even worse, the hungry demons almost pounced on her and devoured her.

 With such experience, Yun Si's escape skills became better and better, and her fights became more and more fierce.

If you can run, run. If you can't, fight. If you can't fight, keep running. If you can't run, set a fire and burn everyone. They will die together.

Because of this, Yun Si has made more and more enemies, so many that she can no longer remember them all. Her name became more and more famous. In order to kill her, her enemies spread the news that they could resurrect after eating her and their cultivation level would greatly increase. As a result, many people who were not her enemies acted like crazy. They all rushed towards her, bound to catch her.

In order to pursue and contain her, they even formed teams and cooperated with each other to force her into a corner and turn her into a turtle in a urn.

Yun Si was alone, hiding around like a little fox that was getting smarter.

  Sometimes after she gets rid of the people who have been chasing her, she goes out and plays in a big way, eating and drinking when necessary. When she has had enough fun, she will deliberately tease those who want to catch her.

Just like that, we keep playing the game of cat and mouse.

Although she sometimes feels a little embarrassed when being chased, she doesn't mind.

 A person who is used to being free will not care too much about these things.

 It's just that...sometimes, she thinks of the man in heaven.

 Especially at night, when she lay quietly on the grass and looked up at the sky, she often thought of him.

Think about what he is doing now, and wonder if he is also thinking about her -

 She kind of wants to see him, but...

She was not afraid of him, but she was afraid of his identity. She was afraid that when she saw him, she would not know how to speak or how to deal with herself.

 Should she kneel down? Kneel down, beg him for mercy, and bow down.

My thoughts are at a loss, my head is empty, and there is still no answer.

I can only continue to be a turtle...hide and don't think about it.

 However, even though she could not think about it, she could still inevitably think of him—she wanted to see him from a distance.

As soon as this thought came to her mind, she sat up suddenly.

Yes! She could peek at him.

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