Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3206: The last world (14)

 Chapter 3206 The Last World (14)

The gentle **** couldn't help laughing. He couldn't help but reached out and pinched her soft face.

I wanted to laugh out loud, but I knew I couldn't, so I could only suppress my laughter, hummed in response, and replied: "I know, you are a monster, a very powerful monster."

 “So, with you here, what should I be afraid of?”

He followed the example and said, "We are friends. Friends must love and help each other. How can we hurt each other?"

“…” Yun Si pinched her face, tilted her head slightly, and looked at him.

She didn’t know what his action meant—perhaps it was a friendly expression between friends, just like holding hands just now.

The warmth in her palm was still there. She lowered her head subconsciously and suddenly realized that he was still holding her hand and never let go.

"..." Looking at his hands and then at him, the air in her cheeks deflated and she hummed, "Okay, what you said makes sense, we are friends."

Even though she has transformed into a human form, she still doesn't understand many things in this world - she doesn't understand the difference between men and women, she doesn't understand secular etiquette, and she doesn't understand the differences between demons and gods.

Still in the ignorant stage, in her eyes at this moment, he is no different from her.

Although there seems to be a bit of hostility in terms of status, she doesn't mind it very much. Instead, she is happy because she has made a good friend.

After thinking about it, she opened her eyes and moved closer, looking at him under his big hat, extremely curious.

“You gods are so good-looking, much better-looking than the ghosts here.”

She gently stood up on her porcelain white toes and got very close to him. Like an extremely curious kitten, she raised her tail high behind her and got close to him, sniffing everywhere and recording the smell.

The indescribably pleasant, warm and light breath on his body particularly attracted her, like catnip, which was indescribably addictive.

She smelled, and the pleasant smell penetrated into her body along her nose - the turbid air in her body seemed to be dissipating, her chest opened up, and the nameless dry air that had been accumulated in her body seemed to have subsided.

 He smells so good, she...

 Smells so hungry. The **** goblin, who had never eaten human flesh, raised his eyes slightly and stared at the living **** who was very close at hand - he was watching her tenderly, neither hiding nor dodging, his deep purple eyes completely reflecting her.

 Her breathing was shallow, her lips were soft and attractive, and she opened them slightly, as if encouraging her to do more, silently encouraging her.

  “…” The innocent goblin felt that her body was starting to heat up again.

 It was hot, and the face that had just returned to normal temperature began to heat up again unconsciously.

 Her heartbeat began to speed up again, so fast that she felt a little stiff and at a loss.

 The two people looked at each other for a moment, and in the air, the deep and blood-spraying fragrance of flowers gradually became stronger.

  It is as strong as strong wine, intoxicating the heart and soul, and losing the mind.

 At such a close distance, the god's breathing was still steady, steady, and gentle, as if he had deliberately slowed down his breathing.

 He is restrained - if there are people nearby who know him well, they can tell at a glance.

 Her breathing slowed down, and the hand holding her tightened slightly.

The purple under his eyes is getting darker and darker, and his gaze is gentle and soft, faintly hiding the overwhelming **** that he has been restraining.

 Extremely patient, with a face as calm and calm as a Buddha.


He spoke warmly, gazing at the person in front of him who was as bright as a peach.

Her face was red, her ears were also red, the fragrance of flowers was strong, and her clean, watery eyes stared at him unblinkingly.

 Not moving, extremely quiet.

 (End of this chapter)

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